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[release] Xplode 4.1

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I'm sorry for being stupid, but how many times do I have to read the EULA before I can press the continue button for installing version 4.1 ???

Or is it a bug ?

If you haven't enabled the continue button, then you have not read the EULA. It's that simple. When you actually read the EULA you will see how to enable the continue button.

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Wassup wid dat? I post a new version, and get ignored. Now this ... whatever .. from a country where the water cannot even go down the toilet the right way get's a sticky?!?!

Just messing with ya, Wraith! New version looks great. I know how you feel about the EULA thingy: I specifically state that the EULA must be returned, including a statement to the effect of "I have read the EULA", and I'm lucky if more than half the requests follow the guidelines. Because of that, and the close to 50 requests a day that I must manually reply to, I'm going to have to start bouncing incomplete requests.

Anyways, back on the subject, keep up the Great Work, Wraith! And yea, I'm still jealous that I cannot look so sleek!

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Wassup wid dat? I post a new version, and get ignored. Now this ... whatever .. from a country where the water cannot even go down the toilet the right way get's a sticky?!?!

Did you make a post in teh unattended forum about it? :P

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If you haven't enabled the continue button, then you have not read the EULA. It's that simple. When you actually read the EULA you will see how to enable the continue button.

Man, I first thought there was a built-in timer. 20 minutes later I realized I needed to read the agreement :)


Many people gonna get confused. How many people are used to reading EULAs? Yours was the first I read :)

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Many people gonna get confused. How many people are used to reading EULAs? Yours was the first I read

this way u cant come back & say "it trashed my operating system, i lost valuable files" u read & agreed 2 the terms & conditions :P

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Wraith, GreenMachine

Never ending cycle huh?, you produce but it's for what? No one care's about the Eula, just do what it's supposed to do and don't bother me with your cyclo garbage.

I been at mine well over a year and a half, 10-20 new member's and download's a day and mostly not even a reply from any of those. I as other's have my hardcore fan's like's what my app does and I keep at it for them I guess and will as long as I can. Guaranteed

They reply and help me out so I'm commited to producing for them.

I was disappointed with this cycle but since I been looking at this post I see it's the same for someone else but me. When you have to trick stuff it to make them read it's become ridiculous. Oh well, maybe need to compare note's.

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I know nobody cares about the EULA, and I don't care that nobody cares about them. It's there to protect me from incompetent fools.

A certain individual screwed up their XPlode script, which apparently "rendered their computer useless". They felt a need to threaten with legal action, which could just as easily have been avoided by reading the documentation provided.

As you can guess, this prompted some sort of EULA, as previous versions had none included within the archive.

Proper, non-inline documentation was added, but as you no doubt know, nobody reads those either.

Funnily enough, all this made me quite uncaring about what problems people might have - if they want to attempt to swindle money out of me for things that they didn't read, then I'm not going to go out of my way to help them. I know it's always the few that present a problem for the many, but it's how it happened. And I'm not going to assume that everyone's correct, because there is always going to be those few that are arrogant enough to think that litigation solves everything.

As for the numbers, since the initial XPlode 4.0 release (Jan 30th), there has been just under 5500 downloads of XPlode 4.0, and 3000 downloads of XPlode 4.1. I currently have in my inbox:

  • 17 expressions of interest for corporate versions
  • 0 formal requests for corporate versions
  • 584 problems with an inability to extract XPlode
  • 0 thank you's
  • 1 email from an amused person regarding the EULA. Apprently it's the funniest thing they've seen for ages. (Maybe they need to get out more? :P)

As far as I'm concerned, the top two were going to happen anyways - I didn't honestly think anyone was going to pay for it, but sometimes you get lucky. The next two I'm not terribly happy about. I know nobody reads EULA's, but really, is it too much to ask to read something?

I have my "hardcore" users, and they're generally pretty good. Very few complaints, and usually willing to help out when I'm not around. They don't mind the EULA, so why should other people? Reading it once allows you to extract all subsequent versions, because the EULA will likely not change.

Anyways, I can feel this turning into something more than what it should, so I think I'll stop now, before I start writing an essay on user behaviour.

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I have my "hardcore" users, and they're generally pretty good. Very few complaints, and usually willing to help out when I'm not around. They don't mind the EULA, so why should other people? Reading it once allows you to extract all subsequent versions, because the EULA will likely not change.
I must admit, even I didn't read it the first time. But once you said to read it...
Anyways, I can feel this turning into something more than what it should, so I think I'll stop now, before I start writing an essay on user behaviour.

****!! I was looking forward to the rest, then it just stops...

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I was looking forward to the rest, then it just stops...

Me too but I kinda knew exactly what he would say.

I added the EULA to mine also some time ago but all I do is pop a msg box saying that clicking OK means they have read it, that's hard coded so can't be changed and I think it's sufficient. I also check for exist of that file and read random thing's from it and if it's not right I exit no questions.

I realize also you have some that shouldn't be on a PC much less altering thing's. Then being the type they are if they screw up they think it's your fault. Here's your sign.

Have a way back.

If you are going to use a program to do Unattended's then make sure you have a backup copy can get you back.

That's the learning curve.

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