battleangel3222 Posted September 5, 2004 Posted September 5, 2004 -=-=-=-=-=-=-> XPlode start at: 04/09/05 16:21:15XPlode { Loading Plugins (SDK2.0) { Load successful: C:\XPCD\$OEM$\XPlodeAdduserPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\XPCD\$OEM$\XPlodeExamplePlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\XPCD\$OEM$\XPlodeExecutePlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\XPCD\$OEM$\XPlodeFSOpsPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\XPCD\$OEM$\XPlodeRegistryPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\XPCD\$OEM$\XPlodeShortcutPlugin2.xpd2 } Registering commands { Command: addgroup, (0,1) Command: adduser, (0,0) Command: copy, (3,0) Command: delete, (3,2) Command: example, (1,0) Command: execute, (2,0) Command: move, (3,1) Command: registry, (4,0) Command: shortcut, (5,0) } Commandline Parameter: '/help:', Value: '' Commandline Parameter: '/xml:', Value: 'C:\XPCD\$OEM$\XPlode.xml' Parsing XML: C:\XPCD\$OEM$\XPlode.xml { Error opening XML file: C:\XPCD\$OEM$\XPlode.xml Invalid XML syntax. Check UNICODE encoding? } Starting dialog { } Execution thread { }-=-=-=-=-=-=-> XPlode end at: 04/09/05 16:21:15whats wrong?
BAM Posted September 5, 2004 Posted September 5, 2004 Save your xml file as unicode!-Save as: XPlode.xml-choose under encoding: unicodeVoila that's all, now it will work!
battleangel3222 Posted September 5, 2004 Author Posted September 5, 2004 it was unicode the whole what could be wrong?
evilvoice Posted September 5, 2004 Posted September 5, 2004 ATTACH your xml, ill look at it...i had the same problem, just dont remember how I fixed wasnt anything doing with was something else...
battleangel3222 Posted September 5, 2004 Author Posted September 5, 2004 i think its my own fault, i didnt finish some of the lines towards the end...i just wanted to see if it would run partially. Ill do some more fiddling when im done hosting my lan party in which case by the time i wake up it will be next week hehe well...mabie just till tommorow.
Alanoll Posted September 5, 2004 Posted September 5, 2004 it could be the fact of invalid XML syntax. Didn't close a tag or something.
battleangel3222 Posted September 6, 2004 Author Posted September 6, 2004 Alright here is everything,m along with the error codes. I think its something to do with the tags, but its not like I would know.The XML page cannot be displayed Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------End tag 'item' does not match the start tag 'registry'. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/Copy of XPCD/$OEM$/XPlode.xml... </item>----^-=-=-=-=-=-=-> XPlode start at: 04/09/07 05:22:00XPlode { Loading Plugins (SDK2.0) { Load successful: C:\Copy of XPCD\$OEM$\XPlodeAdduserPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\Copy of XPCD\$OEM$\XPlodeExamplePlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\Copy of XPCD\$OEM$\XPlodeExecutePlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\Copy of XPCD\$OEM$\XPlodeFSOpsPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\Copy of XPCD\$OEM$\XPlodeRegistryPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\Copy of XPCD\$OEM$\XPlodeShortcutPlugin2.xpd2 } Registering commands { Command: addgroup, (0,1) Command: adduser, (0,0) Command: copy, (3,0) Command: delete, (3,2) Command: example, (1,0) Command: execute, (2,0) Command: move, (3,1) Command: registry, (4,0) Command: shortcut, (5,0) } Commandline Parameter: '/help:', Value: '' Commandline Parameter: '/xml:', Value: 'C:\Copy of XPCD\$OEM$\XPlode.xml' Parsing XML: C:\Copy of XPCD\$OEM$\XPlode.xml { Error opening XML file: C:\Copy of XPCD\$OEM$\XPlode.xml Invalid XML syntax. Check UNICODE encoding? } Starting dialog { } Execution thread { }-=-=-=-=-=-=-> XPlode end at: 04/09/07 05:22:00<XPlode> <config> <hidewindow>Windows Update</hidewindow> <hidewindow>Windows Installer</hidewindow> <hidewindow>Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1</hidewindow> <hidewindow>CMD.EXe</hidewindow> <show total='6' after='2' subcount='true' /> <!-- make antialiasing false if you're running GUIinstall mode --> <font face='Tahoma' antialias='false' small='8' large='12' /> <!-- note the position attribute - it is listed in 'x,y' positions. --> <!-- 0..8 still may be used. --> <window width='440' position='8' fixmain='0' /> <!-- can be standalone, guitransparent, or guiredraw --> <!