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KernelEx Unified Topics + Links Index

Original topics by the original developer Xeno86:

KernelEx 4.5.2 >> - Last Full Version completed by Xeno86

KernelEx - Call for support >> - Xeno86 leaves the project, calls for developers


KernelEx Reborn - jumper takes over development:

KernelEx 4.5.2015.11 updates >> - jumper provides updates to core KernelEx DLL's


Applied KernelEx - discussion of compatible programs:

KernelEx Apps Compatibility List (New) >> - The most up to date discussion of compatible programs


New workaround: Printing with Firefox 3.x & KernelEx! >>

Fireshot extension for Firefox 3; print with KernelEx in Win98SE >>

Printing with KernelEx 4.5.1 >>

Opera, KernelEx and related matters >>

K-Lite Codec Pack and ffdshow with KernelEX and Kext >>


KernelEx Supplements - auxiliary DLL's, stubs, and associated add-ons:

Kext: DIY KernelEx extensions >> - jumper's extenders and stubs

KernelEx Auxiliary DLL Updates >> - jumper's list of external DLLs for use with KernelEx

ImportPatcher.41 >> - jumper's tool to find and fix dependencies


KernelEx In-Depth threads - information for programmers and developers:

KernelEx -- On building, debugging and related matters... >>



For any and all of you who are actively working on, testing, or running KernelEx:

I have created this "Pinned" thread that will contain links to all of the previously pinned threads and links to all of the diverse KernelEx related/auxiliary/extender threads in one place. This became necessary due to the number of different KernelEx threads out there and the fact that the list of Pinned threads needed to be cleaned up.

While I follow the topics about it from time to time I'm not very familiar with using KernelEx myself, so I would appreciate input from you guys regarding threads that should be linked in this index. It's easy to lose track of threads that don't get frequent posts, so give me some feedback and links.


This thread is NOT for discussion of any specific KernelEx issue and is meant to be an index. Once complete and organized it will be locked. Please post issues in their appropriate threads.


I would suggest to just 'un-pin':


- Revolutions Pack

- KernelEx-Call for Support

- WUPG98


After that the number of pinned threads may be just fine.


I had hoped for more input from active KernelEx'ers about this, especially in letting me know what other threads are important and need to be linked here. Without any further suggestions I will have to assume the topic is good as-is and unpin the rest. I may add a separate link into the above list that will take you to the last/newest post of the given threads.



The WUPG98 thread among others seem to have been placed into a weird "Archived" state by the forum software upgrades. When this is in effect for a thread even I can't perform any actions on it. The NUSB thread was previously locked in this state and dencorso had to work on it for a while to get it back. We're trying to address the issue, as I agree with you that it needs to be unpinned. It hasn't seen any updates in forever and I don't know of any active users of it. Revolutions Pack is a different matter, it needs to remain pinned IMO.

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