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I agree with Musicmatch.  It's ripping feature is really fast.

I registered MMJB a long time ago [version 1 or 2] and I used to use it for ripping or converting mp3->wav or vice versa. For converting it's still alright but it's too bulky in general. For ripping I stopped using MMJB altogether. Back in the day it was decent but, for me, over time it seemed the quality dropped. Regardless of what I did my rips were just not as good as they should be or used to be with way older releases of MMJB.

I use EAC to rip my CDs these days and I use LAME 3.96.1 codec along with BlueRazorLame to convert the WAVs to MP3. You could always do a 1 step process with EAC but I prefer to do the 2 steps.

To burn my CDs I either use Nero [99%] or I burn them through foobar2000 [1% of the time when I am super super lazy and already listening to the music with fb2k].

And... to keep this on topic... I would never ever use Winamp to rip or burn a CD. But... that's just my opinion. Oh... and I don't know anything to add for application switches which is where this topic is located.

Glad to see v5.06 is out. No, I don't think Winamp is dead. AOL still needs Winamp. They just might not push for advancement so much. Now that Yahoo! acquired MMJB [not new news] it's somewhat of a quiet war, IMO.

To each their own.



Since version 7, Musicmatch's ripping feature has greatly improved. I haven't tried Winamp for like 3 years now, but I think it has improved too so maybe I will give it a shot.

But now, I only use Windows Media Player for everything, since I got a media center pc. But I still Musicmatch for ripping.

Question: Why do we need an msi for this if we can install it with /S switch? What is the advantage?

Edit: Not only 3 years. Make that 5. :lol:


Like I just answered someone's PM, I will get to making a new MSI. But i don't promise to even start till next week.

I lost the old file structures, so I'm gonna be either basing the MSI off of the old installer (sometimes a bad idea) or starting from scratch YET AGAIN (better in the long run assuming I back it up more often then I did the last one)

But yeah, Thanksgiving....maybe

Like I just answered someone's PM, I will get to making a new MSI. But i don't promise to even start till next week.

I lost the old file structures, so I'm gonna be either basing the MSI off of the old installer (sometimes a bad idea) or starting from scratch YET AGAIN (better in the long run assuming I back it up more often then I did the last one) <snip>

Once again, I'm sure I'm not the only one when I say thanks for taking the time and effort in create these msi installers.

Despite my love for Winamp, I don't like installing every component that comes with it, so for someone to create just an msi installer, let alone an msi installer that allows you to choose exactly what you want to install is a god-send. :D


Wedge1 is correct... if you want quality for your encoded songs... you don't use Winamp and also not Musicmatch... EAC is the only application that can get the best quality out of an audioCD...


what are those ini files? what do I have to put in them?

do u hv a benchmark comparision between winamp, musicmatch and EAC ???

do u hv a benchmark comparision between winamp, musicmatch and EAC ???

I am sure there are comparisation tables on the net... I choose EAC after reading topics in hydrogenaudio.org (where audiophiles gather and test new Lame and other encoders... ) EAC is highly recommended by hydrogenaudio and guess they should have some comparisation tables or something... but if you read on the eac site about the new technique used..... and the fact it is the only ripper that uses the advanced possibilities of error correction of your CDdrive... you might already be satisfied... (have tested it with badly scratched discs wich didn't play well (not even on pc), ripped them... took some time but had perfect WAVs with no clips or disturbtions :) )

ontopic: alanoll has stated he will bring out a new MSI and it will have some more functions too this time :thumbup


Using EAC in "seure mode" is what sets it apart from other rippers. It will read and re-read the cd until it gets it right.....unless the cd is just waaaay beyond repair. And it will tell exact where errors occur, if any exist.

From the author

In secure mode, this program reads every audio sector at least twice. That is one reason why the program is so slow. But by using this technique non-identical sectors are detected. If an error occurs (read or sync error), the program keeps on reading this sector, until eight of 16 retries are identical, but at maximum one, three or five times (according to the error recovery quality) these 16 retries are read. So, in the worst case, bad sectors are read up to 82 times! But this will help the program to obtain best result by comparing all of the retries. If it is not sure that the stream is correct (at least it can be said at approx. 99.5%) the program will tell the user where the (possible) read error occurred. The program also tries to adjust the jitter artefacts that occur on the first block of a track, so that each extraction should be exactly the same. On drives found to have the "accurate stream" feature, this is guaranteed. Of course, this is a little bit more complex, especially with some CD drives which have caching. When these drives cache audio data, every sector read will be read from cache and is identical. I initially implemented two ways of dealing with the caching problem. First there is an extra option for resetting the cache for use the the old secure mode (the one being kept for compatibility reasons). In the current beta version, the cache will still be reset by resetting the drive completely. You might imagine that this would slow down the reading process very badly.

Read the entire post here.


I have made a vbs script to install Winamp 5.0.6

it is attached so if anyone wants to use it go ahead.

If you want to pick components then it needs to be changed.

this part is when the Choose Components screen comes up

WshShell.SendKeys ("{TAB}")

WshShell.SendKeys ("{DOWN}")  ' choose components
WshShell.SendKeys (" ")
' add here any more sendkeys that you want to choose the components to install

The first {TAB} takes you into the window to choose components. It then goes {DOWN} onto the Winamp Agent and {SPACE} unchecks it.

It is here that you need to add WScript.SendKeys to choose what you want. So if you want to go to 'User Interface Extensions ' you have to add the {DOWN} 3 times and to open it up once {RIGHT}. The code would then look like this...

WshShell.SendKeys ("{TAB}")

WshShell.SendKeys ("{DOWN}")  ' choose components
WshShell.SendKeys (" ")
WshShell.SendKeys ("{DOWN}")
WshShell.SendKeys ("{DOWN}")
WshShell.SendKeys ("{DOWN}")
WshShell.SendKeys ("{RIGHT}")
' add here any more sendkeys that you want to choose the components to install

the last few lines have been REM'ed out so if you want to use them they have to be customised as this would be a german OS. What this does is makes up a folder called Multimedia in Start/Programs if one does not exist and moves WinAmp to that.


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