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areSilentInstall - a new way of using RunOnceEx

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I created a program to get around the problem that you want to use one Windows XP Unattend installation but have a different software configuration for every machine you got. You just have to burn one CD with all different sorts of software and to include areSilentInstall instead of RunOnceExec.bat in the XP CD.

At the end of the XP installation (cmdlines.txt) the program will be started and then you're able to select the path where to search for installation files (install.ini).

You just have to create a installation file for every single program you want to install.

I think the whole program is a kind of XPLode, but much simpler.

If there is anyone interested write me an email or just post an answer. If you found bugs or have good ideas for new features do the same.

Currently the program is writen in german, but if there is enough interest i could do it english either. The sample install.ini included descripes (in english) how to use the installation file and the program (i think) is self explaining (in german :P )

areSilentInstall 1.0


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If you could make this so it could check to see what the "name" of the pc you gave it from winnt.sif and make its selection based on that., so that there wouldnt be the need for any user interaction.... that would be pretty tight.

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Good point! ;)

But what if I don't know where to get the files (e.g. CDRom or Network Share)

I want to have the XPCD as clean as possible and when I just set the Path to the CD Rom it's not authentic anymore (in case there is no CD Rom -> what will i do?)

I created this Pro just for this case.

Of course I could do the thing by selecting the files through the propper computername, but what if i get a complete new machine where I neither know the name nor know what software to install (in case of using a CD Rom I have to reburn the whole thing to get this working)

Hey and think of an updated version of a Program -> Yep! reburn! (Ok! I allways have to do this in that case :blushing: )

If you have a good idea how to do this better -> Tell me! I want to learn!



btw. I send this Program online to see what the comunity would say! So please try it and tell me your opinion about it. B)

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what I do is a multi-CD install

runoneex calls a bat on the CD, and the CD then controlls the install of the apps. I make a custom CD3 for different environments, and it is only using a runonceex entry looking for %cdrom%\cd3.bat

Each CD3 has different apps, and a CD3.bat that installs all the apps on it

CD1=unattended XPsp2 +hotfixes and drivers

CD2=full mso2k3 + updates

CD3=work apps (licensed apps for work environment)

CD3=home apps (purchased apps I use at home)

CD3=free apps (free apps I use when setting up PCs on side jobs)

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