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Informative site about ebaumsworld


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Probably just some idiotic teenager jealous of the popularity of eBaum's site. CollegeHumor.com gets most new funny clips before eBaum's World does, but there's a lot of cool content that makes it a great site. I tend to ignore any www.<insertnamehere>sucks.com/org/net sites because of how immature it is to even have your website named that, it's so biased and the owner of the site is obviously jealous for one reason or another.

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Probably just some idiotic teenager jealous of the popularity of eBaum's site. CollegeHumor.com gets most new funny clips before eBaum's World does, but there's a lot of cool content that makes it a great site. I tend to ignore any www.<insertnamehere>sucks.com/org/net sites because of how immature it is to even have your website named that, it's so biased and the owner of the site is obviously jealous for one reason or another.

Actually it's based upon facts. Not hard to see it happen either. Do some research, you'll be surprised.

Adding more:

It's a move in the right direction too. The SA community doesn't like seeing people's work getting ripped off. They're making a stand with this flash and mp3. How would you feel if you made a nice piece of work and eBaums hosted it; when you didn't want it on their site?

Read the eBaumsWorldSucks.com facts page too.

Another addition:

Did you read the end segment?

"We've never been the biggest fan of eBaums, seeing as he is making a living off of thievery, but he crossed the line when he posted malicious code on the front of eBaumsworld, which caused anyone visiting his site to call pages from Somethingawful, wasting bandwidth. This was a direct attack, which is ILLEGAL, and it's sad to know that it will go unpunished.

You know at the bottom of eBaumsworld where it says you can ask to have your content removed? They just ignore the e-mails. All admins, owners and moderators of eBaums are scam artists, whether or not they thing so.

Spread the word about eBaum, it may be true we won't be able to shut him down, but I'd like to be partially responsible for him making less money."

The bolded statements are true. The SA forums went down for two days to guests because of what eBaums did. I'm sure any SA goon can vouch for that.

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I apologize. :hello:

But it still does suck when people name their sites similar to that out of pure jealousy. I shall read now.

No need to apologize, it's quite understandable. :D

It's funny how they really sock it to eBaums, yet are also being informative at the same time.

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I don't know how many times I have seen a picture or a set that have had a second name put on them and sometimes they don't even bother to erase the first. They just write over the top of it. And how about the number of times you can see a vid or picture with one website's name on it, like it was theirs and on another there won't be anything written on it at all. Cheesy. Just another form of piracy.


Like this vid that Aaron points to. Here.

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i like the movie, it would be better if you could understand everything he says, such a strange voice. i personally hate ebaum's world.

ebaums world is one of the best sites there is (Not the best site just a very good one). Who cares if he stole things from other people. It happens and if it wasnt for ebaums world i would not have had alot of great laughs.

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Who cares if he stole things from other people. It happens and if it wasnt for ebaums world i would not have had alot of great laughs.

Stealing someone else's property, passing it off as your own, making a profit and not compensating the owner all matter. A lot of people care. It's important to say the least.


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Who cares if he stole things from other people. It happens and if it wasnt for ebaums world i would not have had alot of great laughs.

Stealing someone else's property, passing it off as your own, making a profit and not compensating the owner all matter. A lot of people care. It's important to say the least.


Thousands of people have taken others stuff and calling it their own. Everyone does it. Pictures and vids on ebaums i have seen on alot of sites.

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Thousands of people have taken others stuff and calling it their own. Everyone does it. Pictures and vids on ebaums i have seen on alot of sites.
I have seen things posted on many sites also. It still isn't fair if it's stolen.
He also could of got permisson so he could put someone eslse picture/video/game on his website.

He could have but it has been pointed out that ebaums makes a habit of taking without permission and branding it as if it were their own work.

Sometimes it's nice to be able to go somewhere and find what you are looking for and not have to hunt all over the internet. Well, sometimes it's fun just browse and hunt just to see what else is out there.

What people are doing when they take stuff off of other people's sites is no different than someone reaching into your pocket and taking $20 without your permission or slipping a game cartridge into their pocket when it belongs to you. If someone asked you for $20 and you gave it to them or they asked to borrow your game cartridge and you said 'sure', then it would be different. How would you feel if you mowed someone's yard and then someone else went and collected the money saying that they did it? It's really the same thing.

The harder it is for you to get money and the more things you are responsible for paying for, the madder you will get about theft. By viewing the 'stolen' property on someone else's site, people can end up shutting down the site that originally produced the work and then there won't be any more of that to see. Some people, like myself though I'm not a good one, who take photographs, get really angry whey someone else doesn't give them credit for what they did.

Ok, I'll get off of my high and hypocritical horse.


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