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Tell Aaron..


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Man...Aaron hates me now...(I think)

I sent him a PM, about how I want to be a news editor..

He said because of what I have done to the forums...I cannot apply for this job..

Thats BS I was lame...not anymore...I help people out, every chance I can..

Now I can't post news!?!

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Why does this post remind me of the song ...

Stroke Man - Stroke Man :)

Hey, Aaron is not a hatefull person. I know. I deliberately do things to get his attention out of respect for his knowledge and judgement on all kinds of issues. He never slaps me on the wrist unless I deserve it. And I usually deserve it :D

You make your own place in this world or the world puts you in place GeForce-5 :rolleyes:

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Geforce, you got to realize that you got yourself in the situation at hand, we understand that your sorry and that your trying to make up for it, but its still too early to really give you those privladges that other people have gained. Now dont get all bumed out, just stick around and m,aybe a spot will open up when we feel your ready...



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even i get told off!

"stop using msfn webserver as your personal image server!"

but i forgot the password for my isp webspace -- so where the hell else am i gonna put images?!  :)  :rolleyes:

OMG! LOL! um...

I just wanted to thank you guys for responding...

Then again, I sent in one article, since I can't post articles...and it never got up on the site...about Dell making printers in December...

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I submitted my news article about the Dell printers, before Manx, and his got up there 3 days after I submitted mine....only because he can post news... :)

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even i get told off!

"stop using msfn webserver as your personal image server!"

geforce, suck it up and GROW UP! When you evince some signs of maturity, good things will happen. Until then, most of what you'll get is just frustration. take it from the voice of experience.

Good point

[i hate red wine]

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i dont know what you are laughing at xper you are as guilty of that as me, and ill be sure to tell aaron so he can give you an ear bashing too!!!


It's about space, only images takes 13 MB on webserver and it seems those images are not well compresed or not compresed at all. I will download all images and compres it properly sometime tonight.

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