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Xplode4 Script Generator


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I actually don't see the problem.

This is how I learned it, withouth XML-knowledge or whatsoever:

- Take an example file

- Edit it the way you want it

- "Hey, it works!" :)

Ok, sounds pretty logical. But how do you edit the XML code (even with an example) if you have no knowledge of how it should be written?

For example, which parts to change and which to leave alone.

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Alright, I'm planning on programming a GUI for the less-XML-gifted, or just because it would be a lot more clear. But -before I start- I would like to hear suggestions and/or if you would be interested in this project?


I'm working on one myself. It's written in VBScript, which I don't know a whole lot about. This is what I would call one heck of a learning experience in writing VBScript programs and in writing a XML code generator. My goal with this is to write a code generator that will generate a XPlode4 XML file so complete that the only thing that the user needs to do is drop-in the config section.


Uses a tab-delimited text file for input which makes it easy to use unix style utilities like vi, emacs, grep, awk, sed, etc...

Supports <item display="text"> constructs.

Supports <!-- and --> style comment generation.

Will build the entire <items> block from start to finish.

Modular design so it's easy to add more XML elements to the code generator.

Full support of optional elements.

File interaction operates in command line or GUI mode.

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