SiMoNsAyS Posted August 18, 2004 Author Posted August 18, 2004 well most of my AutoIt code it's finished but i don't know how to bypass a window that select the language. anybody can help me (please see red text and attached image)??; AutoIt Version: 3.0.102; Language: English; Platform: Win9x / NT / XP; Author: SiMoNsAyS aka Bio]-[aZaRD; Script Function: Instalar Agnitum Outpost Firewall 2.11Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1)Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 3)Run("OutpostProInstall.exe")BlockInput(1)WinWaitActive("Select Language")ControlClick("Select Language","Spanish","")ControlClick("Select Language","OK","Button2")WinWaitActive("Bienvenido")Send("S")WinWaitActive("Contrato de Licencia")ControlClick("Contrato de Licencia","Acepto","Button3")Send("S")WinWaitActive("Léame")Send("S")WinWaitActive("Seleccionar la carpeta de instalación")Send("S")WinWaitActive("Se ha completado la configuración de parámetros necesarios")ControlClick("Se ha completado la configuración de parámetros necesarios","Crear grupo de programa para todos los usuarios del ordenador","")Send("S")WinWaitActive("Configuración automática")Send("S")WinWaitActive("Aplicaciones")ControlClick("Aplicaciones","Utilizar las reglas configuradas automáticamente","Button6")Send("S")WinWaitActive("Red local")ControlClick("Red local","Utilizar las reglas configuradas automáticamente","Button6")Send("S")WinWaitActive("Se ha completado la instalación")Send("F")WinWaitActive("Instalar")ControlClick("Instalar","Cancelar","Button3")EXIT
big_gie Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 I send keys for the languages instead of "clicking" like you do. I don't have the script here at work but if the first language higlited is english, then you need to send 3 times the "down arrow" key ({DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN} or something like this. I know there is a "switch" like 3x{DOWN} but I don't know it by hart)
SiMoNsAyS Posted August 18, 2004 Author Posted August 18, 2004 Quick Guide to Silent Install Agnitum Outpost Pro Firewall 2.111.-Starting...First we need AutoIt application that can be downloaded from here. Current version it's 3.0.102 (4th Aug, 2004).2.-AutoIt Script...; AutoIt Version: 3.0.102; Language: English; Platform: Win9x / NT / XP; Author: SiMoNsAyS aka Bio]-[aZaRD; Script Function: Instalar Agnitum Outpost Pro Firewall 2.11Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1)Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 3)Run("OutpostProInstall.exe")BlockInput(1);this is language depending, this 4 keystrokes select spanish.;if yours it's not spanish you will need to change the title and keystrokes for windows and buttons.;thanks to nateklomp and big_gie : )WinWaitActive("Select Language")Send("{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}")ControlClick("Select Language","OK","Button2");pass welcome screenWinWaitActive("Bienvenido")Send("S");pass license agreementWinWaitActive("Contrato de Licencia")ControlClick("Contrato de Licencia","Acepto","Button3")Send("S");pass readme screenWinWaitActive("Léame")Send("S");select installation directory (default %PROGRAMFILES%\Agnitum\Outpost Firewall)WinWaitActive("Seleccionar la carpeta de instalación")Send("S");program group only for default user (not all users)WinWaitActive("Se ha completado la configuración de parámetros necesarios")ControlClick("Se ha completado la configuración de parámetros necesarios","Crear grupo de programa para todos los usuarios del ordenador","")Send("S");pass automatic config screenWinWaitActive("Configuración automática")Send("S");default config for aplicationsWinWaitActive("Aplicaciones")ControlClick("Aplicaciones","Utilizar las reglas configuradas automáticamente","Button6")Send("S");default config for local netWinWaitActive("Red local")ControlClick("Red local","Utilizar las reglas configuradas automáticamente","Button6")Send("S");pass finish installation screenWinWaitActive("Se ha completado la instalación")Send("F");the most important on the installation. cancel the reboot now window.WinWaitActive("Instalar")ControlClick("Instalar","Cancelar","Button3")EXITSave the above code to a .txt file and rename it to .au33.-Compiling...Finally we're going to compile our AutoIt script. Search for a folder on AutoIt directory called "Aut2Exe".After running the compiler select your .aut (.au3) script, then imput the name of the .exe file that you like (must be in the same Outpost folder). Leave everything and press "Convert".4.-Finish...Add the entry of the compiled .exe file to your .cmd file.5.-Final notes...For this exact script to work you'll need:Name of installer have to be OutpostProInstall.exeAutoIt compiled .exe have to be in the same directory of OutpostProInstall.exeMust be installed before any antiviral softwareIt's easy to develop an AutoIt Script, take the code as a base to yours. Good Luck!
