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Posted (edited)
== Multi-boot Windows 9x with current GNU/Linux ==

If anyone wants to dual boot older Windows 9x hardware with current GNU/Linux and experiences graphic issues, this works here. Install GNU/Linux system, here Debian-based (Devuan) is used with netinstaller and wired connection.

Install Xorg, favourite window manager and correct graphic driver from repository. To clarify hardware install and run 'lshw', example.
sudo lshw | less

Launch graphics, 'startx' if system boots to text mode with no graphic login manager installed.

If graphics start with desired resolution stop here, otherwise run 'xrandr' to see what's available.

If 'xrandr' lists desired resolution then use system's GUI to modify resolution, if you have a desktop environment like Xfce, stop here.

Otherwise set up a custom /etc/X11/xorg.conf file similar to example at the bottom, deleting the 'Modeline' and 'PreferredMode' entries in the 'Monitor' section and fleshing out the 'Screen' section similar to the example snippet below.

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Card0"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Depth 24
Modes "1152x864"

To force a resolution not listed by 'xrandr', use the 'cvt' command with your desired resolution parameters to get a 'Modeline' specific to your hardware, example:
cvt 1152 864

On this system, above returns:
Modeline "1152x864_60.00" 81.75 1152 1216 1336 1520 864 867 871 897 -hsync +vsync

Create a basic /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, pasting the 'Modeline', customizing the driver and other entries as desired, example below.

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
Modeline "1152x864_60.00" 81.75 1152 1216 1336 1520 864 867 871 897 -hsync +vsync
Option "PreferredMode" "1152x864"

Section "Device"
Identifier "Card0"
Driver "nouveau"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Card0"
Monitor "Monitor0"

Restart graphic mode to test.

Note: If you can't start graphic mode at all then use 'vi' or 'nano' file editors from TTY. First try the Vesa driver to get basic graphics then upgrade the driver (subsitute 'nouveau' with 'vesa', max resolution 1024 x 768).

Note: Graphics on hardware ~2010 and newer usually just works but this old Windows 9x hardware now requires special attention. There are occasional regressions in GNU/Linux too. Not usually intentional, like Microsoft or Apple, moreso because not many still use, test or bug report this old hardware.
Edited by Wunderbar98
  • 5 weeks later...

Just finished 'dist-upgrades' with my slower Windows 98 multi-boot (800 MHz, 384 MB RAM, 16 MB graphics, 6 GB partition) from Devuan Jessie -> ASCII -> Beowulf. Minor configuration issues each upgrade, fixed. An SSE2 capable system would be an ideal dual-boot with Windows 98 to run the latest web browsers.

Unfortunately this system doesn't support SSE2, so it's using last supported SeaMonkey v2.49.4 and Firefox v52 (manual install). It's also running Firefox ESR v78.15.0, compiled by Debian without SSE2 requirement. This ESR release is, however, buggy with occasional tab crashes. Suspect there's code base specific to newer processors, even though compiled with non-SSE2 flags.

Dillo is my daily use, non-JavaScript browser of choice. On old hardware ensure any full featured web browser has the ability to selectively block most JavaScript (eg NoScript) or it will cripple the system.

Each 'dist-upgrade' was slightly more heavy, larger kernel, software upgrades. So recommend finding the sweet spot between hardware support and latest desired software. This Devuan Beowulf install has graphics, window manager, sound, music player, mplayer video, four web browsers, two file managers, recent Bash and Python, yt-dlp. Entire hard drive footprint is 3.2 GB.

Posted from 20 year old hardware running Firefox v78 :)
There's a lot of GNU/Linux mis-information on this forum, understandably i guess being primarily about Microsoft products. It seems this is mostly from users with failed install attempts or who have not taken the time to learn the system. Of course, it's not Windows. If someone grew up knowing nothing but GNU/Linux then Windows would be foreign too.

To me just to clarify some of the mis-information. No it's not hard to install, graphic installers available, faster than most Windows installs. No need to grab drivers from all over the internet. Most drivers are located in the kernel and additional drivers are easy to install. You can even take a drive from a GNU/Linux system and plug it into different, compatible hardware and it should boot, maybe minor /etc/fstab re-configuration. You will never get intentionally locked out of your system (eg activation) and your hardware will never intentionally get left behind.

