Zxian Posted May 27, 2005 Posted May 27, 2005 Moreover, I know *exactly* what I am talking about. Yes, Tekken has the most combos. Big yay. I could say I have the most hair on my a** crack, does that make me special? No. Those combos are worthless if you can't routinely pull them off easily and en masse. Tekken's controls, at least up through version 4, are too unresponsive and slow to make for much fun, IMHO. The other games I mentioned have simply always been more fun, and that was equally true when they were for Dreamcast, before XBox ever came out.As for GT4, I could really care less. As I said before I *am* biased about racing games because I don't like them on the whole. I find them to be boring, tedius and irritating at best, barring the inclusion of slick gameplay features (a la the upcoming Full Auto from Sega, which I played at E3 and was frickin' awesome).Now please, go back and stroke your PS2 to sleep, your FanBoi-ism is showing.Jason<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Umm... this is getting a bit heated. Take a valium, and remember, we all can have different opinions. Disagreement doesn't have to be violent or rude.Again, I'll say that for a pure gaming console (which is what this poll was about) the PS2 takes the prize. The games are generally better on PS2 than on XBox (by better I mean there's a better selection). The only area that you could say XBox has a hold of the market is in FPS games, but you shouldn't be playing those on a console anyways...For example, DOA2 (on PS2) was much better than DOA3 (on XBox). The controls for DOA2 just fit right, while I was fighting against my own thumbs to get the characters in DOA3 to do what I wanted. The graphics themselves in DOA2 are hard to beat. If you're niggling that they're not good enough, then VR is probably the only thing that would satisfy you.As for racing games, I like them a lot. I've always grown up watching Formula1 and the WRC, so when games like GT3 and GT4 are released, I get excited. I find it much more useful to know how to drive a car agressively than to be able to blow someone's virtual head off. In game driving can easily be transferred to the real world, while aiming and shooting cannot (trust me... try hitting a target at 200 yards with an SKS-47, the semi-auto version of the AK-47).
Martijn Posted May 27, 2005 Posted May 27, 2005 Gamecube for me It has a great look and it's games are very good I'm personally a big fan of the super mario games Like Mario Party, Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Golf Toadstool Tour, Mario Power Tennis (you have to play that one) (seeGamespot Mario Power Tennis (choose the second movie))Btw, there is a new Nintendo comming, Nintendo Revolution, and it's been said you can play every game that Nintendo ever made!!
Lost Soul Posted May 31, 2005 Posted May 31, 2005 well for me im a big fan of sony so ps2 it would have to be
SiMoNsAyS Posted May 31, 2005 Posted May 31, 2005 time to reply...@JasonGW, you have a lot of consoles, right, but what does it prove? for me it makes sense that you have a LOT of cash to expend and a LOT of free time. it doesn't have anything to do with your knowledge of hardware or software.now this is funny, you own particulary only the *good* games lolnow i'm not going to talk about tekken or any other game in particular as i don't mind if you think about the same and i'm sure most people do it, but i really need to comment your last phrase. if you read carefully some of my other posts i'm not pro or against any console in particular (i'm not going to earn anything from it). i just said what i think: ps2 games are generally better, first xbox is more powerful than ps2 but i doubt its successor (360) would beat ps3 (anyway this is offtopic).now please calm down and if you have anything to say, do it in the right terms or i'll be forced to answer you similary.ps: i was just wondering what would happen if '*' was removed from your keyboard... lol
JasonGW Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 time to reply...@JasonGW, you have a lot of consoles, right, but what does it prove? for me it makes sense that you have a LOT of cash to expend and a LOT of free time. it doesn't have anything to do with your knowledge of hardware or software.now this is funny, you own particulary only the *good* games lolnow i'm not going to talk about tekken or any other game in particular as i don't mind if you think about the same and i'm sure most people do it, but i really need to comment your last phrase. if you read carefully some of my other posts i'm not pro or against any console in particular (i'm not going to earn anything from it). i just said what i think: ps2 games are generally better, first xbox is more powerful than ps2 but i doubt its successor (360) would beat ps3 (anyway this is offtopic).now please calm down and if you have anything to say, do it in the right terms or i'll be forced to answer you similary.ps: i was just