xXDimiXx Posted August 28, 2004 Posted August 28, 2004 Oooh! Here I was thinking you were trying to install a game that's almost 10 years old Silly me.That was Outcast
chezy666 Posted August 29, 2004 Posted August 29, 2004 This is what i use, its WHSript,Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")On Error Resume NextWScript.Sleep 7000wshshell.appactivate("Welcome")WScript.Sleep 1000WshShell.SendKeys "n"WScript.Sleep 5000WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB 2}"WScript.Sleep 1000WshShell.SendKeys "{UP}"WScript.Sleep 1000WshShell.SendKeys "n"WScript.Sleep 10000WshShell.SendKeys "n"WScript.Sleep 1000WshShell.SendKeys "n"WScript.Sleep 1000WshShell.SendKeys "n"WScript.Sleep 30000WshShell.SendKeys "n"WScript.Sleep 1000WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB 4}"WScript.Sleep 1000WshShell.SendKeys "{ }"WScript.Sleep 1000WshShell.SendKeys "n"WScript.Sleep 1000WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB 4}"WScript.Sleep 1000WshShell.SendKeys "{ }"WScript.Sleep 1000WshShell.SendKeys "n"WScript.Sleep 1000WshShell.SendKeys "f"WScript.Sleep 1000WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"WScript.Sleep 1000WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"WScript.Sleep 1000Wscript.QuitSiMoNsAyS, What theme are u using
SiMoNsAyS Posted August 29, 2004 Author Posted August 29, 2004 SiMoNsAyS, What theme are u using ChaNinja rc5, SubZero color style. i love it!
MAVERICKS CHOICE Posted September 11, 2004 Posted September 11, 2004 Here's my first try at AutoIt scripting:; AutoIt Version: 3.0.102; Language: English; Platform: Win9x / NT; Author: nateklomp; Script Function: Install Agnitum Outpost Firewall 1.0.Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1)Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 3)Run("outpost.exe")BlockInput(1)WinWaitActive("Welcome")Send("N")WinWaitActive("License Agreement for Agnitum Outpost Firewall 1.0")ControlClick("License Agreement for Agnitum Outpost Firewall 1.0","","Button3")Send("N")WinWaitActive("Choose Destination Location")Send("N")WinWaitActive("Languages")Send("N")WinWaitActive("Start Installation")Send("N")WinWaitActive("Installation Complete")Send("F")WinWaitActive("Install")ControlClick("Install","","Button3")EXITUntested, please be gentle...Tried with a couple of Autoit scripts myself but yours seems to be the best so far but still not installing yet? It basically stalls at the licence agreement?
