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Please post your SiI3112 hardware IDs!

Bâshrat the Sneaky

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To solve the problem with the SiI 3112 Sata Link & Sata RAID controller (sii3112, sii3112r) I'd like to know your HardwareIDs

How to find it?

Download the devcon utility. I've packed it together with a batch file that does everything for you. You only have to copy the hardwareID

Download here! (SFX archive) Download no longer available, because the problem is solved! Thanks to all who've posted!

How to answer?

Specify the following things

1) SiI 3112 SATALink / SiI SATARaid

2) HardwareID (e.g.: PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3112&SUBSYS_809D1043&REV_02)

3) Did the unattended installation work? If yes, specify which method.

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Edited by Bâshrat the Sneaky
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What's the problem?  The sii3112 and si3112r use different hardware-id's and driver files don't they?  Just include both in your install and let Windows do the searching...


Service Pack 2 includes the ability to check the hardware ID's without downloading Devcon.exe now.

Simply go into Device Manager and go into "Properties" of the driver you want, click the "Details" tab, under Property, choose "Hardware Ids" and copy and paste the first one here.

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What's the problem?  The sii3112 and si3112r use different hardware-id's and driver files don't they?  Just include both in your install and let Windows do the searching...



ASUS A7N8X-E Deluxe

I'm not sure which method I used... I downloaded these drivers, added the relevant lines to the TXTSETUP.SIF and then made a folder /Windows/PnP/MassStorage/SIIMAGE with the drivers installed and added this line to Unattend.txt:

OemDriversPath = Windows/PnP/MassStorage/SIIMAGE

I'm not sure what method that is, but that worked for me.

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I had the same problem as 'iSmart' in your sticky topic, a BSOD after reboot after text-mode stage.

I can't give you the info you asked for because the motherboard is no longer in my posession.

Motherboard; Asus K8V-SE Deluxe

There are 2 (!) RAID controllers on that board, Promise 20378 RAID controller and the VT8237 RAID controller.

First I created a raid 0 configuration using the Promise controller, thus using si3112r driver with known result.

I just created a new raid 0 configuration using the VT8237 RAID controller and that worked.

Maybe this info still helped.

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1. 3112 SATA RAID

2. PCI\VEN_1095&DEV_3112&SUBSYS_61121095&REV_02\4&3B1D9AB8&0&5840: Silicon Image SiI 3112 SATARaid Controller

3. Method 1 did not work, Method 2 did not work. The TextMode method worked.

Another thing... The TextMode method does work, and may be a viable alternative for stubborn drivers, but I don't think it should be implemented for all the drivers because it does required a longer loading time during the Windows XP textmode setup (assuming you are getting the driver pack for a single driver). Nevermind, i really don't know.

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Another thing... The TextMode method does work, and may be a viable alternative for stubborn drivers, but I don't think it should be implemented for all the drivers because it does required a longer loading time during the Windows XP textmode setup (assuming you are getting the driver pack for a single driver). Nevermind, i really don't know.

Can you read my mind?

I'm really thinking of doing this!! Testing it out. But as you say, I don't know yet if I can add multiple drivers, which IS a requirement....

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Hello party people again!!!

I've just found out very strange thing with these 3112 controllers!

As ya know, I use Epox RDA3+ for testing. HWID string of integrated 3112r chip is


Such SUBSYS has the only one 3112r controller, but no one 3112 (sorry my english). So, what's the f***ing problem? I can't understand, why WinXP setup choose 3112 instead of 3112r...

Again, my guesswork, 3112r has CC_0104 and 3112 has CC_0106. But I have no mobo with 3112. We need ya help, 3112-owners! We need not only your VEN, DEV & SUBSYS codes, but also CC!!! (and maybe REV too).

3112r on Epox RDA3+ has full code


If my guess-work is right, we can put right CC's in txtsetup.sif, and it will help WinXP setup choose right driver.

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hmmm, if youre wondering why windows chooses 3112 instead of 3112r, let me give you some things that I did to test...

1. If you do not have a raid set up, or dont have your card acting as a raid, it will default to a 3112.

2. If you do have a raid, and it is set up properly (this means changing some functions of the card...and possibly the BIOS, dont remember as its been a while) then windows will install 3112r.

3. 3112 acts as both BASE and RAID (which is why both drivers exist on the cd) or maybe its just us Gigabyte owners, huh RyanVM LOL.

There is a problem with the BASE drivers...when windows installs them, it doesnt work...a solution would be to remove support for 3112 and only keep 3112r as the card SHOULD work as both...

I know I have both drivers in my install and windows did choose the correct one.

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  • 2 weeks later...
3.  3112 acts as both BASE and RAID (which is why both drivers exist on the cd)  or maybe its just us Gigabyte owners, huh RyanVM LOL.

Dang straight. I hate this board :realmad:

Granted, the ITE8212 chip is the main source of my ire. A word of warning to potential motherboard buyers, I've seen this chip advertised on other boards as well (Asus I think) - AVOID IT LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW. It's a PCI bus hogging piece of crap that causes my sounds to get static every time I do anything with a drive connected to it. Absolute GARBAGE.

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