Thousands of repository packages available centrally, more trusted and no need to hunt around. No central registry to get messed up, just remove undesired packages and delete the configurations. GNU/Linux does not break your sound card or monitor, cause overheating or high CPU usage, $whatever. If there's an issue it's usually either kernel/hardware mis-match, mis-configuration or attempting to run software exceeding comfortable system specs.

GNU/Linux is, of course, lighter than Windows 10 and can easily be configured to run as light as Windows XP. Even Windows 9x, if you just want to browse with something like Dillo. Even DOS if you text-mode boot to TTY.

There is no overall 'best' distribution, just 'best for your needs'. Recommend not spending too much time distribution-surfing, just install something and learn how it works. Once you know one distribution fairly well, the others are not that different. Once your knowledge base imroves 'expert' or 'netinstall' installations are recommended, as they provide full control over kernel and software choices.

If someone is thinking of changing over, the learning curve can take a while (years) but there's helpful information on the interweb. Plus once it's learned, it's learned, benefit for life. Suggest a dual-boot to gradually learn the system. Just shrink the Windows partition and ensure the GNU/Linux system installs a boot loader, such as Grub2, to switch back and forth.
Posted (edited)

I'd have to get a distro with a bleeding edge kernel if I wanted to test if the bug still exists, but unless something changed since summer, you can break the entire audio subsystem until reboot by telling the HD audio driver to re-initialize.


What's also interesting, the current Linux HD audio driver of 2015 did not care about status of jacks. The current one does, I need a registry (on Windows) / config file (on Linux) tweak if anything is to come out of rear speaker/headphone green jack because the sensor is broken and system thinks nothing's plugged there.

Drivers have always been kinda finnicky since they often don't get as much attention than their Windows counterparts. I've always had fun with graphics drivers. Years ago they said ATI/AMD sucks, get NVIDIA, now they say NVIDIA sucks, get AMD.:buehehe: Like I'm changing graphics cards like underwear.

There was also the driver for Realtek RTL8723BE Wi-Fi adapter, quite unstable out-of-the-box years ago, needed disabling its power management, otherwise a kernel panic followed shortly.

Linux distro can probably work as main and only OS for people that don't have certain expectations, there's still a lot to improve in the Linux world.

3 hours ago, Wunderbar98 said:

It's also running Firefox ESR v78.15.0, compiled by Debian without SSE2 requirement. This ESR release is, however, buggy with occasional tab crashes. Suspect there's code base specific to newer processors, even though compiled with non-SSE2 flags.

Do you get SIGILL (run Firefox from terminal to get an error on exit)? Some parts of code may still require it if they generate SSE2 instructions at runtime and those parts weren't rewritten, which would probably be significant effort.

Edited by UCyborg

@Wunderbar98: Dillo feels a little bit unfinished to me, but its good to have its lightness as an option. What about Netsurf on your system? And if the PC would be even older, what about w3m, text browser with mouse functions?

Maybe as a hint, if your dual-boot breaks somehow. Then I insert a Puppy-Linux Live CD, which has the menu entry GRUB4DOS somewhere. It installs a rather simple looking bootloader for you. In case the current bootloader got messed up or misconfigured.

On Linux, you have to have "luck" with your hardware. Scanner might not work, wireless card is not recognised, printer may lack features... it depends on the things in use. Fortuneatly, all this can be tested with a live CD. (or a live USB system, which allows trying out Linux first before installing it)

But no, for me, the driver situation was slightly more problematic on Linux than on Windows.

And then we have all the different distros. The choice is overwhelming! I started with Lubuntu 14.04. Now, we have 20.04 as LTS, but oh dear, what have the developers been doing? Important functions are missing now, that were present back then. Give me a menu to reinstall the languages, please, like on Xfce desktops! If the current Lubuntu would have been my first meet-up with Linux... life might have been totally different and I wouldn't have put a plush penguin looking out of my window at all!

