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Indexless INI files


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As you may have noticed in the past, I don't like XML.

But my current INI file format isn't flexible enough, so I decided to create version 2 of ini file which works completely without indizes. Old format will still be supported.

Instead of indizes I'll use tabulator indentations to create a command tree.

Here you can find my example INI file which is using this new format: http://www.kalytta.com/install.2.ini

If you have any additional suggestion concerning INI file just post it.

Benjamin Kalytta

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Hello Benjamin,

This is a good news while numbers are sometime a pain when you need to add a new item in the middle of the others.

On suggestions, the ability to use the same test at several position. I mean use the test 1 for prog A and use test 1 & test 2 for prog B without rewriting the test several times.

I use this to collapse blocks of programs when all the programs in the block are already installed.

Any date for the release of the new format ?


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I'm glad you are still developing this project.

Of course ;)

On suggestions, the ability to use the same test at several position

My idea about this was something like DefaultTest = <expression> which will be used for each entries below this expression until DefaultTest is changed or an empty value (DefaultTest=) is specified.

Im currently working on version 2 INI file parser. It's more time consuming as I thought before. It will be written completely in C++ code by using ATL library.

As I said I'll use tabulator indentation to create sub trees in version 2 file format. Should I also allow spaces or just tabulators or both?


Edited by BenjaminKalytta
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My idea about this was something like DefaultTest = <expression> which will be used for each entries below this expression until DefaultTest is changed or an empty value (DefaultTest=) is specified.

This should be quite limitative.

The way I would like to be abble to use the tests is starting with this example:

test.0 = test 0
test.1 = test 1
test.eval = 0 & 1
disabled = if.false

description.0 = App 0
command.0 = Cmd 0
test.0.0 = test 0
test.eval.0 = 0
selected.0 = if.true
disabled.0 = if.false

description.1 = App 1
command.1 = Cmd 1
test.1.0 = test 1
test.eval.1 = 0
selected.1 = if.true
disabled.1 = if.false

So something like this could be usefull

TestA = 1st test
TestB = 2nd test
test.eval = TestA & TestB
disabled = if.false

description.0 = App 0
command.0 = Cmd 0
test.eval.0 = TestA
selected.0 = if.true
disabled.0 = if.false

description.1 = App 1
command.1 = Cmd 1
test.eval.1 = TestB
selected.1 = if.true
disabled.1 = if.false

A little bit like you use general vars.

I don't have my ini file with me so I can't give a more detailed example, hope it's clear enought

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Regarding tabs and/or spaces, how will you mesure the number of spaces ?

Could be difficult to count the spaces when creating the ini file...

On my opinion tabs only seem better.

Edited by XPect
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  • 3 months later...

Hi Benjamin,

Are you still working on the indexless INI files?

I'm not pushing you as I know you have other things on your mind. I'm only interested in the status of the development.

I would really like to see it implemented as my INI file have grown to a size where it is a lot of work to insert a new program. Not that the work bothers me, but mistakes are easily made while updating the indexes.



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