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Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition


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[...] I will concede that I feel Symantec is the best in terms of definition turn around time and the quality of those definitions. [...]

i cant agree with that...

symantec updates their definitions twice a week, maybe three times but thats it! Other AVs get updates every 3 hours! I once got infected with a Virus i got in an email. i also scanned the email attachement before opening it, but no virus was found... until the next day :}

Edited by what3v3r
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i cant agree with that...

symantec updates their definitions twice a week, maybe three times but thats it! Other AVs get updates every 3 hours! I once got infected with a Virus i got in an email. i also scanned the email attachement before opening it, but no virus was found... until the next day  :}

Ya learn something new everyday.. one of the things I love about this place.

To the mods: I didn't mean to hijack this thread away from it's intended purpose - installing SAV unattended and preconfigured. Just needed to vent some steam. So with that said I'll keep any further comments on topic.

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i cant agree with that...

symantec updates their definitions twice a week, maybe three times but thats it! Other AVs get updates every 3 hours! I once got infected with a Virus i got in an email. i also scanned the email attachement before opening it, but no virus was found... until the next day  :}


Just set the Live Update check to check more frequently...on a more active day for viruses Symantec will sometimes update once an hour...I have seen the defs get to build 28 in a single day.

Every day that my UA goes unfinished I update the VDefHub.zip file at least once per day.

Click here and check the date and revision number.

However some server must go unaware of the latest build so find some other method of updating virus defs and you're all set!

Edited by OrcoXP
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well i dont know what to say, i believe you but i have set my live update to check once every day, and my defs are only updated once a week...

Yeah, when I was using live update I had the same problem...just find a 3rd party method and add it to your task scheduler

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i had a proggy called defsgetter but it was strictly a script so I am not sure if it is available anywhere...

I lost my harddrive and lost defsgetter but there are others out there...all you need to do is search

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this update method is for servers only, if im correct?

anyway, i wrote my own update tool for clients. it uses grep, wget, and winrar. it downloads the newest definitions from here:


and extracts and applies them. you need to have winrar installed in its default directory (you can also edit the batch file of course). i attached almost all the files you will need to run it. just extract the "update.zip" into any folder, and run "update.cmd".

there is one file you will have to download yourself, because it was too big, to attach to this post. get wget here:


simply save it into the directory that you extracted update.zip to

let me know if it works for you :thumbup


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Just to save you a little bit of time, and shorten your code.

WGET.EXE -N -c -q ftp://ftp.symantec.com/AVDEFS/norton_antivirus/static/symcdefsi32.exe

Should download the latest vdefs. If you don't like wget, ftp works too.

ftp.exe -s:%0
goto done

open ftp.symantec.com
cd AVDEFS/norton_antivirus/static
get symcdefsi32.exe


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