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I wonder what all the different member groups are, and what you're allowed to do if you're a certain kind. I tried to look for this in help and then search to see if anyone else had asked about it, but I found nothing, so I figured I'd just ask.

I am not asking what it takes to become one, just wondering what they are and what you're allowed to do with them.

The ones I see most commonly are Member (of course), Super Moderator, Administrator and.... uh, hold on. I just discovered that all the different Member Groups show up when clicking on the "Members" button and viewing the choices of the "Showing <All Members> by..." combo box.

Ok, since the different types are cleared out, I basically just wonder what rights the different kinds of members have. I hope this isn't a secret or anything, as that would be somewhat silly of you. Anyway, thanks in advance for your replies.


its pretty obvious the super mods moderate the forum, move posts which are in wrong area and close inappropiate topics.

The admins are here well...to run the forum basically. Super mod tend to have limited permissions, this can involve no access to admin cp.

hope that help...!


No offense, but that was sorta stating the obvious... I was thinking more of the uh... Gold Members and I think one was part of a group called "Validating" and such. And I think I've seen more... but I don't remember them all. Anyway, as nobody has answered me, I guess it's a secret then. It wouldn't take too much time answering me if it weren't.


Gold Members were members that contributed to the site in a time of need. We offered email and small hosting for abit if you donated.

Validating is when an account hasent been validated by email. THis is so mass acounts are not created to flood the server.



Yup, no secrets here really. Lazy ... you bet :rolleyes: Our main duties as mods are to fetch cold beer for xper, change FthrJack's diapers (Not), and stock a supply of hair gel for AaronXP. :D Lots of forums have similar titles, groups, and yes misfits :)

  • 1 month later...

When you look into the "Members" menu item, you geta drop down menu at the bottom-left which lists:


Dev Team

Gold Member



News Poster

Super Moderator

those are the groups - members. Now, if there was more info postable by anybody, it is welcome. :)
  • 3 years later...
Gold Members were members that contributed to the site in a time of need. We offered email and small hosting for abit if you donated.

Well, there ain't no "Gold Members" in the list anymore. But there is "Patrons" now. Which is, BTW, your group. Are "Patrons" the new group name for former "Gold Members"?

Also, BTW, rating remains disabled (I click on the stars in a profile and nothing happens), ain't it? But the Help doesn't say anything about it. Shouldn't it tell people about it?

Happy Hollydays to y'all! MSFN rocks! :thumbup

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