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Hotmail Is Still Free


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Lately, some of my friends have been reactivating their accounts and everytime they log into their Hotmail account, it says that they have to pay $29.95, etc, etc...

I don't know if some people know this, but, after you are done signing up for your Hotmail account, you press "Sign Up" as usual, then "Continue". Then after this, there is a button that says "Continue to Billing Information". Don't click that! :) ...Scroll down the page until you see "Types of MSN Hotmail Accounts". Now click on the link at the end of the paragraph in the second choice and you should continue on into the old process of signing up!

:rolleyes: Hope this helps some people!

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save yourself a headache and dont open a "please spam me" account altogether :)

when the guy who built hotmail sold it to MS he made them sign an agreement promising to always offer free acounts. MS eventually thought up ways to get money off you anyway, as if they are short of cash or something.

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i get 0 spams to my isp mail :rolleyes:

also, if you ever sign up to anything, have your name set to something that identifies that site.

eg, today i sgned up for an intel news letter, so in the name field i put nospamINTEL

if they sell my email addy on to other people i will know who it was, then mail them asking why and slap the data protection act at them.

also, if you h ave unlimited mail addys on your webspace you could make a few mail addys that arent important to use only for list subscription and website use etc. then couple that with the above tip and you can always close the account too.. so they just get mail bounced back at them. :)

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