Meeting up with a local Linux user group was the right choice for me. And now I've ended up with Salix, Slackware-based. 32-Bit computers to the front, you're still needed! Linux was worth my time. It can be a pain, but it empowers the user. We need to learn to suffer more! The big companies are using convenience to catch us!

Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, UCyborg said:

Years ago they said ATI/AMD sucks, get NVIDIA, now they say NVIDIA sucks, get AMD.:buehehe: Like I'm changing graphics cards like underwear.

graphics cards sucks. Get rid of them and use system headless with ssh:buehehe:

37 minutes ago, Gansangriff said:

@Wunderbar98: Dillo feels a little bit unfinished to me, but its good to have its lightness as an option. What about Netsurf on your system? And if the PC would be even older, what about w3m, text browser with mouse functions?

There is also Web Browser (palemoon fork) for linux that works great. Problem is I had issues getting all depencies under Devuan linux yet so only made it work on other test machines. Here is source of it if want try compile it.

37 minutes ago, Gansangriff said:

Meeting up with a local Linux user group was the right choice for me. And now I've ended up with Salix, Slackware-based. 32-Bit computers to the front, you're still needed! Linux was worth my time. It can be a pain, but it empowers the user. We need to learn to suffer more! The big companies are using convenience to catch us!

I have been planning give salix a shot but linux biggest issue is depencies and if some package is not available on other distro you need to compile it and will have depency hell. That is biggest slowdown on changing distro compared changing windows version where there is usually some version

Edited by Mr.Scienceman2000
Posted (edited)
Hi all. Discussion already morphed into GNU/Linux bashing and distro-hopping. GNU/Linux develops a free system without expectation of reward and users complain. Windows claims to never require another updated OS, they update anyway and users oblige :(

For best success recommend a GNU/Linux distribution with the largest repository. Debian-based has good package management, dependency hell is rare, typically only custom software installs. Some custom software installs, like Firefox or SeaMonkey, are as simple as cut/paste, create symlink in a path directory. Just launch with 'ldd application_name' in a terminal to find out what's missing. If a different dependency version is needed, sometimes a symlink works, custom compile or switch to an older/newer release. Many issues are often Windows users trying to make GNU/Linux like Windows. It's not, learn to use GNU/Linux software, it's good too, just different, adjust your mindset.

@UCyborg, yes similar error with Firefox 78, as mentioned 'Suspect there's code base specific to newer processors, even though compiled with non-SSE2 flags'. Haven't found an about:config option that helps. Still amazing it works at all, as Firefox officially dropped non-SSE2 GNU/Linux support at v52. My next multi-boot Windows 98 will have SSE2, all i want is latest SeaMonkey.

@Gansangriff, Dillo and Links2 are used by choice. Before customized Arora but i tired of compiling. Netsurf was trialed several times, lots of time was spent testing browsers and i settled on the ones mentioned earlier.

The link you provided @UCyborg 'there's still A LOT to improve in the Linux world', link title and emphasis yours. The root URL of the author's site also has articles on 'Why Windows 10 Sucks...', 'Why Windows 11 Sucks...', 'Why Android sucks...', etc. If it sucked that much the author wouldn't use it. Regardless all software sucks, that's the way it goes. Reading the article leads one to believe that GNU/Linux barely boots. IMHO spreading FUD or at best too much negative energy 'stirring the pot'.

All i can say are my experiences. Here GNU/Linux is used as primary OS for >15 years. I've run numerous distributions, helped with development, forums/wikis. Probably my needs are simple, which minimizes issues. It was used for years on my business systems, performed like a champ: file sharing, fax and print server, office documents, email and web, data encryption and backup.

Sometimes hardware needs to be swapped out when setting up a new (used) system, hasn't a Windows user ever needed to do this? Although reportedly supported, including an official driver, one of my Windows 98 network cards was swapped out last year to fix a stubborn shutdown hang (Windows 98 hung, not GNU/Linux).