-- for the latter two, you don't need to specify background colours, or images. --> <windowmode mode='guitransparent' /> <colours> <header back='#003399' fore='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\images\head.png' /> <footer back='#003399' fore='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\images\foot.png' /> <progress border='#FFFFFF' back='#00000000' fore='#FFFFFFAA' fore2='#00000033' /> <main back='#FF00FF' fore='#FFFFFF' current='#FFFF00' description='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\main.png' overlay='#FFFFFF22' /> </colours> <strings> <!-- main XPlode string --> <title>Post-Install Configuration</title> <complete>complete</complete> <!-- adduser plugin strings --> <adduser>Adding user #1#</adduser> <addusertogroup>Adding user #1# to group #2#</addusertogroup> <addgroup>Adding group #1#</addgroup> <!-- file/dir ops plugin strings --> <copy>Copying #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</copy> <move>Moving #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</move> <delete>Deleting #1# (#3#)</delete> <!-- shortcut plugin --> <shortcut>Adding shortcut: #1#</shortcut> </strings> </config> <items> <item display='Adding users and groups...'> <!-- note the different use of quotes due to the data held in them --> <adduser username='S0mE0nEsMiNd1' password='xxxxx' groups='Administrators' fullname='S0mE0nEsMiNd1' comment="f***In J00 uP bIatCh" /> </item> <item display='Registry Tweaks for S0mE0nEsMiNd'> <!-- note the username and password - it will run under the user 'Spike', using the account password --> <execute display='Applying tweaks...' program='regedit' arguments='/s "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install\regtweaks.reg"' username='S0mE0nEsMiNd1' password='xxxxx' /> </item> <item display='Adding shortcuts'> <!-- this will add a shortcut to something on the system --> <shortcut display='Notepad' program='C:\WINDOWS\System32\Notepad.exe' description='Notepad Editing C:\boot.ini' workdir='C:\' arguments='C:\boot.ini' link='C:\Notepad.lnk' /> </item> <item display='Copying'> <dircopy directory='#SOURCEPATH#\Install' target='#SYSTEMDRIVE#\' /> <dircopy directory='#SOURCEPATH#\Drivers' target='#SYSTEMDRIVE#\' /> </item> <item display='Installing Applications'> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\MIRC" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\mIrc" /> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\MIRC\MIRC.lnk" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\mIRC\mirc.lnk" /> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\MIRC\MIRC.lnk" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\mirc.lnk" /> <execute display="Installing Diskeeper 8..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Diskeeper\setup.exe" arguments="/s /v/qn" /> <execute display="Stopping Diskeeper 8..." program="taskkill" arguments="/im dkservice.exe /f" /> <delete source="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Executive Software\Diskeeper\tl32v20.dll" /> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\Diskeeper\tl32v20.dll" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Executive Software\Diskeeper\tl32v20.dll" /> <execute display="Installing FlashFXP..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\FlashFXP\Setup.exe" arguments="/silent" /> <delete source="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\FlashFXP\FlashFXP.exe" /> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\FlashFXP\FlashFXP.exe" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\FlashFXP\FlashFXP.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Kazaa..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\install\kazaa\kazaa.exe" arguments="/silent" /> <execute display="eMule For the eDonkey Network..." program="%SourceDrive%\install\emule\emule.exe" arguments="/s" /> <execute display="Installing Bit Tornado..." program="#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\Bt\bt.exe" arguments="/S" /> <execute display="Installing News Bin Pro" program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\News\news.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Winamp 5.05 Pro" program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\winamp\winamp.msi" /> <execute display="Installing Shrink DVD" program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Shrink\shrink.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Kazaa Lite Codec Pack..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\codecs\klcodec.exe" arguments="/VERYSILENT /SP- /LOADINF=.\install.inf" /> <execute display="Installing Winhex..