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Make I386 Local Source

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Is there an easy way to make the I386 automagicaly copy to the local hard drive during unattended install. It is not so important for me to install from the C as it is just to have the files there for future use. I can change the source drive pointer in the registry via script. I know I can just copy but was hoping for a "makelocalsource" type switch or a $Something that doesnt require 2 copies of the I386 directory on the cd......

As always, Thanks for all of your help.


Edited by Jimbeau
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Not what I wanted but I am using this for now.....

Result = oshell.Popup("Please Wait Configuration In Progress", 2, "Tasks=6", 64)

If filesys.FolderExists("E:\I386") Then
filesys.CopyFolder "E:\I386","c:\"
End If

If filesys.FolderExists("D:\I386") Then
filesys.CopyFolder "D:\I386","c:\"
End If

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You can copy the files to your harddrive, e.g. %windir%\i386.

Then you have to insert this path in the value Sourcepath under the key:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Currentversion

Now every time, the system needs the installation files, it should search in this path.

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Doc, thanks for the reply. That was my intention, my question was how to automaticaly copy the files from the cd to the hard drive. As in I use $OEM$ to copy files to various locations, is there a way to do this from the cd. The vbs script that I have works, but the $ thing is cleaner....



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You can re-copy I386 in $OEM$\$1. But it's hard to burn it on simple 700mb cdr ... I think the best solution is a batch which search the cdrom letter and i386 folder and copy all the content in C:\ .. but this bath must call after installation of Windows (cmdlines.txt / RunOnceEx).

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You can re-copy I386 in $OEM$\$1. But it's hard to burn it on simple 700mb cdr ... I think the best solution is a batch which search the cdrom letter and i386 folder and copy all the content in C:\ .. but this bath must call after installation of Windows (cmdlines.txt / RunOnceEx).

That is what the above code is doing, since it is a new install and I am controlling it I know the drive will either be C or D.....I call this code from my final clean-up script.

Thanks for the reply


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Here is the windows batch command I use in a silent .exe?

Basic fuction:

Determine if WinXP is running and what drive contains the I386 folder?

Makes a folder called C:\Windows\I386

Copies all files from %CDROM%\I386 to C:\Windows\I386

Changes registry to new location


cmdow @ /HID
if %OS%==Windows_NT goto START
goto END

for %%d in (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%d:\I386 set SOURCE=%%d:\
if "%SOURCE%"=="" goto ERROR
if NOT EXIST "C:\WINDOWS\I386" (mkdir "C:\WINDOWS\I386") ELSE (goto END)
xcopy "%SOURCE%\I386\*" "C:\WINDOWS\I386" /D /E /V /C /I /H /R /K /Y
SET KEY="HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup"
REG ADD %KEY% /v Installation Sources /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d C:\\WINDOWS\\I386 /f
REG ADD %KEY% /v SourcePath /t REG_SZ /d C:\\WINDOWS\\I386\\ /f
REG ADD %KEY% /v ServicePackSourcePath /t REG_SZ /d C:\\WINDOWS\\I386\\ /f
REG ADD %KEY% /v CDInstall /t REG_DWORD /d 00000001 /f
goto END

echo Was unable to locate the Windows CD files? > "%TMP%\message"
echo. >> "%TMP%\message"
echo (Make Sure The Windowz CD Is Inserted Into The Drive?) >> "%TMP%\message"
type "%TMP%\message" | msg %username% /TIME:25 /W
if EXIST "%TMP%\message" del /F /Q "%TMP%\message"


Edited by mywindow
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You can re-copy I386 in $OEM$\$1. But it's hard to burn it on simple 700mb cdr ...

If the files are the same only one copy are phisically on CD and both logically linked. So is safe to copy the files to the $1 or $$ folder.

Further reading: Multi boot CD, All-in-one CD, cdimage.exe.

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If the files are the same only one copy are phisically on CD and both logically linked.

hum interesting to know, how create these files (same as hard links on unix system I think ..) ? with cdimage.exe ?

Edited by sonic
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CDIMAGE using the O switche(s)

-o  optimize storage by encoding duplicate files only once
-oc slower duplicate file detection using binary comparisons rather than MD5 hash values
-oi ignore diamond compression timestamps when comparing files
-os show duplicate files while creating image
   (-o options can be combined like -ocis)

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