Much GNU/Linux discussion revolves around drivers. The argument goes both ways, however, so to me they cancel out. Microsoft doesn't develop most hardware drivers, vendors do. Most vendors don't provide GNU/Linux drivers, smart hackers need to develop themselves, imagine who has the harder job. Large vendors, like HP, typically provide hardware drivers for one or two Windows releases. When the user upgrades Windows OS their motherboards, graphic hardware and peripherals, like printers and scanners, often become obsolete. Most of my free hardware pickups are from Windows users who 'upgraded' the operating system. I can install modern GNU/Linux today on 1 - 20+ year old hardware and it works.

This multi-boot thread is in the Windows 9x section for a reason. Could someone please find Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 or 11 drivers that support this old hardware? That's really the point. Take 20 year old hardware and multi-purpose it for continual use. Otherwise it would be in storage, waiting for the perfect weekend to hook up and play Windows 98 - probably wouldn't happen. Now i can boot Windows 98 every day, play, learn and enjoy. Then quick reboot to complete 'modern' tasks. Edited by Wunderbar98
Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Wunderbar98 said:

The link you provided @UCyborg 'there's still A LOT to improve in the Linux world', link title and emphasis yours. The root URL of the author's site also has articles on 'Why Windows 10 Sucks...', 'Why Windows 11 Sucks...', 'Why Android sucks...', etc. If it sucked that much the author wouldn't use it. Regardless all software sucks, that's the way it goes. Reading the article leads one to believe that GNU/Linux barely boots. IMHO spreading FUD or at best too much negative energy 'stirring the pot'.

what really bothers me is that one article there states SystemD to be good for standardising init and other systems. SystemD is horrible and limits user freedom for choosing system to use. Also when SystemD had bug Redhat developers were very unprofessional with their responses and made Linus Torvalds mad and he stated that would not contribute for Redhat anymore. Also statement that automatic forced updates are good for security. Those has been used to abuse and caused system failures at worst.

Second thing bothering me is statement there is no more secure distros and that there has not been breaches on linux users. or faster or more customiable linux distros and all are equal. I disagree with that. If that is case something like Qubes OS does not do anything to improve security by virtualising all processes to containers. Also some distros includes ssh or vnc on by default that can be security risk. And should I mention Openssl library had vurneability that allowed hacker download small amount of data from victim machine? Some distros with same desktop are faster by default since they include less background clutter that makes stuff crawl. Lets compare my default Devuan with XCFE vs Xubuntu and Devuan is faster on slow hw and uses less ram since it wont have automatic updates, telemetry or other junk. Also some distros limit customiability. What is I want change my init system? Too bad that most systemd distros wont allow it while Devuan allowed pick it during setup or could do it afterwards too.

And third and worst was this


If you are a privacy/big brother/surveillance concerned person, you should not use Linux - Linux users are easily identifiable (even when using Tor/VPN) since there are too many things a remote website can learn about you using your web browser. Use this link to check how easily you can be traced. If you want to get lost, firstly, use Windows 10 64 bit (the most common OS, thus not easily distinguishable) and Firefox or Google Chrome without any addons or extensions installed, secondly, use Tor or VPN.

is that article written by some intelligent agency or just by dumb person? Let start with the obvious. If I configure my linux distro for miminal how it will be less private than Windoze 10 64bit? Also TOR identification sure is possible but if you configure browser correctly it is less likely. You should set slider to safest mode on browser so it will block all js by default. Also if you are super worried from fingerprinting use Whonix or Tails linux. Does that person even know how Tor or VPN works.

VPN that refers to so called "anonymity service" is just using VPN protocol to route your traffic trough different IP that is usually logged. And VPN is not designed for anonymity. VPN was originally designed for secure remote access for corporate network. It is still used for that atleast on my workplace. If I work from home I need use VPN to access some data. Where did this VPN for anonymity came from?

TOR in other hand routes data trough 3 nodes run by volunteers before exiting to network or reaching either internet or onion service. First node can see your ip but not traffic. Last node can see reguested data but not your IP. Sure there is ways to sniff that traffic with malicious nodes or try fingerprint browser but those are not always the case.

