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i came back to my pc to see it had been messed with (my freak of a mom) and somehow she has borked the hdd. well not really the hard disk, windows couldnt read from it properly so i ran chkdsk and sorted that but now windows is strange. it cannot seem to remember anything. for instance i set folder option to see hidden files click apply and it forgets it. i cant alter my start menu to display 12 latest run apps or show quick launch. all profiles are set completely to default as in like xp has just been installed but without remembering any changes u make. how do i fix it and whats up?

Also if i try to run some programs ie messenger it wont initialise and also when i try to view say windows directory it says that it isnt shown as default so i choose to view it and it does untill i try to view it again and it forgets my preference. it doesnt even have a user icon for me except at the logon screen it uses the chess image. never seen anything like it whats going on!?

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sounds like u got hard drive issue first try to use harddrive error dectors ie.go to the manufactors website and find a program which check if your harddrive is mess up if its not try formating and reinstalling windows if still not work it might be that your hard drive is f*** up

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i dont think that, that is the case i think my tables were messed up and now i have repaired them but that the windows user files are corrupt. i als have like no programs stored on the start menu. does anyone know where the restore points are saved to?

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I aint know wot the problem is but if it was to happen to me I'd re-install windows and create backup with all ur programs installed, nice tool is Norton Ghost, will set ur backup back in 3-5mins..(dont forget to copy all ur important stuff to 2nd drive/cd-r)

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Thank god my parents don't use my computer! :):rolleyes:

I used to let my brother use my computer and somehow he always locked the thing up solid. I was never able to reproduce what he did and he didn't know how he did it. Needless to say, when it comes to my computer no one touches it anymore except for me. The fact that I paid all the money [for all my systems] gives me the right to restrict the access, anyway.

As I now say when someone asks me to use one of my computers... There is being smart and mean and there is being stupid and nice. I'll be smart... No. I learned the hard way.

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It would be a lot easier to ask her to show you what she was doing and then go from there. However, if the user profiles are reset to default then she had to have admin privilages. Start with the admin control panel because it seems that your own admin account was changed. Since you do not have a restore point, and if it were my PC, I would run a fresh installation of XP. Yea, pain, but there are a lot of personal settings that will take too much time to repair. Schools out and babes are waiting Jay. :)

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there are 3 accounts all with admin privilages but she said she only unplugged the monitor and the printer so im like wtf!!!!i think ama run repair from cd. ive logged into the absolute admin and cant seem to find much either :) . im wondering where the restore point is saved as i cant run it from the start menu but there is a restore point set i just dont know where its kept in the system :S

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ok i reinstalled windows by deleting my current windows directory so i still have most of my stuff. however ive lost gig of music, well it was in my music folder i had in my previous user before reinstalling xp. now i have reinstalled xp and ive checked my old user account there is nothing in the "my documents" folder but my disk still has the same free space left. i think im gonna try r-studio to get back my data any help anyone?

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ok weird when i was using perfect disk i managed to find all my stuff in D:\found.001\dir0000.chk\ really really weird so basically i cut and paste it to the appropriate places. this must have happened when i ran chkdsk as it found the files and moved them. however i cant really explain why my user profiles were messed up and wouldnt remember anything but a fresh install of xp by deleting the current windows installion seemed to fix it. so problem solved.

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