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\install\winhex\winhex.exe" arguments="/s" /> <execute display="Installing AdobeReader..." program="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Postinstall\Applications\Adobe\adobe.exe" arguments= "-p -s /v\ /qn\" /> <execute display="Installing SUN Java..." program="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\install\SunJava\java.exe" arguments="/s /v /qn ADDLOCAL=jrecore IEXPLORER=1" /> <execute display='Installing Lavasoft Ad-Aware SE Pro. 1.03...' program='#SYSTEMDRIVE#\Install\Ad-Aware\Ad-Aware.exe' arguments='/SILENT'> /> <execute display="Installing Spybot SD 1.3..." program="#SOURCEDRIVE#\Install\spybot\spybotsd13.exe" arguments="/VERYSILENT" /> <execute display='Installing Radlinker for Omega Drivers...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\ATI_Omega_Drivers\Radlinker\RadLinker1013OEM.msi' arguments='/qn' /> <execute display='Installing ATI Tool for Omega Drivers...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\ATI_Omega_Drivers\AtiTool\ATITool_0.0.21.exe' arguments='/S' /> <execute display='Installing Omega Drivers...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\ATI_Omega_Drivers\Setup.exe' arguments='/S' /> <execute display='Installing WinRAR...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\winrar\winrar.exe' arguments='/s' /> <execute display='Installing Nero Burning ROM...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\Install\Nero\nero.exe' arguments='/silent /noreboot /no_ui /sn=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx /write_sn' /> <execute display="Installing Ultra ISO..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\ultraiso\ultraiso.exe" arguments="/s" /> <registry display="Registering MIRC..." method="write">;Registering MIRC... [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC\License] @="3396-255840" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC\UserName] @="HEVNBND" /> <execute display="Installing Norton System Works 2004..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Norton\NSWSETUP.EXE" arguments="/s /v/qn" /> <execute display="Stopping Norton AntiVirus 2004..." program="taskkill" arguments="/im CfgWiz.exe /f" /> <execute display="Installing DU Meter 3.." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\INSTALL\PM\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Mozilla FireFox..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\FF\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing ISOBuster..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\ISO\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Cacheman XP..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Cacheman\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Dreamweaver MX..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\install\Dreamweaver\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Peer Guardian..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Peer\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Sisoft Sandra..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Sandra\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Tweak-XP..." program="%Sourcedrive%\Install\Tweak-XP\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing WinDVD..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\WINDVD\setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing XP-AntiSpy..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Antispy\setup.exe" /> </item> <item display='Cleaning Up'> <execute display='Clean up on next boot...' program='#SYSTEMDRIVE#\Install\Cleanup.cmd arguments="" /> </item> </items></XPlode>
Wraith Posted September 7, 2004 Posted September 7, 2004 <registry display="Registering MIRC..." method="write">;Registering MIRC... [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC\License] @="3396-255840" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC\UserName] @="HEVNBND" />should be<registry display="Registering MIRC..." method="write">;Registering MIRC... [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC\License] @="3396-255840" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC\UserName] @="HEVNBND" </registry>Might want to remove your serial numbers and whatnot in future.Reading some stuff on XML might be good too. It's pretty much like HTML, but there are a few timesavers. Check it out.
battleangel3222 Posted September 7, 2004 Author Posted September 7, 2004 thanks wrath. looks like thats fixed, now i get this:End tag 'item' does not match the start tag 'execute'. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/Copy of XPCD/$OEM$/XPlode.xml'... </item>----^
Wraith Posted September 7, 2004 Posted September 7, 2004 You forgot to "close" the program attribute of your final <execute>.Add another ' to the end of the program and you should be fine.