wondering what would happen if '*' was removed from your keyboard... lol<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Actually it's not that I have a lot of cash to spend, it's that I've been collecting for a LONG time. However, my hardware knowledge comes from having been a Systems Engineer for the past decade and change. I think, however, it's VERY clear that you are pro Sony, period. I don't think you can argue reasonably that PS2 games are generally better. For the most part, PS2 games I've tried (renting, largely, because I never buy before I try) tend to suck. Either their graphics suck, or they're another copy of a copy of a copy, etc. Not all, mind you, and I'm not saying there aren't a large number of good PS2 games (As I said, I own a large number of them myself) but that number as compared to the total number of available games for PS2 is absurdly low. The same holds true for PS1. Lots of good games, a WHOLE HUGE lot of mediocre to crap games. Moreover, games that are incredible on other systems suck very badly on PS2 (Splinter Cell is a great example, and Soul Calibur II's best version was probably gamecube with XBox coming in a close second).XBox has some stinkers too, to be sure, but on the whole I'd say the number is a lot smaller percentage of the total library than PS2's is. Gamecube, well, I have yet to see *any* bad games for that console. It's major weakness is its small library, but Nintendo's devotion to quality and to innovative, original games and gameplay is second to absolutely none.Almost without exception Sony's best games are third party. Sony themselves produce little to nothing worth playing, much less owning. Developers make PS2 games for one reason and one reason alone: The console has penetrated the market *very* well thanks to excellent advertising and extraordinary hype. To this day there are still people who delude themselves into believing that PS2 is more powerful than XBox or Gamecube for Chrissakes.Like it or not, with the coming generation Sony's got a problem on its hands, and its recent releases of info are designed *purely* to try and throw Microsoft's new system off its game (so to speak) like they did with Dreamcast. As in that scenario, expect their claims to be exagerated and not at all well delivered upon. Just as an example, 1080p. Good god, people, as of today there isn't a TV on the market that can accept a 1080p HDMI signal, not even from *Sony*. There are numerous variants of 1080p sets that *upscale* a 720 to 1080, and there are several variants that use different methods to *get* to 1080p (check out some AVS forums, many will tell you that these are not "true" 1080p sets). 1080p capable digital sets aren't expected on the market until later this year, and penetration won't really start to happen in large numbers for *several* years. One might also point out that not ONE broadcaster on the North American CONTINENT broadcasts 1080p. It's 720p or 1080i (with a smattering of 480p's here and there) all the way.Jason
SiMoNsAyS Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 first part of your post is enough for me, i'm exhaust so this is the last time i reply this obsolete thread.no, i'm not pro-sony, against-xbox or a 'fanboi', those terms are just stupid if you don't work for m$ or sony loli don't mind if xbox is more powerful or has better graphics since most of my favorite games are exclusive for ps2 like tekken, metal gear, dbz budokai, gt, moh... don't wanna see further
Zxian Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 @JasonGWI'm not gonna devulge into too much detail here, but the opinion of good and bad consoles/games/etc varies from person to person. Just because you think that the PS2 is overrated/bad/whatever, doesn't mean that everyone else is going to agree with you.You've posted a number of lengthy (and somewhat long-winded) posts about your opinions. We've heard them well enough.Just to throw in my two cents... the Gran Turismo series was developed by Sony for the PlayStation line. If you think that over the years, Gran Turismo has been a bad series (honestly, and without bias) then I'm sorry to say that most of what you say will end up holding little ground for me. And without exception, some of the best XBox games are also third party. With the exception of Halo, most of the big hitters have been third party as well.And as for the 1080p specs of the PS3... PS2 had hi-def capabilities before hi-def TVs were readily available. Now, when LCD and Plasma TVs are common place in stores, people can actually get even more out of their system. It's just planning ahead. It's like having a video card that can support 4 monitors at 1920x1440, while everyone still runs at 1024x768. That card will be good for a couple of years yet.Like SiMoNsAyS said, the XBox is more powerful hardware wise than the PS2, but that's not the only factor in deciding the "better" console. We get the fact that you think XBox is better than PS2.
