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WPI 4.2b

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I also had this problem with a clean Windows XP Professional with SP2.

So I looked in the sourcecode and found the problem in the file wpi.htm (themes\classic, I used the classic theme btw).

Go to line 78, delete from the OnClick values:

document.MediaPlayer.stop(); StopAudio(); stopInterval();
After deletion, line 78 should be :
</img><font class="side" onClick="CreateFile(false);">

Save and run WPI. Now, when you'll disable the audio player in the options, you won't get the error when trying to instal.

Have fun,



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If you happen to check other posts at all you should have seen this post


It has been there for a few days. kel can you sticky that post for now.

That should fix that audio player problem.

Well enjoy.

FYI: Noy mad just sade people complane about a problem and when a fix is posted they don't read it just keep complaning and try to find another way to fix it. (Like just delete lines)

Well that was my 2 cents

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just found another bug, hope it hasn't been menshioned yet:

when you configure the applications and add a new one, but do NOT fill out the form (because eg you recognized you don't want to add another app) and save the whole thing, then all other configurations are gone.... happened now two times :(

another thing i realized is when you add a new application, your new addes categories for applications are not shown. only the standard ones. you always have to type the category in by hand or save first.

and the third thing... the excluded option seems to be useless when you click the checkbox beside the category name. all items are marked even if there is an excluded option

Edited by gemino
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when you configure the applications and add a new one, but do NOT fill out the form (because eg you recognized you don't want to add another app) and save the whole thing, then all other configurations are gone.... happened now two times sad.gif
Yes this is a know issue, If you don't need the new blank page press the delete button!
another thing i realized is when you add a new application, your new addes categories for applications are not shown. only the standard ones. you always have to type the category in by hand or save first.

Yes also know issue, being worked on to be corrected!

and the third thing... the excluded option seems to be useless when you click the checkbox beside the category name. all items are marked even if there is an excluded option

Yes also know issue, being worked on to be corrected!

Thank you for your feedback!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just one question please ...

My config.js / useroptions.js are compatible with the 4.2b version ? I use mine with 3.x if I remember (how to know the version of our WPI folder ?)


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