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New Issue with links to post


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Has the board software been updated recently? Or some setting changed?


Some of the links to forum posts do not resolve correctly.


To reproduce go to page 12 of this thread:


i.e. here:




scroll down until post #287 (or use this link that still works):





and click on the #287 

You will get a popup with this link:




which is correct, but if you copy and paste it, it doesn't resolve correctly, first it attempts to transform the link to:


which is of course wrong, and then goes to the first page, i.e.:





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I also experience this issue. As I was looking at my post history I notice a lot of my posts are lost. I have been only able to find 425 so far of the original 982. It might be possible that some posts were removed because of a previously Nero Lite topic being closed, but the number of lost posts should be at most around 50-100. Is there a restriction applied to the board search engine to limit the search to 425?

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I also experience this issue. As I was looking at my post history I notice a lot of my posts are lost. I have been only able to find 425 so far of the original 982. It might be possible that some posts were removed because of a previously Nero Lite topic being closed, but the number of lost posts should be at most around 50-100. Is there a restriction applied to the board search engine to limit the search to 425?

That is ANOTHER issue. :w00t::ph34r:


The limit is 1000 (one thousand) search all posts by me, you will get 40 pages of results, with 25 posts per page, i.e. 25x40=1000.

It is a "traditional" limit of the board search engine, in one or the other (previous)  version there was even a "warning" about it, that read "(Search results limited to first 1000)"  i.e. if you try looking for all posts by me from 1/1/2015 to 31/12/2015 you still get 40 pages by 25.


It sounds "strange" that so many posts of yours "disappeared" :(, maybe there is an issue with your member ID? :unsure:



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Yes, sorry Jaclaz for hijacking your thread. I did experience your issue searching through old HFSLIP forum posts. I first thought it had to due because these posts were very old, so I had not bothered to open a topic about it.


The second issue is a bit strange. My username has been changed in the past from hp38guser to Acheron, but in my post history I have some posts from before the name change assigned to my current username. My oldest post is found here:


http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/32285-ntfs-native-read-support/?view=findpost&p=220861, but I'm pretty sure I did post before this. I registered my username to be able to post something.


Using the search function I only have access to 417 posts now (not 425).


I don't think I changed my e-mail address anytime from the one I use now. But if you need a list of some of my e-mail addresses used I can provide you the information.

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Nothing changed recently.

Well then there is simply something "wrong" with the syntax with /?p=<post_number> (which BTW is the one currently given by the board itself) in some "peculiar" cases (and I never noticed this).

Quick check :).


This one:


resolves correctly (but it is on a single page thread) as well this one:


resolves correctly (on a 2 page thread),as weel as this one (on a 10 pages thread):


and this one does as well (on a loooong  thread):



Maybe it only happens because the thread:


is closed? :unsure:


Nothing much to worry then :thumbup, though of course the good guys at IP board may do with this piece of info (provided that is confirmed, that they actually understand the issue and that they care about it :dubbio:)



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Yes, sorry Jaclaz for hijacking your thread. I did experience your issue searching through old HFSLIP forum posts. I first thought it had to due because these posts were very old, so I had not bothered to open a topic about it.


The second issue is a bit strange. My username has been changed in the past from hp38guser to Acheron, but in my post history I have some posts from before the name change assigned to my current username. My oldest post is found here:


http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/32285-ntfs-native-read-support/?view=findpost&p=220861, but I'm pretty sure I did post before this. I registered my username to be able to post something.


Using the search function I only have access to 417 posts now (not 425).


I don't think I changed my e-mail address anytime from the one I use now. But if you need a list of some of my e-mail addresses used I can provide you the information.

Don't worry :), after all everything is about the "queer" things the IP board does. :(

If I go to your "member page" and look for content I get:

Only Topics:


Acheron's Content

There have been 13 items by Acheron (Search limited from 19-April 96)



Acheron's Content

There have been 415 items by Acheron (Search limited from 19-April 96)

Topics and posts:


Acheron's Content

There have been 103 items by Acheron (Search limited from 19-April 96)


And of course if you actuallly started 13 topics and posted in total 415 times, you should have any of 415 "items" or 415-13=402 "items" in the latter.

I have to presume that it is some "quirk" in the way the database is managed internally.


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I remember I started an old Nero Lite thread before the current one. That one is archived and contains some posts I made:




However any posts I made in that thread do not show up when I search for my posts.


In this thread I announce the first release of Nero Lite:




I think it's a problem that these threads are archived at some time. It would be great if posts in archived threads can be made visible in the search interface.

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I can't replicate the issue in the first post using the example thread. It may be due to the fact that I can reply into locked topics.

This one can be used as an example where it also applies to forum staff.


Which is post 211 on page 9 of that thread.

The link example I used is of a topic that is archived. No one can reply to it.

EDIT: Topic archiving was enabled at some point in the past but is not currently. Any posts made in a topic that is archived will not show up in Search results. If you made a large amount of posts prior to 2006, the topics they were in may be set in the archive.