JasonGW Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 @JasonGWI'm not gonna devulge into too much detail here, but the opinion of good and bad consoles/games/etc varies from person to person. Just because you think that the PS2 is overrated/bad/whatever, doesn't mean that everyone else is going to agree with you.You've posted a number of lengthy (and somewhat long-winded) posts about your opinions. We've heard them well enough.Just to throw in my two cents... the Gran Turismo series was developed by Sony for the PlayStation line. If you think that over the years, Gran Turismo has been a bad series (honestly, and without bias) then I'm sorry to say that most of what you say will end up holding little ground for me. And without exception, some of the best XBox games are also third party. With the exception of Halo, most of the big hitters have been third party as well.And as for the 1080p specs of the PS3... PS2 had hi-def capabilities before hi-def TVs were readily available. Now, when LCD and Plasma TVs are common place in stores, people can actually get even more out of their system. It's just planning ahead. It's like having a video card that can support 4 monitors at 1920x1440, while everyone still runs at 1024x768. That card will be good for a couple of years yet.Like SiMoNsAyS said, the XBox is more powerful hardware wise than the PS2, but that's not the only factor in deciding the "better" console. We get the fact that you think XBox is better than PS2.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>As I said above, I think GT is a boring series but, yes, with bias: I don't like straight racing games. I find driving, racing or not, to be immeasurably BORING. That's hardly the point. What I was saying, and you apparently didn't get it, is that PS2 was, as a matter of FACT, not opinion, overhyped and overrated. It has *not* lived up to the claims Sony made about it. Yes, there are lots of good games and I've said that repeatedly, though you choose to ignore that fact. As a matter again of FACT, not opinion, the XBox is far more powerful than the PS2, as is, in fact, the Gamecube. Once again, however, that isn't the point. The point is that on Sony's console anyone and everyone publishes anything they can get to a reasonable state of completion, regardless of whether it's any good. I have not witnessed that to be the case on either of the other two consoles (though as I said above, there ARE a few stinkers on XBox).You might want to be a little more precise with your words in future posts. It's rather contradictory to say that "without exception XBox's big hitters have been third party." and then go on to give an exception.Also, PS2 does *not* natively support high definition. Yes, you can put it in 16x9 mode (just like XBox or Gamecube) but the games look like crap, for the most part. There are some exceptions, of course, but not many. (As an interesting aside: On day 1 of E3 all PS2 games were running on widescreen hdtv monitors, and the majority of them looked awful [possibly excepting Jak Racing, Akami and Dragon Quest VIII]. Come day two and what did we see? About half the PS2 games were now running in 4:3 mode on the same monitors. How's that for HD support?)In spite of your attempt to twist what I've said to be some sort of reverie about XBox over PS2, that's not what I've been saying. Read it again if you care to, and if you don't, well, I don't really care. Like SiMoNsAyS said, the XBox is more powerful hardware wise than the PS2, but that's not the only factor in deciding the "better" console.And I've been saying the same thing to the PS3 FanBois over in another thread. You know the kind, the 133t g@m3rZ who like to claim the next gen race over before it's even begun? Yeah, those guys. Try telling THEM that the hardware is only part of the puzzle. They're happy to tell you that's true when talking about XBox or GameCube vs PS2, but they sure as hell change their tunes in a hurry when you get to the XBox 360/PS3/Revolution discussion, when all of a sudden nothing matters but the *theoretical* performance of hardware that doesn't even exist yet.Thanks, and have a peachy day!Jason
Zxian Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 You might want to be a little more precise with your words in future posts. It's rather contradictory to say that "without exception XBox's big hitters have been third party." and then go on to give an exception.Holy s***!!! You twist things to your liking don't you! Look up the thread a little bit. what I actually said was:And without exception, some of the best XBox games are also third party. With the exception of Halo, most of the big hitters have been third party as well.If you're gonna quote, at least quote right! What you claim I said was absolute. What I said was partial. Get your arguments straight.In spite of your attempt to twist what I've said to be some sort of reverie about XBox over PS2, that's not what I've been saying. Read it again if you care to, and if you don't, well, I don't really care. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Have someone else read this thread and tell you what you've been saying. Anyone with a level head will tell you that you've been arguing the XBox>PS2 line all along.I had a longer reply here, but I cut the flood control just too close and ended up loosing it...Here's one more person you've officially p***ed off...Congratulations for winning King of the Thread, with no-one else trying to get to the top.EDIT: And one more thing... take a closer look at the question above the actual poll.... "what is the best game console for you?"@Mods - Sorry for getting heated. I just hate it when people put words in my mouth.
