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w2k, ie6, and wmp


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ok...this may seem sooo newb to anyone reading this, but is it even possible to integrate/slipstream ie6, and wmp 9 or 10 (if 10 is even supported in 2k.. last i checked, it wasnt..) into the 2k pro installation...without using runonceEx or svcpack.inf..

what would be the best method, if not a direct integration? please tell me if i'm just p***ing in the wind here...


and now that i think of it, what about directx 8 or 9?

Edited by joll69
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Check out the HFSLIP subforum. HFSLIP does all of this and it also integrates hotfixes for them and Windows. It also lets you install other programs (like TweakUI) at something like runonceEx.


No. He wants direct integration! o_O The kind of integration that makes you go CMD KB######.EXE /integrate:D:\2KADV and you do a total overhaul of flawed files. :) IE isn't like that, but the setup for IE can be run in the background during setup. The only problem is it interferes with DirectX if you try to integrate DX9C as well. The problem of just doing hotfix integration is that Windows 2000 doesn't come with IE6, so regardless of using it or not, you break Outlook and a nasty error pops up even in a FullUnattend. It's something that p***es a lot of people off and so far I can't think of any way around it other than slipping IE6SP1 setup into the background during setup. Replacing files could work, but I would have a hell of a time doing it manually(finding what files go where, editing the setup INIs, compressing files...testing for three or four days to find out what else broke...). It's really lame. :( XPCREATE seems to do what I want perfectly, but so far it doesn't seem to work at all on Windows 2000 Advanced Server. I know Professional accepts it, server is supported, but Advanced Server....:(

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If you want to slipstream your stuff, go with HFSLIP. It pretty much does it all; for W2K: IE6, OE6, WAB6, DX9C, WindowsUpdateAgent & WindowsGenuineAdvantage and the rest of the other updates. If you're crafty, you can create a CMD file and HFSLIP will parse the CMD file(s) during the installation. You can even do reg tweaks too.

Edited by tommyp
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HFSLIP directly integrates it all. I must have confused you. It does the runonceEx to other programs, NOT IE6/DX9. Just be sure to have the latest version.


No it doesn't! o_O

If it was directly integrated, you'd hear a lot of nothing because people would have more problems with HFSLIP than updating their distribution configurations every second Tuesday of the month. I've asked more than a reasonable amount of times if anyone has found a way to successfully reforge IE6SP1 into Windows 2000 installations and so far NO ONE has been able to do that. If it was directly integrated, I could:

Install Service Pack 4

"directly" integrate IE6SP1 into Windows 2000

Integrate non-slipstreamable hotfixes using HFSLIP/XPCREATE


Manually integrate all slipstreamable hotfixes post SP4

Forge new ISO compilation

Install with IE6SP1 preinstalled

Only see Windows Update gripe about the ActiveX control used on the site and nothing else

But that isn't what happens. Instead over half of the manual work is sacrificed because IE6SP1 is not slipstreamed into the installation. If it was, I wouldn't see IE5 every time I install and Windows Update wouldn't be griping for about 50MB of hotfixes.

What I want is a way to directly inject IE6SP1 from the beginning. Make it a permanent part of the distribution that doesn't require help from 3rd party junk like HFSLIP and XPCREATE because they do a lot of nothing for that kind of work. I want an up-to-date distribution that I can quickly update when the need arises without these aggrevating programs(HFSLIP doesn't do what I want while XPCREATE does a little more and is incredibly time consuming). I guess what I'm saying is I want to do this the hard way so that there won't be a hard way in the future. :}

Edited by Daemonforce
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@Daemonforce - Can you do yourself a favor and run HFSLIP and then take a look at the SVCPACK folder. Do you see a folder full of hotfix executables and IE6 installers? I'll bet you don't. HFSLIP slipstreams right from the beginning and applies the appropriate registry entries for what you want to slipstream. Why don't you test things out before you convict programs are junk.

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Sorry man, but I have doubt you have even tried HFSLIP.

Please follow these simple steps (it is not an unattended installation, just for ensuring you):

1. Download these files first:

- hfslip.zip;

- BRANDING.CAB - from IE dist.

- IEW2K_1.CAB - from IE dist.

- IEW2K_2.CAB - from IE dist.

- IEW2K_3.CAB - from IE dist.

- IEW2K_4.CAB - from IE dist.

- MAILNEWS.CAB - from IE dist.

- OEEXCEP.CAB - from IE dist.

- SCRIPTEN.CAB - from IE dist.

- WAB.CAB - from IE dist.

- Windows2000-KB891861-v2-x86-ENU.EXE (it mentioned that this hot-fix is needed for slipstreaming IE).

