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[quote name='XrisCarter' post='542852' date='Aug 3 2006, 05:11 PM']Thanks for Compression Bin. I have been looking and testing all compression programs I could find. This one took a 347mg file and made it a 87mg file. There is one problem that I am running into. How does one uncompress the output file that compression bin makes? I can not get this program or winace, winrar, uharc, winrk, 7zip, gzip, and lha to open the file type ac_[/quote]

Compression Bin uses MAKECAB.EXE to compress files, which is a Microsoft utility. To expand those files, you need to use EXPAND.EXE.

[url="http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/expand.mspx?mfr=true"]Microsoft XP Professional Product Documentation - Expand[/url]


Windows XP Updates Downloader was renamed today to Windows Updates Downloader due to the complete rewrite that I did today!

WUD 2.0 is now available for download and features external update lists! (See first post of this thread.)

I need testers people! Try it out! :D I'm excited!


WUD works for me. I just downloaded 70MB of stuff...

Oh... and you need to redo the icon for it. It looks pretty bad in Alt-Tab... geez jcarle... can't you do any better? :P

Just a couple of things that would make v2.1 wicked:

1) Would it be possible to have WUD remember the location of where you want to download the files to? If I put the exe in [b]C:\Program Files\Windows Update Downloader\[/b], but I want to save them to [b]C:\Updates[/b], I have to specify that path each time.
2) Have WUD keep track of which files have been downloaded? That way, after the next patch tuesday, only the files that you don't already have are downloaded.
3) An option to download the files to different folders based on the categories? Then you can choose to download everything, and then integrate the service pack from one directory, then integrate the updates from another directory (which is usually done with a batch file or the like).

Keep up the good work man! Glad to see you back in action. :D

I made a quick logo which you can use for WUD if you want:


Thanks for the great utility!

- Taj
Do you realize that WUD isn't up to date at present.

At first glance the following have all been replaced by updated fixes[list][url="http://download.microsoft.com/download/b/6/0/b6065a72-6b50-429d-8562-af71c46704be/WindowsXP-KB887742-x86-ENU.exe"]KB887742[/url] - replaced August 2006
[url="http://download.microsoft.com/download/6/c/f/6cfc4140-f44b-44b6-a773-1f5cf3678086/WindowsXP-KB888113-x86-ENU.exe"]KB888113[/url] - replaced August 2006
[url="http://download.microsoft.com/download/f/d/4/fd470cc2-1813-4a50-be2a-5b1b5a343305/WindowsXP-KB896422-x86-ENU.exe"]KB896422[/url] - replaced July 2006
[url="http://download.microsoft.com/download/4/c/d/4cd35721-3d29-4fc5-9fb0-f9a6a2bfef41/WindowsXP-KB902400-x86-ENU.exe"]KB902400[/url] - replaced May 2006 [i](by KB912817)[/i]
Posted (edited)
Not up to date is not accurate. It is, indeed, current with all the latest updates, however, it is possible that some updates in the list have been superceded. However, I did not find mention of those updates having been replaced in the Microsoft Bulletins.

After your post, I verified very carefully the security bulletins for August, July and May.

KB888113 was replaced by KB920670.
KB896422 was replaced by KB917159.

But I did not find any evidence that KB887742 or KB902400 have been replaced.

I've updated the UL list to reflect the changes I just mentioned in this post. Edited by jcarle
making use of you're external download list and re-making it for swedish updates.. and i noticed you do not have KB911565 in there anywhere... it's an update for Windows Media Player 10, maybe it's been replaced and maybe not.. thought i'd mention it

[quote name='Sphinx-cn' post='545857' date='Aug 10 2006, 04:28 PM']making use of you're external download list and re-making it for swedish updates.. and i noticed you do not have KB911565 in there anywhere... it's an update for Windows Media Player 10, maybe it's been replaced and maybe not.. thought i'd mention it[/quote]

I update the Windows XP x86 ENU UL to include that update. Thank you.

Send me over your Swedish UL after you complete it. Thanks :)


[quote name='jcarle' post='545861' date='Aug 10 2006, 10:49 PM']Send me over your Swedish UL after you complete it. Thanks :)[/quote]

sure.. have finished sections 2 - 5, will finish up tomorrow with section 1..

also, SP-1 for .NET 1.1 you don't have on the list either

here's the sve file, i've also added KB873333, i don't know how to check i've it's been replaced so i just added it as i saw it wasn't there before, if it has been replaced then you can just remove it.

also, bugg report.. when i tried running wud with both the xp-x86-enu.ul and xp-x86-sve.ul in the same directory, wud crashed

bugg report 2: when having a list selected by default in the "Update List" dropdown menu and then selecting it again, the list doubles, and if you do it again, it tripples, and so on... also the amount in either category follows.. i've attached a screenshot

@Sphinx-cn: Fixed. :)


NEW RELEASE! Some very useful new features!

Including having previous settings saved!

( See first post for more information or to download )

Great work jcarle. The new update list and ability to download to separate folders is great.

Just one thing I noticed while I was downloading Service Pack 2 using your application - it seems as though the file is being downloaded into memory, and then written to disk once the whole file has been downloaded. This means that WUD ends up using about 250-300MB of RAM at this point... perhaps something that slightly older systems can't handle. Is it possible to stream the file to disk as it's being downloaded?

Also - WUD's CPU usage while downloading the updates is quite high on my system - 80-95% on average while downloading at 700kbps. Is this normal?
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