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Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware Beta 1.0.701


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Hi all

Just a note more than anything but I've just repackaged it using a silent switch and it works when you load it up for the first time [after a reboot that you choose hehe].

msiexec /qb /i "Microsoft AntiSpyware.msi" REBOOT=ReallySuppress

Use the above in a wrapper and it works lovely :)

Run the downloaded setup file first of course to extract the files into a temp folder in your profile and you can then do the above :)

Or if you cant be bothered, see my apps site [see sig] and get it from there :)

EDIT: Get it from the green box on my site where it says "Latest ver from here >> Click me <<" as I havent time to fully update the page right now.



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msiexec /qb /i "Microsoft AntiSpyware.msi" REBOOT=ReallySuppress

How can that work? The /qb needs to be after the msi filename.

31 December 2005 MS AntiSpyware will stop and do nothing anymore, you have to be upgraded to the new version which is called another name (a name like defender or something that).

i stay get in troubles to install this app and i remove it from WPI. (101 error). it is still a deathending way. (do i say it correctly?)

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Guys - have a bit of faith please lol

I meant to add the following to the first post but it was a quick job before going to the doctors hehe

On the latest software news list on the front page:


And a direct link to the MS page:



AFAIK It doesnt matter where the switches are really so long as the syntax is correct, besides, i wouldnt have posted the code above if it hadnt worked lol ;)


Its a new beta refresh - check the version number ;) - and this one [AFAIK as it freshly installed for me] doesnt have the 101 problem (or need the workaround that i hear you could do with the older versions]

I think with the new version codenamed defender they have planed, they wont be releasing it anytime soon as this new beta doesnt run out until July 31st 2006.


See above :D

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Its a new beta refresh - check the version number ;) - and this one [AFAIK as it freshly installed for me] doesnt have the 101 problem (or need the workaround that i hear you could do with the older versions]

I think with this new version codenamed defender, they wont be releasing it anytime soon as this new beta runs until July 31st 2006

ok. didn't know that... will give it a try :)

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Quite right - at least, with the package i made, i didnt need to ;)

If that was to start it after install, then yes, you may need to do it. This is what i tried:

- The above code installs the package.

- I then rebooted the machine and it loaded into the system tray on bootup into windows.

- When I double-clicked the desktop icon, it brought up the "wizard" that you get on first run

- after answering the questions, the main program loaded up fine with no errors.

Hope that clears it all up for you [and everyone]


I use IExpress but yes, but all you need to install it is the code in my first post. The code that boardbabe mentions is no longer needed AFAIK [it wasnt when i tried it :)]

I havent tried it on a UA XP CD - either thru actual install or thru VM - so I cant say 100%, but from what i tried i.e. getting rid of all traces of the old version then trying the new version [that i've packaged], it worked lovely and on loading, it never gave the 101 error of old :)

Please let me know if it doesnt work when using it with a UA and let me know any messages you get :)



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ahhh lol there we go then :)

I havent tried it with this version but if you've tried it [if ya havent, post back with the results] then we'll assume it's addable to the list.

You've got me thinking now hehe.... more on that to come ;) ;)

Cheers bb :D


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Uhm, okey :whistle:

Here's how I install it through WPI.

cmd1[pn]=['"%cdrom%\\PROGRAMVARE\\MSANTISPYWARE\\Microsoft AntiSpyware.msi" /qn']
cmd2[pn]=['"%PROGRAMFILES%\\Microsoft AntiSpyware\\gcasDtServ.exe" /regserver']

Works flawless. :thumbup

-WinXP Pro SP2 NOR (all hotfixes)

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Uhm, okey :whistle:

Here's how I install it through WPI.

cmd1[pn]=['"%cdrom%\\PROGRAMVARE\\MSANTISPYWARE\\Microsoft AntiSpyware.msi" /qn']
cmd2[pn]=['"%PROGRAMFILES%\\Microsoft AntiSpyware\\gcasDtServ.exe" /regserver']

Works flawless. :thumbup

-WinXP Pro SP2 NOR (all hotfixes)

ahh... you dont use the exe which topicstarter have created... are there difference between your and his packet?i have give his exe a try and i see i have to click at the icon at desktop to get it working, but my problem is i cleanup my whole desktop so no .lnk will stay. do your way also need to click on a icon to get it working?

edit: do i need more than the msi, do i need the 3 ini files and a bmp file?

thanks for your fast reply btw


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No, you only need the .msi file.

My method seems to work flawless. You do not need to click any icon, and MS AntiSpyware runs as normal as a background service, also with icon in systray after final reboot (or first boot after installing). Why make it more complicated than it needs to be? ;)

Only thing you might wan't to do is clean the shortcut's from start-menu an desktop, if you do not wish to keep those.

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