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Alternative to Shutdown.exe

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I'm looking for a small exe program (or anything else!) wich doesn't look ugly as shutdown.exe.


To me it looks like a big error message and remind me one of those summer 2003 virus! ;)

Maybe something more graphical with a few buttons like Reboot Now and Cancel.

EDIT: WoW 400 post!

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Ok, I tried PsShutdown.exe:



Some options


At least I can put a cancel button...

EDIT: I don't understand how to use the -e option:

-e Shutdown reason code.

Specify 'u' for user reason codes and 'p' for planned shutdown reason codes.

xx is the major reason code (must be less than 256)

yy is the minor reason code (must be less than 65536)

psshutdown [[\\computer[,computer[,..] | @file [-u user [-p psswd]]] -s|-r|-h|-d|-k|-a|-l|-o [-f] [-c] [-t nn|h:m] [-n s] [-e [u|p]:xx:yy] [-m "message"]

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ok, I tried PsShutdown.exe:



Some options


At least I can put a cancel button...

EDIT: I don't understand how to use the -e option:

-e Shutdown reason code.

Specify 'u' for user reason codes and 'p' for planned shutdown reason codes.

xx is the major reason code (must be less than 256)

yy is the minor reason code (must be less than 65536)

psshutdown [[\\computer[,computer[,..] | @file [-u user [-p psswd]]] -s|-r|-h|-d|-k|-a|-l|-o [-f] [-c] [-t nn|h:m] [-n s] [-e [u|p]:xx:yy] [-m "message"]

Windows Server 2003 requires you enter a reason when you attempt to restart...

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