So that article states that is is more private to use Windoze 10 with keylogging and other features with Google Chrome spyware or Firefox which nasty issues I mentioned here https://msfn.org/board/topic/183138-mozilla-has-turned-into-evil-mitigate-problems-or-go-to-alternatives/ Windows got your MAC address and real ip and keylog all strokes to Microsoft and you wont block JS while trying be anonymous and that is safer and more private than linux? Just use spyware to be private


that went bit long rant but that site deserves worst contect overall award from me :realmad:. I have seen way more professional artcles that lists real issues with linux and one I cannot find right now at says at the end "there is lot better things on linux compared to Windows but problems are usually overlooked" that is true and still addresses main issue unlike any article on that site.

12 hours ago, Wunderbar98 said:

All i can say are my experiences. Here GNU/Linux is used as primary OS for >15 years. I've run numerous distributions, helped with development, forums/wikis. Probably my needs are simple, which minimizes issues. It was used for years on my business systems, performed like a champ: file sharing, fax and print server, office documents, email and web, data encryption and backup.

Sometimes hardware needs to be swapped out when setting up a new (used) system, hasn't a Windows user ever needed to do this? Although reportedly supported, including an official driver, one of my Windows 98 network cards was swapped out last year to fix a stubborn shutdown hang (Windows 98 hung, not GNU/Linux).

Much GNU/Linux discussion revolves around drivers. The argument goes both ways, however, so to me they cancel out. Microsoft doesn't develop most hardware drivers, vendors do. Most vendors don't provide GNU/Linux drivers, smart hackers need to develop themselves, imagine who has the harder job. Large vendors, like HP, typically provide hardware drivers for one or two Windows releases. When the user upgrades Windows OS their motherboards, graphic hardware and peripherals, like printers and scanners, often become obsolete. Most of my free hardware pickups are from Windows users who 'upgraded' the operating system. I can install modern GNU/Linux today on 1 - 20+ year old hardware and it works.

This multi-boot thread is in the Windows 9x section for a reason. Could someone please find Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 or 11 drivers that support this old hardware? That's really the point. Take 20 year old hardware and multi-purpose it for continual use. Otherwise it would be in storage, waiting for the perfect weekend to hook up and play Windows 98 - probably wouldn't happen. Now i can boot Windows 98 every day, play, learn and enjoy. Then quick reboot to complete 'modern' tasks.

I started moving into Linux when Windoze 8 came out. I never liked from MS making UI looks like tablet. Also somewhere around that time GNOME on Ubuntu took same approach but guess what great thing I learnt that day? On linux I HAVE THE CHOICE OF UI. I was able swap out for XCFE and that was great. Also found Mate desktop that is great too. Then I started explore other distros and I was hooked. I had all keys for control and was able break my setup few times but hey atleast it allows me to do anything I want for OS.

Also I got plenty of hw that cannot run Windoze 10. For example my EEEPC 900 with 16gb ssd (now 256gb). When had 16gb I was able use Devuan with 4gb install footprint including programs I needed. On other hand Windows 10 takes that 16 and even more for bloat.


For me question do I want use linux or Windows answer is both. I like to use older Windows for gaming and it very reliable softwares and use Linux for some other things like banking. While I like linux Windows before Windoze 8 got special place on my heart.


Edited by Mr.Scienceman2000

Linux (the kernel) has been in my life in one way or another for years, obviously quite scalable. It runs on the WRT54GL router (which I don't use anymore) and my smartphone. On my desktop it's mostly for messing around, trying out certain software and there are certain Linux tools that I simply prefer over Windows ones. I love GParted and command line utilities for messing with disks/partitions. I realize things related to desktop didn't get much attention than other parts, Torvalds himself also pointed out something along the lines that he intended Linux for desktop, but didn't quite turned out as well in that department and turned out better for servers and such.

Years ago, I could play Quake Live from Linux distro running on USB while I was waiting for new disk since old was sent in for warranty due to bad sectors. It was somehow launched from the browser, but I don't think it was WebGL, Wikipedia says it used NPAPI plugin, so i suppose that's how they made a client outside the web browser. Pretty cool until id Software dropped support and made it Windows only.

