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download of 2.6 version not working for me

Sorry for the trouble. It seems the Web Server is down.

Some temporary links until the issue can be fixed:

CMenu 2.6

SendToA3X 1.5


I tried downloading CMenu from the above link but every time I try to unzip it, I'm told it's an invalid zip file.

Anyone else getting this??

I tried downloading CMenu from the above link but every time I try to unzip it, I'm told it's an invalid zip file.

Anyone else getting this??

I confirm and deleted the zip file and replaced with a valid zip file (tested).

CMenu 2.6

BigRandalo, Thanks for the link posted. :)

  • 3 weeks later...
Avast Antivirus say : troyan - Win32:AutoIt-V [Trj].

Please help me. :blushing:

Indeed contact Avast. I use Avast as well so I sent an email to virus at avast dot com with some details. Hopefully a resolution will come soon.


Avast Antivirus say : troyan - Win32:AutoIt-V [Trj].

Please help me. :blushing:

Indeed contact Avast. I use Avast as well so I sent an email to virus at avast dot com with some details. Hopefully a resolution will come soon.


thank's :hello: :hello:

  • 4 months later...
  • 7 months later...

MHz this is an awesome utility!

Many pages back someone said it's just one of those things that you don't know how you survived without, I agree 100%.

I know this is posted in the Application Installs section of the forum, but I searched and this MSFN is huge! So my apologises that this is the wrong place (I also realise that I'm way outta my depth on this thread).

My question is regarding the 'move to' option in your context menu. Am I being completely dumb or is there a way to add multiple args to that command?

I'll try and explain what I'm trying to do. For instance - all my CD's are kept in a folder R:\Full CD's, this contains all the artist folders. Same for Music Vids, software etc etc.

How could I create a context menu option to say "Move To R:\Full CD's " but open that particular folder so I could then browse to the artist folder and move the file to there?

Honestly I've tried to cobble some commands on the same line together, but all I get is a registry error warning.

Again. I'm so sorry this is in the wrong thread, but any help from anyone would be much appreciated.


Posted (edited)

How could I create a context menu option to say "Move To R:\Full CD's " but open that particular folder so I could then browse to the artist folder and move the file to there?

Hi Balders and welcome to MSFN.

Thanks for the mention of appreciation. :)

The editor and shell extension is not my property just for clarification. I make use of them as per conditions of the Revenger inc. license supplied with CMenuExtender. The CMenu.exe and some of the other support files is what I created.

The copy to folder and move to folder preset options seem to want a static path to send to. I would recommend a script to do the custom operation that you want. I made a AutoIt3 script which when compiled may do what you have described as a custom starting path for the folder dialog.

; usage: script.exe copy|move source [ destination ]

; CMenu settings:
; Within editor, select New Item -> Custom command.
; Add suitable caption, browse for this compiled script and then
; add into the Commandline 'copy "custom path\to\copy\to"'.
; you can just use copy or move without any
; other parameter for default destination search.
; set the append file checkbox and then click OK button to accept.

Global $action, $destination

Switch $CMDLINE[0]
Case 2
$destination = FileSelectFolder($action & ' source to', '')
If Not @error And $destination <> '' Then
$source = $CMDLINE[2]
Case 3
$destination = FileSelectFolder($action & ' source to', '', Default, $CMDLINE[2])
If Not @error And $destination <> '' Then
$source = $CMDLINE[3]
Case Else


Func _CheckAction()
; set $action to copy or move
Switch $CMDLINE[1]
Case 'copy'
$action = 'copy'
Case 'move'
$action = 'move'
Case Else

Func _HelpMsgBox()
; show a Msgbox with helpful details
Local $text = _
$CMDLINE[0] & ' parameters passed. 2 or 3 parameters required.' & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
'Command used:' & @CRLF & _
'Usage:' & @CRLF & _
'"' & @ScriptName & '" copy|move source [destination]' & @CRLF & @CRLF & _
'Description:' & @CRLF & _
'Use "copy" or "move" as 1st parameter.' & @CRLF & _
'Use a valid source file or folder as 2nd parameter.' & @CRLF & _
'Use an optional, valid destination folder path as 3rd parameter.'
MsgBox(0, Default, $text)

Func _PerformAction()
; call the copy or move function dependant on $action
If $action = 'copy' Then
_Copy($source, $destination)
_Move($source, $destination)

Func _Copy($source, $destination)
; copy file or folder
Local $oShellApp = ObjCreate("shell.application")
If Not @error Then

Func _Move($source, $destination)
; move file or folder
Local $oShellApp = ObjCreate("shell.application")
If Not @error Then

Sample of settings window


I would recommend to test it with some temporary test files to ensure it works ok before doing your required tasks. You may need AutoIt3 to compile the script into an executable. You can get AutoIt3 from here.



The above script may not handle multiple marked files/folders as the context menu extension handles them differently. I maybe able to adapt the script to do multiple files if needed.

Edited by MHz
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

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