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Cant 'explore' or 'open' start menu folders

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So after installing my uA cd, I can no longer right click and 'Open' or 'Explore' any of the start menu program folders. I try to do it and nothing happens.

The only way this functionality works is by right clicking the start menu and choosing either one of these options. In this case, it opens explorer as it should.

I assume it has to have been one of my regtweaks that caused this, but after looking back at them, I dont have the slightest idea which one.

If it matters, Im using the winxp standard menus, not classic.


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anyone have an idea on this??

::UPDATE:: Well, Ive verified its in fact NOT my regtweaks... I just ran my install with nothing but the useraccount.cmd in my cmdlines.txt. So no regtweaks were applied and no programs were installed, so it has to be something either nLite did or the RyanVM pack did....

Can someone, who has used nlite and installed the ryanvm pack at least verify that they do or dont have this problem?

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@ durex

Can someone, who has used nlite and installed the ryanvm pack at least verify that they do or dont have this problem?

I use nLite for integrating SP2 and RyanVM Pack V104, and I dont have prob. Thats all I use nLite for though, just those 2 ops. I manually delete folders to reduce size of source. (Lang, Win98update etc).

I dont use nLite for reducing size as I know too many people (service techs @work) who've had issues with doing this. HTH.

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@durex re: 4th post in thread -

Hrm.. and I did use nlite to remove some stuff

I've known different technicians at work remove the same things from their install cd's @work and get different results. That's why I never use nLite for reducing size of source. Its too unpredictable. Sorry if this upsets the nLite dev's but thats' our personal experience with it - we just use it as a slipstreaming tool.

Some people might/will disagree with me but from past dodgy experiences I will not use nLite as a reducing tool.

I use the original guide = http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/space_saving_tips.htm and manually del all the mentioned directories there and haven't had any issues from doing so, especially the prob you are experiencing.

nLite V0.99.4b2

M$ WinXP Pro (with no SP's applied, just "bare")

M$ SP2

RyanVM pack full V104

P.S. For the same reasons - unpredictability - we also don't use VMware or VirtualPC for testing. Just a dedicated testbox. It just adds extra clutter to find what-went-wrong-where if issues arise. Rule 'em out from the word go.

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Same problem here. Wonder why I haven't noticed this before..

Using nLite 0.99.5b3

RyanVM's Windows XP Post-SP2 Update Pack 1.0.4

@HULK: Windows @ C, Program Files @ C, Documents and Settings @ D, tried and having same problem when DaS dir @ C too... This is weird..



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Is your "Program Files" and "Document and Settings" folders on the same drive as "WINDOWS" ?

Yes. All on C:


Thx for the recommendation, if I dont get this figured out, I may have to do just what you suggested.

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I have the same problem regarding the start menu, I can right click on the programs folder on the start menu and get an explorer window to open but am unable to do this on the sub folders, i.e Start Up and others.

I also have shortcut folders in the all users start menu and these to suffer the same inability. The only thing that I use is RyanVM's update pack and when it is removed from dosnet and txtsetup and another installation is done, the functionality returns.

This is not really a big deal for me as I very rarely explore the shortcut folders and would rather have the updates :D and if I do need to explore I can still right click on the start button and progress from there.

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If you can't rightclick on the subfolders, it's probably because you disabled drag and drop in your start menu. This also disables right-clicking of the start menu items

I checked the properties and Enable Dragging and Dropping is enabled, thanks anyway, I use the classic start menu but the same happens on the XP start menu.

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If you can't rightclick on the subfolders, it's probably because you disabled drag and drop in your start menu. This also disables right-clicking of the start menu items.

negative.. that was one of the 1st things I checked and its turned on.

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Well, I found Ive got more issues than I thought.

1. In the Open or Save dialog boxes, the 'New Folder' button doesnt work.

2. I recently got a new HTPC remote to use with meedio and I was having major issues getting it to respond. After a TON of troubleshooting and research I finally tracked it down to being caused by removing the Windows 'Performance' component...

So it looks like back to the drawing board for slimming down my XP cd as I no longer plan to use nLite for this function.

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