I just often notice someone writes Linux is faster, but don't note the exact specifics, so me being a sucker for anything graphics quickly notices things like elements on web pages not animating smoothly and such. I know itvision.altervista.org covers modern Windows and Android and I don't disagree. I wouldn't call it FUD though. Negative? Yes, but reality is pointless and cruel, so...

Hi @Gansangriff, the accidental typo of your member name was corrected in my post above, deeply sorry, that's why i usually cut/paste.

Hi @Mr.Scienceman2000, we have basically the same nostalgia and use case (old Windows, Devuan). Windows 98 puts me in my happy place. At present all other OS are for functionality. Avoiding systemd is important here too.

Hi @UCyborg, stay positive. Agree, seems almost all online conversation is pointless and cruel. In the end we both use and appreciate GNU/Linux tools.

Torvalds says lots of things. My impression is he meant 'Linux as a desktop' never made it big, not that it doesn't work. To me it's a good thing, computing diversity is important. Someone ping all desktop environment developers, their software doesn't work. How does Torvalds complete his work, GNU/Linux desktop of course. OpenBSD wasn't meant as a 'desktop' either but it's trivial to set up. Torvalds also claimed he doesn't personally install Linux on his recent systems, does that mean all GNU/Linux installers are borked, no he's just a busy guy. Gates was misunderstood too, of course he knew computers need more memory than 640 KB, people didn't understand the subtlety of what he ws saying.

GNU/Linux is fast, well i think so. Comparing apples and apples is difficult but in reality my old hardware runs modern GNU/Linux fine while any newer Windows wouldn't install or boot. To me a non-starter, it's actually asking the wrong question. Comparing graphics and such in video games, that's different. Pretty safe to say graphic 'gaming' is most optimized for Windows. You would notice, i might not.
To cherry pick a quote from the 'article_link_that_makes_me_cringe'. My personal list would be much longer and include intentionally locking out systems, removing critical updates, lying to customers, corporate greed vs good, etc. The bulk of this forum activity are users desperately trying to keep their beloved old systems alive, much of it intentionally sabotaged by Microsoft.

I want to make one thing crystal clear - Windows, in some regards, is even worse than Linux and it has its own share of critical problems. Off the top of my head I want to name the following quite devastating issues with Windows: • Windows rot, • no enforced file system and registry hierarchy (I have yet to find a single serious application which can uninstall itself cleanly and fully), • no true safe mode, • the user as a system administrator (thus viruses/malware - most users don't and won't understand UAC warnings), • no good packaging mechanism (MSI is a fragile abomination), • no system-wide update mechanism (which includes third party software), • Windows is extremely difficult to debug, • Windows boot problems are often fatal and unsolvable unless you reinstall from scratch, • Windows is hardware dependent (especially when running from UEFI), • heavy file system fragmentation on SSD disks, • Windows updates are terribly unreliable and they also waste disk space, etc.

Skipping to 'This article is bollocks! Linux works for me/for my grandpa/for my aunt/etc'. Then states 'Hey, I love when people are saying this, however here's a list of Linux problems which affect pretty much every Linux user'. Abbreviated and point form:

1. Neither Mozilla Firefox nor Google Chrome use video decoding and output acceleration in Linux...

Sites like YouTube via HTML5 work fine here, even in SeaMonkey. Video acceleration, can't comment, to use YouTube? Really, first world problem. Many GNU/Linux users use video alternatives, such as yt-dlp. Graphic frontends include Minitube and SMTube. Developers aren't dependent on Flash technology or a website dictating what they can/can't watch.

2. Drain your laptop battery a lot faster than e.g. in Windows.

Can't comment, was this measured or formally tested? It would be difficut to compare apples and apples. Run a calm Window Manager for comparison. All those background services and flashy eyecandy in Windows 10 and battery use is still less, that would be surprising. Set up a comprehensive Conky to monitor your system and re-configure any blatant deficiencies, basic troubleshooting.

3. NVIDIA Optimus technology is a pain to use under most Linux distos and it does not work under secure UEFI mode at all for absolute most people out there.

Don't use NVIDIA Optimus, though it seems most issues have been resolved or workarounds. If in doubt reseach hardware compatability before purchase.

