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Posted (edited)

Ok, 1.1 doesn't crash, it was only because of a 1.7gb file, files.7z in the program files folder ;)

Like the new UI in 1.2, but when selecting English (USA) some words are still Brazilian.

Edited by T D
Posted (edited)

I will go to verify the translation

More if somebody to want to help translating into other languages. to I finish it of the translation can safe it in the folder language it N-lite Add-on Maker with extension .itc


English (USA).itc


[strings]iProgFiles = Select folder with instalation Files:

iSelectProg = Installation File:

iZipCompress = Compress 7-Zip

iSilenceComm = Command for Silent Installation:

iEdit = Edit

iProgData = Description of program:

iDescription = Description:

iLanguage = Language:

iTitle = Tittle:

iVersion = Version

iHomePage = Website:

iBuildDate = Date of Compilation:

iCreateFile = Make File

iAbout = About ...

iEditSilComm = Edit commands to Silent Installation

iName = Name:

iCommand = Command:

iChangeSel = Modify Selected

iAdd = Add

iDelete = Delete

iClose = Close

iMessage1 = No folder was selected or files in the chosen folder do not exist.

iMessage2 = No program was selected in the list .

iMessage3 = The folder does not contain only one executable one!

iMessage4 = File created sucessful!

iOK = OK

iInfo = Informations:

iAtualAction = Current action:

iCompactZip = Compressing with 7-Zip ...

iCompileSFX = Compiling auto-executable SFX ...

iProcessInfo = Processing informations ...

iCompactCAB = Compressing CAB ...

iInitProcess = Initializing process ...

iDelTemp = Deleting temporary files ...

sorry my english is poor :blushing:

Edited by {_carnificina_}

Few very minor mistakes:

iTitle = Title:

iProgFiles = Select folder with installation Files:

iMessage3 = The folder does not contain only one executable!

iMessage4 = File has been created sucessfully!

V. good English though! :thumbup;)

Posted (edited)
i would say you have done something wrong :w00t:

you are putting the files you want nlite to cab in a separate folder

otherwise it will cab all the files around it as well

No it makes no difference the steam install in a folder on its own but it still does exactly the same thing. maybe someone could try it, it'd be great if i'm wrong so i can do it right these plug in creators are an excellent idea!.

Edit: forgot to mention the created cab files go into their own folder ready for integration.

Edited by m1ck

well it looks like the usual stuff you'd expect to find except for the filesize of the exe



what are you using to view inside the cab i use winrar and the size inside the cab is in bytes so for my adaware it says 6,913,788 bytes which is comes out as 6.54 mb

Posted (edited)
well it looks like the usual stuff you'd expect to find except for the filesize of the exe


It shows the folder that you used to make .cab

Adware.exe in winrar opens this to see what it has inside


1 -


2 -


Edited by {_carnificina_}
i think found a bug if you untick 7zip it keeps coming up the folder does not contain only one executable


it only takes away mark 7-zip if you already self-extract with the silent install command will have an archive inside


made self-extract with winrar

Posted (edited)
new nlite add-on maker. fix

fixed text

bug fixed.



removes previous versions before installing the new.

thanks for the update , its working for me now steam cab file is now at 767kb :thumbup

EDIT: this still wont compress adaware properly for me its been going now for the last 5 minutes or so...i've had to quit it just hangs

Edited by m1ck

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