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I was wondering if its possible to save directly to cd-rw, e.g. from MS Word and MS Access etc, using the Save option. As its for my school work and id be often updating my save and it would be much easier to just save onto to disc that way rather than having to go to nero and burn over and over again.

Im sure ive heard this done before, but not quite sure, or maybe i misread.

anyway let me know, thanks


would could save it then get a cd burnder, like roxo or something (i think its called roxo :))

but most burners usually burn on media files :rolleyes:

would could save it then get a cd burnder, like roxo or something (i think its called roxo :))

but most burners usually burn on media files :D

im not questioning how to burn cds, as i use Nero.

Im talking about CD-RWs not a CD-R, as i need it for work and if im updating my save every 5 minutes, and im working on a document for 2 hours, its much easier to press Ctrl + s rather than saving the doc to my HDD and then manually burning using a CD Burning app such as nero.

By the way its Roxio :rolleyes: llama

I know that if the cd is formatted using Direct CD, part of the Roxio SW, it is possible.

true.. but downside is only cd burners can only read.. not normal cd roms

true.. but downside is only cd burners can only read.. not normal cd roms

not quite correct Doggie...as long as a UDF reader is installed it will read any disk that has been written with Direct CD.

not meaning to step on toes Bro...


INCD is Nero's packet writing software and if you have a Mt. Ranier capable CD-RW it only takes about 20 -30 seconds to initialize and it is ready to be treated like a floppy. I use Version 3.34. which works great. The new version that is out 4.01 does not recognize my new drive and will not load anything.


well ive installed inCD. however does it install a seperate app or is it just a program add on for nero...

i cant seem to find how its installed


It is a separate application that comes with NERO. When you insert a blank CDRW, it should ask you whether you want to use NERO or INCD and then if you pick INCD it will continue to format the CDRW for packet writing. :)

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