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Posted (edited)

Icons for Daemon Tools


I'm not totally happy with this icon but.... :}

Edited: added green and red icons

Edited by Bas

wonderful icons!!

but how can i use them as ICO files?

they are all PNG files and too much large... :(

Just convert them with some png to ico program. Use google to find program.

This progie is free (960kb)


Posted (edited)

Probbably someone already made this. But similar or not here it is.


I made orbs following some tutorial (5minutes max). It's very easy, so comon guys dont be shy. Start following tutorials to learn something and impress others.

steel orb looks better in 1600*1600

Steel orb 1600 (1.3Mb)

Edited by Bas

This is the first time I make an icon so please give opinions.

It took me only 10 minutes to do it so don't expect any proffesional look.

For people using Shareaza.



Posted (edited)
This is the first time I make an icon so please give opinions.

It took me only 10 minutes to do it so don't expect any proffesional look.

For people using Shareaza.


:hello:  :hello:

Really cool Aaron_ :thumbup

here it is resized to 32 x 32, 48 x 48 and 64 x 64 ;)


Edited by Martijn

@Martin L: I didn't follow any tutorial, just put a letter and a square and then a little of shadows, emboss and glow. Finally added gradient to make it eye candy.

P.S: I'm a beginner in photoshop but really like the result. MartinL If you want a talk in IM let me know. I will tell you reference tutorials to help you.

Posted (edited)

I know we are not in Christmas season, but nLite is one of my favourite apps :D



Edited by XPero

@Bas: This topic is "Custom Icon For Your Favorite Program" and you are showing smileis and other images.

No offense pal, I like them but maybe this is not the correct place.

Well, it's simonsays contest so he should say something.

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