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I have Nero v6 configured for silent installation. With all the problems involved in getting Nero v7 to install silently, I ask myself if the functionality gain is worth spending the extra money to upgrade.

I'm only interested in the main Nero burning software, as far as I'm concerned the rest is bloat. The question is, how much extra functionality does version 7 have over version 6 when it comes to File and/or ISO burning? Do I really want to spend the time re-installing manually, over and over? (I do complete unattended reinstalls frequently)

Thanks in advance for all opinions.


Nero 7 suck it's a tentative to copy easy cd creator, You should really stick with 6 wich is very good and still got update. :thumbup


Let me rephrase your question for you...

What do you need your CD burning program to do?

Burn Data CDs?

Burn Audio CDs?

Burn VCDs?

Burn Multisession Discs?

Burn Data DVDs?

Burn Video DVDs?

Copy discs?

Burn CD/DVD Images?

Encode audio tracks?

Nero 6 does all these for me... I can't really think of anything else I need my DVD-RW drive to do... :)

Oh... and the installer for Nero6 for me is 16MB. :thumbup


Mine (Nero is 17 MB with WaveEditor (need it for converting sound files between formats).

And yes, I have tried Nero7. Its not an improvement over Nero 6.6!

All it does, is it has the Package1,Package2,Package3,Package4 all in one place. And Nero7 is too huge, and has no easy way to install unattended. I might go so far as to say, I suspect that Nero7 is a marketing plan (to prove that Nero is as bloated as Easy Media Creator 8). In REAL terms of REAL functionality differences, there's NO difference for me. Nero7 does nothing new, it has nothing that wasn't present in 6.6!

I am happier with Nero 6.6 & will stick with it for sometime atleast. So yes, you know where the vote is! ;) All posts till now in this topic, say that Nero7 sucks.


I have tried both Nero 6 and Nero 7 to burn the same video file to DVD. Nero 7 sux. It burned perfectly in Nero 6 and with Nero 7 I got a buffer overflow error. I repeated my experiment-same-.

Conclusion stay with Nero 6


Only way they can get you to upgrade is to add more and more . . .

Already I'm freezing my upgrade cycle on a bunch of programs. I drew the line at PaperPort 9, Nero 6 and Win2k.

They do what I want, and I ain't paying for more


I use Nero 7, and I think it is better than Nero 6. Its new feature is 'Ultrabuffer' which is responsible for faster CD burning. I download only the Nero Burning Rom (33~35 MB download). Its use better interface than Nero 6.

These are my personal opinions, but others people in this post are seems to be against Nero 7.



I don't like Nero 7 !

IMO Nero 7 = Nero 6 + (Super duper cool colourful memory hog UI) + ridiculous bloat + lots'a little bugs to keep the fun from dying !!

and a 100 MB download to boot!!

How better can it get !! I'm sticking with Nero, works perfectly and not bloated :thumbsup:


I cemented a 10 foot wall, 6 feet thick at v6.6.0.18. All I do is burn Data DVDs, occasionally copy a rented movie, and burn nLite ISOs to a CD-RW. My Nero is also NCabbed (everything removed).

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