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Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware Beta 1.0.701


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I cleaned up the shortcuts by directly editing the .msi file and it works fine. The problem I am having is that the first time you run the app itself it wants to go through the wizard still. I can't seem to preset the options the way I would like (novice user and disable the script agent).

I've done the RegShot routine to get the registry changes, etc. Why do they need to make this thing needlessly difficult?

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I cleaned up the shortcuts by directly editing the .msi file and it works fine. The problem I am having is that the first time you run the app itself it wants to go through the wizard still. I can't seem to preset the options the way I would like (novice user and disable the script agent).

I've done the RegShot routine to get the registry changes, etc. Why do they need to make this thing needlessly difficult?

have you try boardbabe way to install it? i believe with her way you dont see the wizard...

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Why do they need to make this thing needlessly difficult?

I concur. Edit: Looks like the settings are held in a .gcd file called "gcUserData.gcd." When MSAntispy is uninstalled from a system, this file and eight (8) other .gcd files are left behind behind in the Microsoft AntiSpyware directory (so much for a clean uninstall). I noticed that when uninstalling the old version and then installing the new version--where the directory remnants remain in place--my settings where preserved. After experimenting with the nine .gcd files that are left behind, I found that I could 1) uninstall 2) delete the Microsoft AntiSpyware directory completely 3) reinstall 4) copy only the gcUserData.gcd file into the fresh install directory. Upon first launch, the setup walk-through is skipped and all of my settings are configured. Nice. Must test this on a clean install.

Edited by blinkdt
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I'm going to try some experimenting with those config files.. maybe see if I can shove it in my switchless installer. <sigh> Going through all this grief for something that's beta to begin with. I sure hope they don't make things even worse in the final release.

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yeah like ..u hav to buy it..hope it will be freee..

:P Yeah, I believe this was a somewhat costly program before Microsoft bought it and started giving it away to save all of those Windows boxes from the closet.

Update: I can confirm that copying the lone gcUserData.gcd file to the Microsoft AntiSpyware directory worked for me on a fresh install. Very nice. Picking up on BoardBabe's method, my WPI entry looks like this:

cmd1[pn]=['"%cdrom%\\Programs\\MSantispy\\Microsoft AntiSpyware.msi" /qn']
cmd2[pn]=['"%PROGRAMFILES%\\Microsoft AntiSpyware\\gcasDtServ.exe" /regserver']
cmd3[pn]=['%cdrom%\\AutoIt3.exe %cdrom%\\Programs\\MSantispy\\settings.au3']

where settings.au3 is an AutoIt script that does the job of copying the file:

AutoItSetOption("TrayIconHide", 1)
AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 4)


FileCopy( @ScriptDir & "\gcUserData.gcd", @ProgramFilesDir & "\Microsoft AntiSpyware")

I did notice that some of the other eight .gcd files are updated when certain settings are configured. For example, I like to run deep scans and three of the eight where changed together with gcUserData when I saved that setting. But I only copied over the gcUserData file during my virgin install and everything appears OK. All of my settings were preserved and the progam runs just fine.

@RogueSpear: I will be using this method for the foreseeable future and will report any problems back here, but none are anticipated. If this works as planned, then we are set until at least July 2006, so I figure it's worth the up front effort, eh?

Edited by blinkdt
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Did you swampy? :S

Thanks for letting me know - seems they didnt sort that out of this new version grrrrr

I'll repack it later on then :)

Just so people who have posted on this thread know, but dont have a dig please - i was only providing one way of installing it [that now needs some revision lol ;)]

I repack them like this *primarily* for use when installing them on a already installed copy of windows. I *try* and make them so you can use them in a runonce-type of situation, so go easy on the comments please :)

I'll update the first post later on when I've had some sleep :)



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No probs, thanks for the effort. Luckily my autoit from the previous version still works gracefully.

i have give the topicstarter his packet a try and dont come across the error 101. i use WPI to install my programs. maybe is this a important difference? (now i am using boardbabe way, works fine too, dont see any wizard and it is running immediality (i have to recheck it again but i dont have time right now))

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Ok, I think I finally got it. Hoping some of you might be willing to test this out. This is a switchless silent installer of V1.0.701. There is no need to execute any command line options after the installer either. The configuration differs from the default as follows: novice user, script blocking agent is disabled, and there is no connectivity to SpyNet.

Microsoft AntiSpyware - 4.56MB

MD5: E7426C174DA63260B1337035A4C786D6

Edited by RogueSpear
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