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Help to resolve 0x9F DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE with ntoskrnl extender


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Hi @Mov AX, 0xDEAD

So I've been working on trying to get storport and stornvme of windows 8.1 working on XP and for the most part it seems to be functioning, I can get XP installed. the issue I've run into is these driver power state BSODs.

Would you be willing to help solve this issue?

I'm sure @Dietmar would be interested in helping to solve this too.

here is my modified ntoskrnl extender source code -  https://ufile.io/arl8wbth

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If you have the free time, can you set up a VM and try to trace where the 9F BSOD occurs in checked 8.1 storport.sys? If not in XP text mode setup then on an existing XP install?

I'm able to get all the way to the end of XP textmode setup with the 8.1 storahci driver, right up to the point where the system reboots and then 9F BSOD.

I've included the PDB symbols for both my checked ntoskrn8.sys and checked 8.1 storport.sys to help with this.


Edit: hold on, checked version of storport.sys has some missing imports. I'll fix it.

edit: fixed -  https://ufile.io/rwbg20oa

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This 9F Bsod happens because of no control about the power settings for the HD shutdown.

It is not a normal Bsod, because on a running XP you can continue your work after this


PS: At coming weekend I set up a Windbg session with your new checked storport win8.1(niccce) because then I have more time.


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I install an Ramsey XP with settings 4,C,E,H,K

on the Asrock z370 k6 gaming board.

This is with the Fernando Sata 1006 driver, which needs no storport.

And the Kai Schtrom 1.3 nvme driver.

With this storport.sys from win8.1 no nvme driver works, I test Kai 1.3, 1.5, Microsoft 2.2, Silicon nvme.

And also no Sata driver, I test from Kai and Microsoft


PS: With the Sata driver, which needs storport, I get Bsod 0x8E, (0xC000001D, xxx, yyy, zzz).

I found, that this may be a Bsod of a missing driver.

I make a new Ramsey *.iso, now with the Kai Schtrom Sata driver in the beginning and no nvme,

just C,4,E,G.

EDIT: Now with the Kai Schtrom Sata driver I get message at the very first beginning of Setup:

storahci.sys cant be found which comes together with the Bsod 0xC000001D.


EDIT2: Now I try the Sata driver from Microsoft just 1,4,C,E.

With the Microsoft Sata driver I get the same Bsod 0x8E, (0xC000001D, xxx, yyy, zzz)


Edited by Dietmar
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I set up an Ramsey XP with your Patch Integrator 332New_stornvme81.

It contains an storport.sys from 28 August 6.3.9600.17383 (winblue_r4.140924-1541).

With this I build an XP with the Sata from Kai Schtrom,

settings 4,C,E,G.

I notice, that for this storport.sys there is no storport.pdb

only storpor8.pdb and ntoskrn8.pdb.

At the end of copying files during TXT Setup of XP,

direct for reboot to GUI Setup I get Bsod 0x9F, (0x500, 0x02, yyy, zzz).

But after reboot Gui Setup starts. Soon I set up there an Debug Session with Lan Debug with the files from @Mov AX, 0xDEAD



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I get Windbg over Lan to work with storport.sys   from win8.1   6.3.9600.17383 (winblue_r4.140924-1541)

and the Sata driver from Kai Schtrom.

Problem is, that I do not succeed to catch this Bsod 0x9F.

This Bsod happens only on shutdown, on running XP everything seems to work ok.

But exact at this shutdown, windbg hangs, reacts to nothing, shows no Bsod.

XP shows this Bsod 0x9F with blue screen and message



May Be, that @Mov AX, 0xDEAD has an idea how to catch this Bsod with windbg or has an idea, how to overcome this



PS: From github

Storport.sys from Windows 7 more compatible with Windows XP/2003 because it still call required PoStartNextPowerIrp when processing power IRPs. Microsoft removed calls to PoStartNextPowerIrp in Windows 8's storport.sys, without this call Windows XP/2003 kernel cannot finish current power IRP and start next IRP => it generate BSOD (0x0000009F).



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From that, what @Mov AX, 0xDEAD wrote,

from storport win8.0 and later a crashdump can be get only via the win8 etc. Kernl.

And the !analyze -v command cant work, because Windbg does not react on the "break" command,

meaning that it crashes.

By the way I notice, that the Sata driver from Kai Schtrom is the only driver from all the drivers in the package "Patch",

that works with this storport.sys from win8.1, all other driver fail


PS: What will be better with a storport.sys from win8.1? A lot of driver work with the modded storport.sys from win8.0 from @Mov AX, 0xDEAD,

but not all, for example the Microsoft stornvme.sys v2.0 from @daniel_k only likes the modded win7 storport.sys.

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