4. Keyboard shortcut handling for people using local keyboard layouts is broken.

Keyboard works fine (English), other languages can't comment. Windows users sometimes have issues with this too. Again, how does this affect 'pretty much everybody'. The author is English speaking and most users probably configure their systems with English keyboard.

5. Keyboard handling in X.org is broken by design...

Bollocks, give me a break. Yeah i boot GNU/Linux, start Xorg and can't properly use my keyboard. This isn't FUD? Change or re-configure your window manger i guess, nonsense, quit whining.

6. There's no easy way to use software which is not offered by your distro repositories, especially the software which is available only as sources. For the average Joe, who's not an IT specialist, there's no way at all.

First off, when's the last time you wanted to use software in Windows that was only available as sources? Tens of thousands of binary packages available in the main repositories and still can't find what you want, first world problem. When necessary, to me compiling in GNU/Linux is more straightforward than Windows. Installing pre-compiled binaries outside main repositories is sometimes easy, download, unzip, click/paste. Adding extra repositories to sources.list is common (eg enable non-free and backported software). This is not an endorsement, Ubuntu has been using Personal Package Archives (PPAs) for years. Though i don't use this stuff, now there are Snap packages that handle all dependencies too. Ever try installing Windows 10 software in Windows XP, betcha now you're a happy camper.

7. You don't play games, do you? Linux still has very few native AAA games...

How did gaming in GNU/Linux make it onto a list of things that would pretty much affect every GNU/Linux user, more first world problems. First hit '10 Best AAA Windows Games That You Can Play On Linux'. Gaming on Linux is developing fast. Not important here, for me old Windows games are still the best. Lots of GNU/Linux users run Steam. For basic games, running 'sudo apt search game' provides 100s of hits, not AAA.

8. Microsoft Office is not available for Linux. LibreOffice often has major troubles...

GNU/Linux != Windows, grow up, LibreOffice works just fine. I've been using the 'free' stuff since Open Office, even sharing documents with other offices, nothing here worth griping about.

9. Several crucial Windows applications are not available under Linux: Quicken, Adobe authoring products, Corel authoring products, Auto desk software, serious BluRay/DVD authoring products, professional audio applications.

Again GNU/Linux != Windows and again, how does this affect pretty much every GNU/Linux user? There are sofware alternatives in GNU/Linux for pretty much everything. Doesn't mean it's exactly the same or as 'good' as professional. If unhappy with that then use Windows for software that runs best in Windows and GNU/Linux for everything else, problem solved. The more tools in the box the better, that's why to me multi-boot is the best solution.

10. In 2021 there's still no alternative to Windows Network File Sharing (network file sharing that is easily configurable, discoverable, encrypted and password protected). NFS and SSHFS are two lousy totally user-unfriendly alternatives.

Samba for file and printer sharing between Windows and GNU/Linux worked fine here for years, though i no longer network and purposely keep the systems separate. Of course there are lots of file sharing methods between GNU/Linux systems, afterall they run servers. Servers run more reliably in a non-graphic environment, not everything requires a GUI, surely you realize that Mr_Tech_Author? How is modifying a few configuration files unfriendly? Me thinks you should spend more time learning and less time complaining.

11. Linux doesn't have a reliably working hassle-free fast native (directly mountable via the kernel; FUSE doesn't cut it) MTP implementation.

Okay that must affect pretty much every GNU/Linux user, especially someone dual-booting Windows 98. Are you sure this isn't all a list of personal gripes. Man you must be tiring to live with. Well here's a link with options but they won't be acceptable to the Grand Pubah.

12. Too many things in Linux require manual configuration using text files...

That's a major tenet of the Unix philosophy, store data in flat text files. This stuff shouldn't be hiding in binaries and a GUI is less reliable for system configuration. You're blown, quit spreading FUD.

13. Linux is secure UEFI boot mode unfriendly...

GNU/Linux is always forced to play catchup, known issue. For the most part GNU/Linux has solved most barriers, lots of resources online. If in doubt, research compatible hardware before purchase, that's just common sense.

