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HFSlip & NLite ?


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Nlite - which I had formerly been testing to create Win2K ISO's, until I chanced upon HFSlip through much Forum browsing. I see Nlite is mentioned a few times (mostly in passing) in the 2Ksp5.html walkthrough.

I was wondering about some recommendations? What might one still use Nlite for if starting their source w/ HFSlip. As it seems to me Nlite would likely bastardize HFSlip's settings... or do they actually work well together? Am a bit confused :-)

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oh, believe me, they work fine together.

see step 11? you can run nlite on SOURCESS when you reach that step.

in other words, you slipstream ie 5 or 6, media codecs and perhaps player, directx 9, run HFSLIP, then run nLite.

there are some folks who prefer to just rip the bloat out of windows in one step -- that's where my files come in. you add them to the directory named after me (this would be instead of using nLite). this removes a TON of junk in one easy step.

i suppose i should disclose that i set a bunch of security measures, too...

i make it simple to close NetBIOS over TCP/IP (look in NETTCPIP.INF)

DCOM will be shut off, preventing possible exploits

TCP/IP will be hardened against some DDOS attacks and malformed packet attacks. (I added settings that NIST recommends)

Port 135 will be closed by default

Scripting exploits and ActiveX exploits simply won't work

i turn off remote registry editing service by default

i turn off windows 'popup' messenger service by default

Edited by fdv
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So what do you use the 2 for? as a number of their features overlap each other

Like do you prefer driver integration w/ Nlite or HFSlip?

Removing Features?

Obviously Hotfixes are better w/ HFSlip, as NLite chokes on way too many.

Suppose just looking for a few opions ;) I've been messing around w/ my win2k iso for far too long, and would like to get something finalized that I like *grin*

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@Crash - To summarize, HFSLIP falls into four categories:

1) (2k) Slipstream the latest hotfixes, optionally slipstream DX9 and integrate FDVs fileset (2k only). With this setup, you have IE removed from your system from the start. You cannot run NLITE on this configuration, because FDV was nice enough to remove all the worthless stuff right from your installation source plus add in lots of valuable additional security.

2) (2K) Slipstream the latest hotfixes, IE6, OE6, WAB6 and optionally slipstream DX9. With this setup, you can optionally run NLITE to reduce the source to your liking. If you don't run NLITE, you'll end up with a source that is fully patched right off the bat.

3) (2K) Slipstream the latest hotfixes, IE5 updates and optionally slipstream DX9. With this setup, you can optionally run NLITE to reduce the source to your liking. If you don't run NLITE, you'll end up with a source that is fully patched right off the bat.

4) (XP and 2003) Slipstream all the latest hotfixes (DX9 is already part of these OS's). With this setup, you can optionally run NLITE to reduce the source to your liking. If you don't run NLITE, you'll end up with a source that is fully patched right off the bat.

With all catagories, you can slipstream other stuff too like codecs and a host of other things.

HFSLIP does not currenly slipstream drivers into your source. BTW, I run option 2 and my w2k installs in about 12 minutes. I have run option 4 with XP and was able to install in less than 10.

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  • 1 month later...
i suppose i should disclose that i set a bunch of security measures, too...

i make it simple to close NetBIOS over TCP/IP (look in NETTCPIP.INF)

DCOM will be shut off, preventing possible exploits

TCP/IP will be hardened against some DDOS attacks and malformed packet attacks. (I added settings that NIST recommends)

Port 135 will be closed by default

Scripting exploits and ActiveX exploits simply won't work

i turn off remote registry editing service by default

i turn off windows 'popup' messenger service by default

How do you prevent scripting exploits and ActiveX exploits from working?

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Ah, yes. I should have figured that one out. Firefox users needn't worry about ActiveX anyway.

Are the other scripts just set to disabled by default? I guess I was hoping for some way to limit the power of scripts without shutting them off entirely.

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  • 1 month later...

2 questions

I got the file list of the files for the keep box for nlite

Are there any files that should not be removed in the nlite process?

I ran the comand for the second time as per instructions, it has been running for a long time.

What is the normal legnth of time for this to run?

Oh, another question.

If I want msconfig where do I put it?


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There are so many hotfixes now that HFSLIP can take a while to run.

nLite has always been slow because it uses the .NET framework which is just plain slow but it's supposed to be easier to program and debug in.

What you remove depends upon what programs you run. Check out the nLite forum. They have a stickied post of stuff not to remove for certain programs.

I'd recommend after nLiting your XP install to test it on a virtual machine and load up all the software you intend to use and test it. It can take 4 or 5 builds to get it right.

I think msconfig is part of the command line tools in nLite, which is highlighted in red, so just don't remove that. If you do remove it, then put "msconfig.exe" in the Keep Box or whatever msconfig is called, do a find to find the exact name of msconfig.

Be careful with the stuff highlighted in red

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Depends on what programs you run. Look at nLite board. They have a stickied thread which tells you what services programs require.

Post the programs you run. I'm pretty good at telling most dependencies. In the end, though, you have to test yourself. You'd be amazed at what stupid things programs you run require.

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