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Remember...there are 49 other states, hundreds of counties, thousands of precincts and polling locations, tens of thousands of voting machine. Seems likely that there are numerous errors in numerous places. And I am guessing that some went in Bush's favor and some went in Kerry's favor.

You all are so blinded by your hatred of President Bush that you can't see things clearly. Try a little objectivity and you may be surprised at what you see. Also try not believing everything spoon-fed to you by the media. Try to think for yourselves.


Bush won Ohio by more than 130,000 votes. So 3,000 makes no difference. What is your point ??? Please have a valid point before you go stirring up trouble !

Bush won Ohio by more than 130,000 votes.  So 3,000 makes no difference.  What is your point ???  Please have a valid point before you go stirring up trouble !

Point is over 3,800 wrong votes, yet over 155,000 provisional ballots uncounted in a state that determines our president.

That sir is a valid statement.


And out of all provisional ballots a number between 7 and 20% will be determined to be valid. So......?

If you want to challenge Ohio, why not also go for Pennsylvania? But keep in mind that Kerry's margin of victory is smaller, than Bush's in Ohio.

  • 4 weeks later...

Im way more concerned with the closed source election software and the open friendship between diebold ceo and georgy bush. A conflict of interest in the national election, hello?

I'm not saying he stole it, I thought the dry drunk would win the personality contest. I still proudly voted for better policy and character. ;)

There should be a poll, or the public should VOTE whether or not to use OPEN source software for future elections. Currently you need 'faith' that your vote was counted correctly or at all.

  • 2 weeks later...

I take it you both are americans, so heres a South Aricans point of view. Doesn't matter who one or lost, niether of you can change this so don't stress and get all upset over it. Your both part of the greatest nation in the world. Don't get me wrong I loved SA and would gladly give my life for her.

What is important now is how Bush handles his next few years in the white house and the decisions he makes. I watched the 9/11 movie by michael moore, but I took everything I saw and heard with I pinch salt. After all it is only the point of view by one man. He to can't change how things have turned out.

I see the whole voting machine thing as information not speculation as to who should have been elected president or who cheated.

"The universe will unfold as it should."


well, statically, if there were more voting machine errors or "other" irregularities in the system especially in the final states that did decide the election, then the outcome could very well have changed if they were brought to light. But then again, I was for Kerry for a good majority of the race, but then that one debate where he said he wanted to raise taxes in a depression.....that got me voting for bush

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