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How to use " in a command.

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Im trying to install Virtual PC 2004 unattended.

The switches go as so:

%systemdrive%\install\applications\VIRTUALPC_2004\Setup.exe /S /v"/qn pidkey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx allusers=2 organization=YOURCOMPANY installdir=c:\programme\VirtualPC2004"

but as you can see the /v" throws this off, what is the escape key??


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I got a simple work around make a cmd file and put the command you need in it like so =

%systemdrive%\install\applications\VIRTUALPC_2004\Setup.exe /S /v"/qn pidkey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx allusers=2 organization=YOURCOMPANY installdir=c:\programme\VirtualPC2004"

then just call the cmd file from wpi like %systemdrive%\install\applications\virtual.cmd

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should be like this..

"%systemdrive%\install\applications\VIRTUALPC_2004\Setup.exe" /S /v/qn pidkey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx allusers=2 organization=YOURCOMPANY installdir=c:\programme\VirtualPC2004

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The following example shows how to perform an unattended installation and make the program accessible to all users of the computer. A silent installation means the setup program runs without prompting you for input. Type the following:

.\setup.exe -s -v"-qn pidkey=1234567891234567891234567 allusers=2 username=Username organization=your company"

Here are the command switch overview.


Instructs the setup program to run without displaying the user interface.


Passes parameters directly to the installer program, Msiexec.exe.


Instructs the installer program, Msiexec.exe, to run without displaying the user interface.


Specifies the unique product key number that is required to perform the installation. Do not use dashes when typing the product key number.


Installs Virtual PC for all users of the computer. If you do not include this parameter, the program is installed for the current user only.


Specifies a user name to associate with the installation. If you do not include this parameter, the installer program retrieves the name of the current user from the



Specifies an organization name to associate with the installation. If you do not include this parameter, the installer program retrieves the name of the organization associated with the current user from the registry.


Specifies a custom directory in which to install the program. If you do not include this parameter, the program is installed in C:\Program Files.

This is a VERY different app to install unattended.

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I have no problem using quotes with WPI, without the need of using an escape character.. at least with the wizard anyway, I havent taken a peak at the config file to see if WPI automatically places one in there.. but this should work work for you without issue...

%systemdrive%\install\applications\VIRTUALPC_2004\Setup.exe /S /v /qn pidkey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx allusers=2 organization=YOURCOMPANY installdir=c:\programme\VirtualPC2004

Because you dont have any spaces in any of your paths, you shouldnt need quotes at all. If you did you would want to use the following:

"%systemdrive%\install\applications\VIRTUALPC_2004\Setup.exe" /S /v /qn pidkey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx allusers=2 organization=YOURCOMPANY installdir="c:\programme\VirtualPC2004"

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