battleangel3222 Posted September 7, 2004 Author Posted September 7, 2004 sorry, im not quite understanding what your asking me to do
Wraith Posted September 7, 2004 Posted September 7, 2004 <execute display='Clean up on next boot...' program='#SYSTEMDRIVE#\Install\Cleanup.cmd <== missing a closing quotearguments="" />
battleangel3222 Posted September 7, 2004 Author Posted September 7, 2004 thanks wraith but its still not quite working, once again heres my code and errorThe XML page cannot be displayed Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------End tag 'item' does not match the start tag 'execute'. Error processing resource 'file:///W:/Workspace/Period3/XPlode.xml'. Line 158, Position 4 </item>---^<XPlode> <config> <hidewindow>Windows Update</hidewindow> <hidewindow>Windows Installer</hidewindow> <hidewindow>Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1</hidewindow> <hidewindow>CMD.EXe</hidewindow> <show total='6' after='2' subcount='true' /> <!-- make antialiasing false if you're running GUIinstall mode --> <font face='Tahoma' antialias='false' small='8' large='12' /> <!-- note the position attribute - it is listed in 'x,y' positions. --> <!-- 0..8 still may be used. --> <window width='440' position='8' fixmain='0' /> <!-- can be standalone, guitransparent, or guiredraw --> <!-- for the latter two, you don't need to specify background colours, or images. --> <windowmode mode='guitransparent' /> <colours> <header back='#003399' fore='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\images\head.png' /> <footer back='#003399' fore='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\images\foot.png' /> <progress border='#FFFFFF' back='#00000000' fore='#FFFFFFAA' fore2='#00000033' /> <main back='#FF00FF' fore='#FFFFFF' current='#FFFF00' description='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\main.png' overlay='#FFFFFF22' /> </colours> <strings> <!-- main XPlode string --> <title>Post-Install Configuration</title> <complete>complete</complete> <!-- adduser plugin strings --> <adduser>Adding user #1#</adduser> <addusertogroup>Adding user #1# to group #2#</addusertogroup> <addgroup>Adding group #1#</addgroup> <!-- file/dir ops plugin strings --> <copy>Copying #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</copy> <move>Moving #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</move> <delete>Deleting #1# (#3#)</delete> <!-- shortcut plugin --> <shortcut>Adding shortcut: #1#</shortcut> </strings></config><items> <item display='Adding users and groups...'> <!-- note the different use of quotes due to the data held in them --> <adduser username='S0mE0nEsMiNd1' password='xxxxx' groups='Administrators' fullname='S0mE0nEsMiNd1' comment="f***In J00 uP bIatCh" /> </item> <item display='Registry Tweaks for S0mE0nEsMiNd'> <!-- note the username and password - it will run under the user 'Spike', using the account password --> <execute display='Applying tweaks...' program='regedit' arguments='/s "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install\regtweaks.reg"' username='S0mE0nEsMiNd1' password='xxxxx' /> </item> <item display='Adding shortcuts'> <!-- this will add a shortcut to something on the system --> <shortcut display='Notepad' program='C:\WINDOWS\System32\Notepad.exe' description='Notepad Editing C:\boot.ini' workdir='C:\' arguments='C:\boot.ini' link='C:\Notepad.lnk' /> </item> <item display='Copying'> <dircopy directory='#SOURCEPATH#\Install' target='#SYSTEMDRIVE#\' /> <dircopy directory='#SOURCEPATH#\Drivers' target='#SYSTEMDRIVE#\' /> </item> <item display='Installing Applications'> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\MIRC" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\mIrc" /> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\MIRC\MIRC.lnk" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\mIRC\mirc.lnk" /> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\MIRC\MIRC.lnk" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\mirc.lnk" /> <execute display="Installing Diskeeper 8..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Diskeeper\setup.exe" arguments="/s /v/qn" /> <execute display="Stopping Diskeeper 8..." program="taskkill" arguments="/im dkservice.exe /f" /> <delete source="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Executive Software\Diskeeper\tl32v20.dll" /> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\Diskeeper\tl32v20.dll" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Executive Software\Diskeeper\tl32v20.dll" /> <execute display="Installing FlashFXP..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\FlashFXP\Setup.exe" arguments="/silent" /> <delete source="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\FlashFXP\FlashFXP.exe" /> <copy source="%SOURCEPATH%\Install\FlashFXP\FlashFXP.exe" target="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\FlashFXP\FlashFXP.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Kazaa..