nateklomp Posted September 27, 2004 Posted September 27, 2004 (edited) OK, here's the final ENGLISH VERSION installer from my unattended XPCD:; AutoIt Version: 3.0.102; Language: English; Platform: Win9x / NT; Author: nateklomp; Script Function: Install Agnitum Outpost Firewall Professional v2.1.303.314 Run("outpost.exe")Sleep(5000)WinWaitActive("Welcome")WinActivate("Welcome")ControlClick("Welcome","","Button1")WinActivate("License Agreement for Outpost Firewall 2.1")ControlClick("License Agreement for Outpost Firewall 2.1","","Button3")WinActivate("License Agreement for Outpost Firewall 2.1")ControlClick("License Agreement for Outpost Firewall 2.1","","Button1")WinWaitActive("Read Me File")WinActivate("Read Me File")ControlClick("Read Me File","","Button1")WinWaitActive("Choose Destination Location")WinActivate("Choose Destination Location")ControlClick("Choose Destination Location","","Button1")WinWaitActive("Start Installation")WinActivate("Start Installation")ControlClick("Start Installation","","#327701")ControlClick("Start Installation","","Button1")Sleep(5000)WinWaitActive("Auto-configuration")WinActivate("Auto-configuration")ControlClick("Auto-configuration","","Button1")WinWaitActive("Application")WinActivate("Application")ControlClick("Application","","Button6")WinActivate("Application")ControlClick("Application","","Button1")WinWaitActive("Network")WinActivate("Network")ControlClick("Network","","Button6")WinActivate("Network")ControlClick("Network","","Button1")WinWaitActive("Installation Complete")WinActivate("Installation Complete")ControlClick("Installation Complete","","Button1")WinWaitActive("Install")WinActivate("Install")ControlClick("Install","","Button3")EXITYou can also silently reg with this key (s/n removed of course):[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Agnitum\Outpost Firewall]"Key"="-"I've also attached the compiled EXE--change OutpostProInstall.exe to outpost.exe and run in the same dir (or in an SFX).I've tested it, this one's been working for me.Good Luck!OutpostProInstaller.exe Edited September 27, 2004 by nateklomp
SiMoNsAyS Posted September 27, 2004 Author Posted September 27, 2004 @nateklomp, good work. thanks for sharing
lilweirddude Posted September 28, 2004 Posted September 28, 2004 so, which ones easier, simons or nates?im a newb
SiMoNsAyS Posted September 28, 2004 Author Posted September 28, 2004 none it's easier than other, mine it's just for spanish users and @nateklomp's script it's for english language ...working on outpost 2.5...
lilweirddude Posted September 29, 2004 Posted September 29, 2004 oh thankssave me a lot of troubleis this right?ECHO.ECHO Installing Agnitum Oupost Pro Firewall v2.1ECHO Please wait...start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro\OutpostProInstaller.exestart /wait %systemdrive%\Install\Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro\Key.regECHO Donethanks
SiMoNsAyS Posted September 29, 2004 Author Posted September 29, 2004 @lilweirddude, the code it's ok but i would preffer to run it from runonce and not cmdlines. to be sure try to use quotes likeECHO.ECHO Installing Agnitum Oupost Pro Firewall v2.1ECHO Please wait...start /wait "%systemdrive%\install\Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro\OutpostProInstaller.exe"start /wait "%systemdrive%\Install\Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro\Key.reg"ECHO Done
SiMoNsAyS Posted September 30, 2004 Author Posted September 30, 2004 well i've mostly finished an autoit script to silent install outpost .366 (english lang) but i can't bypass a window:; AutoIt Version: 3.0.102; Language: English; Platform: Win9x / NT / XP; Author: SiMoNsAyS aka Bio]-[aZaRD; Script Function: Instalar Agnitum Outpost Pro Firewall 2.5Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1)Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 3)Run("OutpostProInstall.exe /s")BlockInput(1);pass automatic config screenWinWaitActive("Create New Configuration")Send("{ENTER}");pass configuration wizard screenWinWaitActive("Configuration Wizard")Send("{ENTER}");pass finish installation screenWinWaitActive("Configuration Wizard")Send("{ENTER}");the most important on the installation. cancel the reboot now window.WinWaitActive("Install")ControlClick("OK","Cancel","Button3")EXITwhat it's marked in red is the window that i can't bypass. i need a code that can wait for a button to be active (the keypress is sent when the button is still greyed out).
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