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98SE2ME = Killer Replacements: ME -> 98 SE

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Help I installed 98SE2ME with Option 6 and when I try to run any of the games from the Start Menu>Programs>Accessories>Games>GameZone, I get a message saying C:\PROGRAM was not found. And there isn't even a directory in C:\Program Files called GameZone!

Edited by coolman
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  • 1 month later...

You can also add TELNET.EXE from Windows ME. Sorry, I made a mistake. The version from Win98 is older. When you have some time please add it back. I checked the PE timestamp instead of the actual version. I have learned a lot over the years and still learning. Thanks again.

Here is a full list of Bugs and fixes

CABVIEW.DLL 5.50.4134.100 [should be moved to option 3 or removed completely. More testing needed]

HIDPARSE.SYS 5.1.2600.5512 is replaced with WinME version

HIDUSB.SYS 5.1.2600.5512 is deleted

POWERCFG.CPL 4.90.3000.0 can be added [Newer Version]

SECUR32.DLL 4.90.3000.0 should be removed [Win98 version is newer and adds 128 bit encryption]

TELNET.EXE 4.90.3000.0 can be added

USBAUDIO.SYS 4.90.3001.0 Breaks USB headset

VCACHE.VXD 4.10.2223 is deleted

Add version check to every file.

Add only copy file if exist, unless the file is not present on Win98 or relies on other WinME counterparts. Example: IRFTP.EXE checks to see if infrared drivers are present if not, the file is not installed.

Internet Games shortcuts needs to be fixed.

Windows Movie Maker files should reside in Movie Maker folder not MoviMakr.

Option 3 does not properly uninstall. The original Win98 files are not restored.

Install new font bug needs to be fixed

98SE2ME downgrades all newer files from SP3 with olders version from Windows Me.

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  • 11 months later...

I've just done a clean install of latest version of 98SE2ME; two anomalies noted:

1. During the extract phase I got the a message along the lines of "EXTRACT32.DLL missing export CABINET.DLL24" The extract continued and in time the system rebooted.

2. Right at the end I got the message "C\PROGRAM missing ..." (Usual stuff about make sure you have the path right, blah, blah ...) Checking for the (supposed to be) newly installed games (clues from coolman and problemchyld) sure enough the new shortcuts are there but the gamezone folder isn't.

The various missing folders don't seem to be anywhere. My ME cab files are on C: so it's not as simple as they get dropped in the root segment of whatever drive cabs are on.

Known problems, certainly tolerable. I can tidy up the games one way or the other by hand -- I think.

Otherwise no problems; all the functions that were working on this machine before the installation are still okay and those that were broken, are still broken. :-)

VERY smooth; I've used earlier versions for maybe a decade? More? And my 98SE2ME machine was the main machine, used a couple to a few hours daily, 7 days, for most of that time.

Edited by waltah
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