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Guide For Compressed Drivers Unattended Install

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Posted (edited)


I modified this from my old topic my drivers Inf files to drivers.cab?

Here is the new guide, a more EASY to USE... :thumbup

Just read the GUIDE inside the ZIP file!

Hope all will like it... :w00t:

If you're having any trouble I am willing to help...

NEW batch files and guide NOT UPDATE... ;)

Click to Download Last Modified 9/11/2004


im really sorry for the DRVZ.EXE... i dont know the rules of scanning hardware that tym... NOW Heres the new Guide try it...

Edited by serialzs


I like that idea, if I understood it right...

You create a 7z-compressed exe, containing the drivers and compress them again with makecab, so XP can expand them during installation?

But what will happen here?


How did you compress this (selfextracting?) file, so XP installs the content correctly?



yes... :yes:

it is for the compressed files of your drivers...

it expand *.cab files or *.7z files...

i see many people here using the 7z compression to compress there files...

it is a great application...


im sorry here is the folder structure....

just follow the instructions and im sure it will install your drivers unattended...

special thanks:

Pyron for the SetDevicePath.exe

big_gie for giving me an idea that 7zip application is a great software to use...





No, nothing is hardcoded in SetDevicePath.exe. It just takes a directory as first parameter, scans its structure and adds all found directories to the DevicePath regkey. So you don't have to have a specific directory layout.




Hmmm... an alike guide is already included in Driver Pack LAN, see the Installation instructions.

BUT... yours is ALOT better! :D No need to enter those stupid OemPnPDriverPaths anymore!

No words for it... truly amazed :w00t:

Can I add this to my DriverPacks? All credits will of course go to you!

(Now the OemPnPDriversPath issue is solved! :))


I didn't realize that this was such a big problem... :blink:

I am doing it this way for a long time now (well, with my own setup.exe), since I came to the conclusion that uncompressed drivers take too much space on my CD.




here is a question i didnt see an answer to, when cab/7z ing your drivers, should you compress the sound folder that contains all folder for your sound...



so forth and so on

or should you compress the creative folder, or compress the Live folder...I just dont know how the autoit script is going to do all this, so I ask questions, I guess I could get autoit and look, but since you are already doing this, I figured Id ask :)

I didn't realize that this was such a big problem... :blink:

I am doing it this way for a long time now (well, with my own setup.exe), since I came to the conclusion that uncompressed drivers take too much space on my CD.



True, but your method doesn't support archives (which save alot of space)

No offense! Your method is also very good (but slightly different purposes)

here is a question i didnt see an answer to, when cab/7z ing your drivers, should you compress the sound folder that contains all folder for your sound...



so forth and so on

or should you compress the creative folder, or compress the Live folder...I just dont know how the autoit script is going to do all this, so I ask questions, I guess I could get autoit and look, but since you are already doing this, I figured Id ask :)


No, nothing is hardcoded in SetDevicePath.exe. It just takes a directory as first parameter, scans its structure and adds all found directories to the DevicePath regkey. So you don't have to have a specific directory layout.


well stupid me...ya know, I even read that statement, wow i feel REALLY dumb now


No need to feel dumb... nobody is perfect...


the missing b was in relation to me feeling dumb lol ;) ...I didnt wanna post this useless thing in there

Now Im teh one whose feelin dum


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