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PC administrators?

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Just wanted to find out how people are admins on there PC's lots of people have virus and spam problems but most of those will go away if you logon and use an account on your PC that isn't an admin. with the runas command in XP you really have no need to be logged in as an admin all the time? Questions, Comments?

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I really don't think that being logged in as admin or a user with admin rights will increase the chances of getting installed malware. Most I've seen don't require admin privledges to install. Only way to really lock that down in my mind would be in a network/AD environment resricting users on the network from write access to the c: drive. As far as always being logged in as the admin user I agree, you don't need to be the 'admin' all the time...

Edited by ringfinger
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There's just way too much fooling around that needs to be done when you're not logged in as an admin. Between software installs, script writing.. I've tried and pulled my hair out every time. To tell you the truth, between all the antispyware, antivirus, firewall, special proxies, XP SP2, etc.. it's been quite some time since I've had any issues at all.

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well just think about it, you are logged on as a reguler user. You accdiently download some spyware, but at that point it can't install itself cause you are not allowed to install the software, even it is trying to install it self in the background or what not.

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Just because a user is not logged on with admin rights doesn't mean that spyware/adware wont install itself due to a ID10T download. Some of these wares prefer not to require admin rights for this exact purpose. As previous posted have stated, be smart with what you download and have all your antivirus and spyware software up to date! Be smart people!

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I used to be a system admin on XP Pro, I did not use any realtime security software except firewall and I guess, that I have never got infected even when I was visiting infected pages. Now I use a limited account, since there is no other alternative in Vista except disabling UAC, but it is not a good idea. Simply put, common users would benefit from the limited account, but they have no idea, how to do it or they are not willing to do it since it would not be really comfortable and those, who know, how to use the limited account, do not really need it, since they know, how to protect PC.

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