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\install\kazaa\kazaa.exe" arguments="/silent" /> <execute display="eMule For the eDonkey Network..." program="%SourceDrive%\install\emule\emule.exe" arguments="/s" /> <execute display="Installing Bit Tornado..." program="#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\Bt\bt.exe" arguments="/S" /> <execute display="Installing News Bin Pro" program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\News\news.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Winamp 5.05 Pro" program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\winamp\winamp.msi" /> <execute display="Installing Shrink DVD" program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Shrink\shrink.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Kazaa Lite Codec Pack..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\codecs\klcodec.exe" arguments="/VERYSILENT /SP- /LOADINF=.\install.inf" /> <execute display="Installing Winhex..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\install\winhex\winhex.exe" arguments="/s" /> <execute display="Installing AdobeReader..." program="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Postinstall\Applications\Adobe\adobe.exe" arguments= "-p -s /v\ /qn\" /> <execute display="Installing SUN Java..." program="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\install\SunJava\java.exe" arguments="/s /v /qn ADDLOCAL=jrecore IEXPLORER=1" /> <execute display='Installing Lavasoft Ad-Aware SE Pro. 1.03...' program='#SYSTEMDRIVE#\Install\Ad-Aware\Ad-Aware.exe' arguments='/SILENT'> /> <execute display="Installing Spybot SD 1.3..." program="#SOURCEDRIVE#\Install\spybot\spybotsd13.exe" arguments="/VERYSILENT" /> <execute display='Installing Radlinker for Omega Drivers...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\ATI_Omega_Drivers\Radlinker\RadLinker1013OEM.msi' arguments='/qn' /> <execute display='Installing ATI Tool for Omega Drivers...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\ATI_Omega_Drivers\AtiTool\ATITool_0.0.21.exe' arguments='/S' /> <execute display='Installing Omega Drivers...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\ATI_Omega_Drivers\Setup.exe' arguments='/S' /> <execute display='Installing WinRAR...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\install\winrar\winrar.exe' arguments='/s' /> <execute display='Installing Nero Burning ROM...' program='#SOURCEDRIVE#\Install\Nero\nero.exe' arguments='/silent /noreboot /no_ui /sn=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx /write_sn' /> <execute display="Installing Ultra ISO..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\ultraiso\ultraiso.exe" arguments="/s" /> <registry display="Registering MIRC..." method="write">;Registering MIRC... [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC\License] @="3396-255840" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC\UserName] @="HEVNBND" </registry> <execute display="Installing Norton System Works 2004..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Norton\NSWSETUP.EXE" arguments="/s /v/qn" /> <execute display="Stopping Norton AntiVirus 2004..." program="taskkill" arguments="/im CfgWiz.exe /f" /> <execute display="Installing DU Meter 3.." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\INSTALL\PM\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Mozilla FireFox..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\FF\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing ISOBuster..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\ISO\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Cacheman XP..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Cacheman\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Dreamweaver MX..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\install\Dreamweaver\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Peer Guardian..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Peer\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Sisoft Sandra..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Sandra\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing Tweak-XP..." program="%Sourcedrive%\Install\Tweak-XP\Setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing WinDVD..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\WINDVD\setup.exe" /> <execute display="Installing XP-AntiSpy..." program="%SOURCEDRIVE%\Install\Antispy\setup.exe" /> </item> <item display="Cleaning Up"><execute display="Clean up on next boot..." program="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install\Cleanup.cmd" /> </item></items></XPlode>
battleangel3222 Posted September 8, 2004 Author Posted September 8, 2004 Fixed! Thanks guys! Looking forward to a great success with XPlode! Thanks Wraith, thanks MSFN! You are Superb. Thanks for directing me to this insanely infomative forum
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