2. Run HFSLIP.CMD first time and place files in created folders accordingly:

- HF - Windows2000-KB891861-v2-x86-ENU.EXE

- HFCABS - all CABs for IE;

- SOURCE - i386 (W2k slipstreamed with SP4!).

3. Run HFSLIP.CMD again.

There will be SOURCESS folder created. Look in it - could you find IE6SP1 in here? All files are dissolved in distributive :yes: All like you want to do manually.

4. Create your disk from SOURCESS folder (don't forget to do it bootable).

After installing run IE and look at About menu. What can you see?


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Daemonforce OK!

Please don't forget to include the hot-fix (Roll Up) I mentioned. I'm not sure but somewhere on fdv's page I read that it is needed for integrating IE6. Or maybe he meant it is an important hot-fix :unsure:

The source should be slipstreamed with SP4 and the resulting distributive should be installed from CD-ROM.

And don't include other programs first time. The purpose is to slipstream IE6 SP1 first (if you mess with folders and add other installers it may not work as designed :no:

Edited by Oleg_II
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Daemonforce OK!

Please don't forget to include the hot-fix (Roll Up) I mentioned. I'm not sure but somewhere on fdv's page I read that it is needed for integrating IE6. Or maybe he meant it is an important hot-fix :unsure:

The source should be slipstreamed with SP4 and the resulting distributive should be installed from CD-ROM.

And don't include other programs first time. The purpose is to slipstream IE6 SP1 first (if you mess with folders and add other installers it may not work as designed :no:

No. The rollup isn't needed. If it wasn't needed three months ago it isn't needed now.

Now I'm going to attempt to manually integrate the rollup and all following hotfixes without breaking the installation.

The one annoying thing I find about HFSLIP are the several HFSLIP entries in the i386 folder. Is there any way to clean these up and force the HFSLIP popup into the background? Or is HFSLIP still doing what I have been complaining about for the past two weeks? :rolleyes:

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HFSLIP will still generate those HFSLIPxx.inf files. Can you think of a better way to make registry changes without adding or modifying a file? I'll bet you can't. I'll bet most computer guys can't. Once HFSLIP is installed, it will leave very little behind on your harddrive (I think it's 3 or 4 files or 4kb). However, if you installed IE6 the old fashioned way, the microsoft installation will deposit far MORE files on your drive (more like 15meg). If that window bothers you too much during installation either look away or turn your monitor off. Countless others do not have problems with that dos window that pops open.

Oh, and you DO need the rollup for a proper IE6 slisptream.

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HFSLIP will still generate those HFSLIPxx.inf files. Can you think of a better way to make registry changes without adding or modifying a file? I'll bet you can't. I'll bet most computer guys can't.

How about forcing it into the hive? That's what I'm going to do with the custom recovery environment when I'm done updating all this crap. =/ Then again that's not 2K.

Once HFSLIP is installed, it will leave very little behind on your harddrive (I think it's 3 or 4 files or 4kb). However, if you installed IE6 the old fashioned way, the microsoft installation will deposit far MORE files on your drive (more like 15meg). If that window bothers you too much during installation either look away or turn your monitor off. Countless others do not have problems with that dos window that pops open.

Oh, and you DO need the rollup for a proper IE6 slisptream.

Alright...I'll attempt to put the rollup with HFSLIP. I just tried updating the hard way and the GUI installation would hang.

After 9 days I'm considering giving up on the Windows 2000 platform entirely. :(

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Strange :wacko: Could you post ERROR_REPORT.TXT for tommyp please?

It's working here and many persons did that. And setup shouldn't hangs because of HFSLIP - if something wrong with integrating it just won't integrate but Windows should installs.

The script doesn't alter any files importand for setup and just can't corrupt anything. You probably found that it only unpacks hot-fixes or CABs, place updated files in distro and adds some INFs with tweaks there. If something can't work it can be only a hot-fix or integrated item. Not Windows itself.

One thing I just thought: could you open rollup and all CAB files with WinRar and extract in a folder? Any errors extracting files? It is possibe that one or a few of these files are broken during the download (it happens with me often and I have to examing this way). Or you may have a corrupted distributive (it also happened with me - CD-ROM was damaged and just didn't work).

As for INF. It is probably possible to include all the settings in HIVEs but it totally depends on what you are integrating. HFSLIP is universal - some people want IE6 integrating, some not; some will integrate DirectX 9C, some stay with version 7; some place all hot-fixes as specified on fdv's page, some omit some hot-fixe or place even more. And integrating HIVEs should be done manually and if you make mistake there... And not all of us are computer specialists (I'm not :P

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