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I created a registry tweak similar to the very popular CMD HERE tweak.

This tweak gives me the option to make a list of all the files inside the folder/drive when I right-click on it. It is very usefull for people like me who wants to make a printable list of their huge collections (mp3's for example).

Here is the tweak. (EDIT: PROBLEMS SOLVED)

Save this as a batch file.

REG ADD "HKCR\Folder\shell\List Contents\command" /ve /d "%COMSPEC% /C DIR ""%%1\"" /B /O /S>""%%1\""\"_CONTENTS LIST.TXT""


When I right-click a folder and select "List Contents", a text file named "[FOLDERNAME]_CONTENTS LIST.TXT" will be created OUTSIDE that directory containing the list of all the files.

NOTE: It doesn't work on CDs.. :no:

I have some questions.

1.  How can I replace the C:\Windows to %SYSTEMROOT%?  I tried it but it didn't work.  I also tried replacing C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe to %COMSPEC% but it didn't work too.

2.  I want to replace the name of the outputfile "CONTENTS LIST.TXT" to [FOLDERNAME].txt.  How can I do that?


ALL PROBLEMS SOLVED!!! :thumbup Well, not really.. Because it doesn't work on CDs..

Thanks to prathapml for giving me the idea of using a batch file instead of a reg file. :)


A much needed tweak here as well unfortunately I'm getting this error "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel."

A much needed tweak here as well unfortunately I'm getting this error "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel."

Sorry, I miss typed the code. :P Please try the edited code again. :lol:


Excellent it works now. I've been using a tiny app called Destiny for this purpose for years now...maybe I'm ready for a change.

Would love to help you with the additional feature you (and I) are after but have no idea what needs to be changed/added.


Your second Q is a good one, to which we don't know a good answer yet. Probably some code to get %CD% then strip only characters from the last slash? I don't know...

As for using %systemroot%

For example, to convert
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Opera.exe]
@="C:\\Program Files\\Opera7\\Opera.exe"
"Path"="C:\\Program Files\\Opera7"

to system variable strings, execute these commands from a batch file (its just like what you do for the RunOnceEX method):

REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Opera.exe" /VE /D "%ProgramFiles%\Opera7\Opera.exe" /f

REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Opera.exe" /V Path /D "%ProgramFiles%\Opera7" /f

If more explanation of that is needed, just let me know. :)

I don't want to hijack this thread in any way so just ignore me if you feel I'm doing so. I'm just curious which other (I'm only using CMD here & MakeISO) similar tweaks to this one you are using. I've seen quite a few that add things to My Computer but I very much prefer these.

Excellent it works now. I've been using a tiny app called Destiny for this purpose for years now...maybe I'm ready for a change.
I'm glad to see it's working for you now. Again, I'm sorry for the typo error earlier. :lol:
Would love to help you with the additional feature you (and I) are after but have no idea what needs to be changed/added.

That would be great. Thanks. :)



really useful!, i use something similar indeed: sendto>dirtxt.cmd

IF EXIST "%~f1\DIR.TXT" DEL /F /Q "%~f1\DIR.TXT"
DIR %1 /A /-P /O:GN>"%TEMP%\DIR.TXT"


Nice idea!

I also find it strange that I can't use %SystemDrive% or %ComSpec% directly in the registry. Ofcourse, prathapml's has a solution, but I want to know wether it's possibly to install this tweak with a REG-file.


This my Version of that, I create the list in the dir without using %temp,

open in Notepad

and I'm using REG_EXPAND_SZ which allows %SystemRoot%

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
;%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /c dir /B /O /S > %1\dirlist.txt|%SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe %1\dirlist.txt

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\Dir List\Command]

I tried for awhile to make it with REG ADD but I gave up.

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