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Problem with MS Paint


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I've just installed Xpize 4.2 MCE, it really freshend my computer :-)

But one little problem (or is it just me), when I open paint and try to change the color by typing the RGB value windows wil display 3 digits. But when you remove them en try to typ in a new value the third digit windows beeps. It seems only 2 digits are allowed. I've tried removing paint.exe from the Xpize list, but that doesn't work (is it an explorer.exe thing). In MSN Messenger (8/WLM whatever) the same problem occours.

Am I the only one wiith this problem or is it something global :-)

And removing explorer.exe isn't quiete the solotion I'm hoping for. So, does anyone else have an idea :-)



PS: Ow I'm running Win XP (dûh) SP2, dutch version.


Edited by Joostje
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This has been covered many times ull hav 2 revert all dialogues bk to use MS Sans Serif instead of Tahoma :)

It worked, thanks.

I bet I've missed those other posts...

no worries just was lettin ya know before everyone else starts tellin ya (some can be not very polite havin 2 constantly repeat stuff hehe ;))

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  • 3 months later...
Well... s***. What if I already removed the uninstaller files thinking this bug had been fixed? :P

What file did it tweak?

This bug cannot be fixed unless you talk to MS. In order to fix your problem, install xpize with none of the components checked, but do check the tahoma tweak option. Then run the uninstaller, check the tahoma option for uninstall (and the "remove uninstalller..." if you want). Restart.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It can't be fixed? Isn't there a way to have XPize change the sizes of the color picker editboxes?

Probably with resahcker, but it won't be "universal", that is, available for all languages

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It can't be fixed? Isn't there a way to have XPize change the sizes of the color picker editboxes?

Probably with resahcker, but it won't be "universal", that is, available for all languages

Why? Can't reshacker just alter the editbox size instead of replacing the entire dialog?

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