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[RELEASE] Nero 7 Lite / Micro v7.7.5.1


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You can get Mausau Audio plugins here

For full Nero help you have to download a separate package. They are not included in the Multi-language installer pack.

Thanks, I suppose that the antivirus plugin is also 3rd party, right?

And... I'm trying to add Nero Recode support.

If you could share your Nero Recode script I might add it to a regular build. The main reason I don't add Nero Recode, Vision Express, etc. is that I have not enough time to test all stuff for every release.

So if you are upto testing this stuff for every release I might create an installer for it.

I will revise Nero 7 Micro English tonight. It will fix the black screen and the Upgrade window. Thank you for all feedback.

Edited by hp38guser
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To hp38guser (sorry for my english)

Modif code source

add new function

AppVerName=Nero 7 Lite {cm:Version}

Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\Ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info; ValueType: string; ValueName: {code:GetNameSerial}; ValueData: {code:GetSerial}; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\Ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info; ValueType: string; ValueName: Version; ValueData: {cm:Version}; Flags: uninsdeletekey

;Nero LabelFlash
Root: HKLM; Subkey: Software\Nero\Shared32; ValueType: string; ValueName: LLS; ValueData: {app}\Core\LLS.dll; Flags: uninsdeletekey; Components: nero_core


// Search the name of SubKeyName Serialx_xxxxxxxxx
function SearchSubKeyName(RootKey : integer) : String;
Names: TArrayOfString;
I: Integer;
S, SubKeyName: String;
if RegGetValueNames(RootKey, 'SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info', Names) then
S := '';
SubKeyName := 'Serial7';
for I := 0 to GetArrayLength(Names)-1 do
S := copy(Names[I],1,6);
IF Comparetext('Serial', S) = 0 then
SubKeyName := Names[i];
Result := SubKeyName;

{ Edit3 }
Edit3 :=TEdit.Create(Page);
with Edit3 do
Parent :=Page.Surface;
Left :=ScaleX(160);
Top :=ScaleY(160);
Width :=ScaleX(211);
Height :=ScaleY(21);
TabOrder :=2;
if ExpandConstant('{param:Serial}') = '' then
if Spellkey(SearchSubKeyName(HKLM), '') = '' then
Text := 'Demo'
if not (Spellkey(SearchSubKeyName(HKLM), '') = ExpandConstant('{cm:EvalSerial}')) then
Text := Spellkey(SearchSubKeyName(HKLM), '')
Text := 'Demo'
else Text := ExpandConstant('{param:Serial}')

function GetNameSerial (Param: string): String;
Result := SearchSubKeyName(HKLM);

Edited by zorro1
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If you could share your Nero Recode script I might add it to a regular build. The main reason I don't add Nero Recode, Vision Express, etc. is that I have not enough time to test all stuff for every release.

So if you are upto testing this stuff for every release I might create an installer for it.

My intention is to release the code. Right now, I'm copying the Recode exe file and other basic stuff. It doesn't work: "Unable to load Nero Digital profiles. Recode is probably not correctly installed". I've tried to capture the files and registry keys, using installwatch, but ALL the registry info is not enough, gotta check the new files.

If anyone is willing to check the log (just the files), I will post it.

Maybe I'll try again tomorrow.


Got it! Got it! Got it! Got it! Got it! Got it! Got it! Got it! Got it!

I copied the full Common Files folder. I'll discover which exact files are needed


I've attached the full English script with a new component, Nero Recode. I've also tried to add a shortcut for Nero Burning ROM (i don't like express), but it doesn't work. Take note I've modified the ISSI Include Path. Tomorrow I will modify the base script and send it (or a diff) to hp38guser.


Edited by darks0ul
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To hp38guser (sorry for my english)

Modif code source

add new function

Thanks for your modifications. As you probably noticed I'm still learning coding, so any help is greatly appriciated :thumbup

I have adapted the changes into the Nero 7 Lite installer, so you can test hopefully today how it works.

@DarkSoul, I'm in the proces moving to Dreamhost with my stuff, and hopefully setting up my own torrent tracker. In about a month or so I'm able to distribute larger versions of customized Nero 7 installers. I'm willing to test Nero Recode / Nero Vision modifications, but you have to wait for an 'official' distribution.

Edited by hp38guser
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To hp38guser (sorry for my english)

Modif code source

add new function

Thanks for your modifications. As you probably noticed I'm still learning coding, so any help is greatly appriciated :thumbup

I have adapted the changes into the Nero 7 Lite installer, so you can test hopefully today how it works.

@DarkSoul, I'm in the proces moving to Dreamhost with my stuff, and hopefully setting up my own torrent tracker. In about a month or so I'm able to distribute larger versions of customized Nero 7 installers. I'm willing to test Nero Recode / Nero Vision modifications, but you have to wait for an 'official' distribution.

Hi, I've attached base script, aswell as Spanish script for Recode. Skarn's fix for the new features screen has been included too, but not zorro1's code.

I'm not asking you to use my modifications in your official builds, just take a look. I think some people have asked in the past for Nero Recode or Vision.

So here are the base script plus the spanish script. Thanks for making your scripts available!



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To hp38guser


Could You pls tell when You are planning to put lite nero on Your website?



it's already available.go grab it.keep up the good work hp38guser.thank you very much. :thumbup:thumbup

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Site not avail.... it says :

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Site not avail.... it says :

Error establishing a database connection

This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can't contact the database server at mysql5.freepgs.com. This could mean your host's database server is down.

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Same for me

Is there another link???



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Site not avail.... it says :

Error establishing a database connection

This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can't contact the database server at mysql5.freepgs.com. This could mean your host's database server is down.

  • Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
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The same here...

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