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I know it has probably something to do with performance that the board administrators chose to archive the old content at the time. It might be that in newer versions of the forum engine the indexing of content is improved. So I would like to be able to search in archived content, as to look up what I have written at the time. This content is still visible online and might come up in searches. I have no need to search other people's posts this old as searching other people's posts is limited to only a few posts for normal users.


I'm more interested in what this board was in the early years (2001-2004) as at that time Windows XP was just released.


On topic: Tripredacus, your link http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/20197-autoit-script-collection-contributions-only/?p=739676 is redirected to http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/20197-autoit-script-collection-contributions-only/page-11#entry739676 and afterwards changed immediately to http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/20197-autoit-script-collection-contributions-only/ resulting in the first post of the topic:




instead of pointing to http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/20197-autoit-script-collection-contributions-only/page-9#entry739676


The link is displayed correctly in the archived thread (Winamp 5.52 FR&US Version PRO)


I don't think it is dependant on the browser but a server issue. I'm using Firefox 43.0.3.

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haven't said what browser Version on what OS Version you are experiencing this.

I don't see this behaviour, and when pasted to the address bar, the link;
does resolve immediately correctly for me, to entry 680254 (i.e. post #287 in
that topic).

Interestingly though, I see that copying, pasting the (xx -fixed) URL;
into address bar of Firefox v28 running on XPSP3 on an i865G small desktop
connected via 100Mbps to an ADSL2 modem, returns initially page 20 of that
topic, as evidenced by seeing Page 20 of 20 for a second or so. However,
after that second or so, I see that page 20 is replaced by page 12,
displaying correctly entry 680254.
Maybe Acheron is right that it is a server (parsing) issue, except it is maybe

also dependant on your browser (could your browser be sending a somewhat

differently parsed request to the MSFN server, compared to other browsers?)

FYI, behaviour you are experiencing of being redirected to the first page
of the topic with a truncated URL, is as behaviour for this previous fault;

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jaclaz said;

(Ref Post #8 above)
"If I go to" ... [Acheron's]" "member page" and look for content I get:
Topics and posts: There have been 103 items by Acheron
Only Topics: There have been 13 items by Acheron
Only Posts:  There have been 415 items by Acheron

..."if you actuallly started 13 topics and posted in total 415 times,
you should have any of 415 "items" or 415-13=402 "items" in the latter.
I have to presume that it is some "quirk" in the way the database is
managed internally.
{Above quoting rearranged and compacted somewhat for brevity!.}

On this matter I have no IP.Board references, but rather this theory:
Using a somewhat smaller sample/example, the Content of Member dinkydi ,
we see;
Topics and posts:__ 8 items
Only Topics:_______ 7 items
Only Posts:_______ 10 items

Examining all that content, as at 12th January 2016 there are;
10 Posts total.
7 Topics started (initial post by dinkydi), of which 2 of those Topics
each contain 1 additional post by dinkydi (so 7 + 1 + 1 ) .
1 post in a topic not started by dinkydi  (so, reality check with above,
7 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 10 , agrees with the 10 Only Posts) .

Therefore it appears the enumeration of items actually works like this;
Topics and posts:__ 8 items
(sum of; Topics started by member + Posts in Topics not started by member)

Only Topics:_______ 7 items
(sum of; Topics started by member)

Only Posts:_______ 10 items
(sum of; Posts by member).

N.B. the numbers in the above items could change if any of those
items ceased to be searchable in the database. This may occur if for
example, a Topic you posted in was deleted, or posts you made were
deleted (say you accidently double posted and asked a moderator to
delete the second post).
Uhh, and of course, remember that Topics that are 'Archived'
are not searchable in the database - (well, not at MSFN and probably
most IP.Boards, although this Topic;
suggests that it may be/may have been possible to have an option
in 'Advanced Seach' on some Ip.Boards to do a separate search only
within the Archived section - depending if such IP.Board uses a
database engine capable of searching multiple indexes...).

One last point, here;
we see that dinkydi is attributed 11 active posts - more than the
10 listed above - not sure why that is, possibly that enumeration
is a singular field attached to a members profile, incremented
only upon each post by the member. If that's the case, searchable
results would have no bearing upon it (which would explain why my
equivalent profile page always shows about +6 more active posts
than my searchable content lists ...I've posted in a deleted Topic,
had some double posts removed and probably some of my post(s)

have ended up in an archive).


Addendum: There is seen currently on the MSFN webpage;


an 'Archives' heading which is clickable with this link URL;


however this merely seems to be a listing of MSFN 'general

interest' news releases.

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haven't said what browser Version on what OS Version you are experiencing this.

Sure :) and I did that by design (as I tested the behaviour with several different browsers, ultimately, before posting I made sure that the issue was on the board side).


And yes :yes:, I can confirm that right now the given links that did fail to resolve previously, do resolve correctly with the same browsers.


Whenever this board software is involved there is always some kind of unknown, unrepeatable, undocumented (or mis-documented) magic. :unsure:



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