14. If you're going to use any out of mainline tree drivers, e.g. NVIDIA, VirtualBox, VMWare, proprietary RAID, new Wi-Fi adapters, etc. etc. etc. This is a really bad situation which no Linux distro wants to address.

GNU/Linux is developing drivers all the time. Due to limited resources, most attention is typically spent on the most common hardware (purchase hint). In fact, no other system supports more drivers in a single boot, period. It's hard to be open source when the world is closed. Again these items don't affect 'pretty much every Linux user', you said it yourself 'out of mainline'. If in doubt research hardware before purchase. I wouldn't buy a car or appliance without research, why is this different. There's something wrong with the mentality that 'everything' should work in GNU/Linux, it doesn't in Windows and Apple is the most closed source of all.

15. A personal nitpick which might be very relevant nowadays: under XFCE/Gnome/KDE there's no way to monitor your BlueTooth devices battery level on screen at all times...

Actually most of the list was your personal nitpicks, grow up. BlueTooth battery level, sheesh. I'm sure it's been addressed by now but i'm tired of doing your research. If you can't use a search engine then turn off your computer and go read a book.

16. ... meanwhile the feature has been available under Windows and Android for quite some time already.

GNU/Linux != Windows, surely a tech expert would understand this, i tried to drill it into your head a few times already.

Every Linux user, really? All i hear is a squeaky wheel who would rather complain than find solutions.
5 hours ago, Wunderbar98 said:

Sites like YouTube via HTML5 work fine here, even in SeaMonkey. Video acceleration, can't comment, to use YouTube? Really, first world problem. Many GNU/Linux users use video alternatives, such as yt-dlp. Graphic frontends include Minitube and SMTube. Developers aren't dependent on Flash technology or a website dictating what they can/can't watch.

Have you tried pipe viewer with MPV? That comobination is bloat free and allows play and search youtube on my EEEPC. I personally hate whole HTML5 video thing since compability is limited



Hi @Mr.Scienceman2000. Videos via HTML5 aren't used here, just mentioned as that's probably how most view videos. I custom coded a youtube-dl front-end a while ago (now converting to yt-dlp). It allows doing everything from a Bash terminal, no need to open a web browser. This includes: search YouTube and MSN video, check video formats and availability, bookmark videos, remember stream and search history, quick access favourite hard-coded channels, read YouTube video information, view YouTube video image (feh, gpicview), stream video (MPlayer, VLC), download video (autoplay on/off), check for yt-dlp updates, auto-update yt-dlp, fetch some videos not supported by yt-dlp, etc. It's very efficient and works well. Sometimes i tire of the coding, just a hobby, never released.

Once, I was propagating Linux even stronger too, writing articles for my local Linux group. One was titled "Linux needs less energy". The testing computer was a Pentium 3 with 600 MHz, and it needed 44W in idling mode under Windows XP. And under Linux... it was just 34W! Of course that's only half of the story, because after moving the mouse and using the CPU, they both had an equal energy consumption. And Windows XP wasn't the most friendly choice for that old computer, too. But it served the Linux propaganda well!

I'd conclude that a successful Linux installation depends on the luck to have the right hardware. Salvaging the WLAN cards from scrappy laptops is therefore important, because it can happen with newer hardware, but with older hardware too, that there is no compatible Linux driver available for the WLAN card.

Gaming is more optimised on Windows. DirectX looks like a pretty strong graphics API. I currently got into Supertuxkart on my power Linux machine (which is a small mini PC with integrated Intel graphics...), running it on the lowest settings. Some games on my Windows 98 machine looked better, with a quarter of the CPU power! Same goes for GPU memory.

LibreOffice... this will never hold a candle to Word 97 in terms of efficency. I remember using it on the bespoken P3, wasn't great, lagged around. Hey, of course I can wait 1 second for my keystroke to respond, but that's not nice. OpenOffice, which is basically an older version of LibreOffice, would have been a better choice. For Salix users, there is a sperate package in the repositories.

However using Linux is more important than complaining, therefore I take all the disadvantages, that Linux clearly has, and try to build my way around them. That's only possible with a certain amount of autonomy to gather informations through the web. But the empire mustn't win!

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