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Quicktime 6: I have searched and searched... but..


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When I try to install QuickTime 6 using the following in .cmd file:

ECHO Installing Quick Time
ECHO Please wait...
start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\QuickTimeFullInstaller.exe /qn

and QuickTimeInstaller.ini with:


in the same directory as QuickTimeFullInstaller.exe, I see this:


but nothing after that.

Quicktime doesn't get installed. :(

Just to save some trouble, I can't use Quick Time Alternative because of work regulations.

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance!

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why not try once again with no_dialogs=false instead (in the .ini)

Atleast then it will show up the error box if any.

If that doesn't work, make an admin-install point using "/A" switch on the installer. Then install from the MSI in the resulting folder with "/QN".

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It worked fine for me using your ini.

@prathapml -

If that doesn't work, make an admin-install point using "/A" switch on the installer. Then install from the MSI in the resulting folder with "/QN".

Couldn't get this to work. do you have more details?

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Well, admin-install point you already know. (the same as what you do for OfficeXP/2003)

And just do the same on this one. For example,

QuickTimeFullInstaller.exe /A
QuickTimeFullInstaller.exe /A C:\QT-AIP

That will make the AIP.

If that doesn't work, try

msiexec /A QuickTimeFullInstaller.exe

If that doesn't work either, then try extracting QuickTimeFullInstaller.exe with winzip/winrar (because it might be a compressed file you are using) and run the same switches on the setup EXE or MSI found within.

The advantage to the AIP method, is that only the required files are copied to specified folder. After that you can go in and delete files that were only required for win9x, and make a RAR SFX which is much smaller than the installer you originally started out with.

Do post back on how it goes.

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Its supposed to work. Are you sure nothing ELSE is coming in the way?

I'm making the AIP on a clean XPSP2 and its fine. Saved 4 MB in the process.

Dunno how it would react on my dev machine though.... with all the truck-loads of what I have installed there. (I mean, the AIP will install fine, but I'm not sure whether I'll be able to CREATE it there)

One thing I've noticed to be useful, is *NOT* having the app installed when making an AIP of its installer.

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Grrrrr! Still can't get it to work, tried it on an unmodified clean install without quicktime installed and all it does is a normal install no matter which of your three suggestions I try.

I guess I'm stuck with the full installer.

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Here is my working method with the free player:


REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "Apple Quick Time 6.5.1" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Applications\QuickTime\QuickTimeFullInstaller.exe" /f

QuickTimeInstaller.ini (in the same folder as the .exe)


ConnectionSpeed="1.5 Mbps T1/Intranet/Lan"

Sometimes I get a warning Message during the installation telling me that QTPlugins as generated an error and I have to click on OK. But this is not halting the installation process and it only occurs when you don't have the Video or Sound driver installed prior to QuickTime...

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That's what I'm using except v6.5.2, and I didn't set the qtprefs. I was hoping to trim down the installer by making an Administrative install point if possible but it dowsn't seem to be working. Maybe it has to be the full version.

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Here is what maybe a dumb question so i apololgize in advance. What happens when you install it in windows using the ini file. Does it install fine or not?..

I myself tried using your ini but with the full download. It worked fine for me. It's identical to the ini I normaly use to do a one touch setup with another progam. I also use it in my unattended.

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I had the same problem and eventually just installed it like Hulk (i.e. full installer with NO switches but WITH an ini file). It installed fine. Dunno why the /qb or /qn switches caused install to fail but with no switches and an ini file I get a progress bar and a successful install.

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