JasonGW Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 You might want to be a little more precise with your words in future posts. It's rather contradictory to say that "without exception XBox's big hitters have been third party." and then go on to give an exception.Holy s***!!! You twist things to your liking don't you! Look up the thread a little bit. what I actually said was:And without exception, some of the best XBox games are also third party. With the exception of Halo, most of the big hitters have been third party as well.If you're gonna quote, at least quote right! What you claim I said was absolute. What I said was partial. Get your arguments straight.In spite of your attempt to twist what I've said to be some sort of reverie about XBox over PS2, that's not what I've been saying. Read it again if you care to, and if you don't, well, I don't really care. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Have someone else read this thread and tell you what you've been saying. Anyone with a level head will tell you that you've been arguing the XBox>PS2 line all along.I had a longer reply here, but I cut the flood control just too close and ended up loosing it...Here's one more person you've officially p***ed off...Congratulations for winning King of the Thread, with no-one else trying to get to the top.EDIT: And one more thing... take a closer look at the question above the actual poll.... "what is the best game console for you?"@Mods - Sorry for getting heated. I just hate it when people put words in my mouth.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>You put the words in your own mouth, buddy, I just paraphrased it. The end result was the same: You claimed something "without exception" and then offered an *EXCEPTION*. Pick one, for chrissakes.Oh, and regarding your "p***ed off" state of mind, let me tell you buddy: boo-frickin'-hoo.Jason
Blam-O! Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 PS2 is what I voted.But what about PSP? I like the PSP a lot! L8- B)
BombaTwist Posted June 29, 2005 Posted June 29, 2005 I Pick Gamecube, why? i have one and the graphics are incredible insane! Gamecube has the best graphics out of all 3 systems, just check out RE4(resident evil 4). also the graphics quality depends on the games you play. not because the system has crap graphics like most say. mario games dont really graphically improve because it doesnt need to. its perfect as it is.
Blam-O! Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 I Pick Gamecube, why? i have one and the graphics are incredible insane! Gamecube has the best graphics out of all 3 systems, just check out RE4(resident evil 4). also the graphics quality depends on the games you play. not because the system has crap graphics like most say. mario games dont really graphically improve because it doesnt need to. its perfect as it is.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>LOL, GameCube? I remember those'
BombaTwist Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 I Pick Gamecube, why? i have one and the graphics are incredible insane! Gamecube has the best graphics out of all 3 systems, just check out RE4(resident evil 4). also the graphics quality depends on the games you play. not because the system has crap graphics like most say. mario games dont really graphically improve because it doesnt need to. its perfect as it is.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>LOL, GameCube? I remember those' <{POST_SNAPBACK}>ok that almost p***ed me off right there, people always pick on nintendo just because they dont like games that are for E=EVERYONE not KIDDY.
Blam-O! Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 (edited) I Pick Gamecube, why? i have one and the graphics are incredible insane! Gamecube has the best graphics out of all 3 systems, just check out RE4(resident evil 4). also the graphics quality depends on the games you play. not because the system has crap graphics like most say. mario games dont really graphically improve because it doesnt need to. its perfect as it is.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>LOL, GameCube? I remember those' <{POST_SNAPBACK}>ok that almost p***ed me off right there, people always pick on nintendo just because they dont like games that are for E=EVERYONE not KIDDY.<{POST_SNAPBACK}>Hey comdown there Ki|LA BombaTwist! I didn't say anything directly bad about 'yours truly' Nintendo....But they have been around for a long time, and i owe much of my wasted life of playing Zelda and Super Mario Bros growing up!!! what else was a bored kid to do those days??edit:....but just for the record; Nintendo sucks these days imo.hehe Edited July 1, 2005 by Blam-O!
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