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Looks Like 10586 is going to be the next "RTM"


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10240 was significant because it contained the digits "1024" - a number near and dear to computer geeks.


10586 has "586" in it - another number geeks will recognize - the last 3 digits of Intel's Pentium processor designation, the last before Intel stopped using number sequences that couldn't be trademarked.


People are reporting there is no desktop watermark on the 10586 pre-release build.  I don't have it myself so I can't confirm that.



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I wounder if it will have any shinny new features or just ads and spyware?


Also are you still able to run experimental builds of W10 I let my insider preview expire a long while back. I haven't had a whole lot of time to play with any new builds.

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I'm in the same boat as you - I dropped off the insider update path because of the constant disappointments.  I'm running 10240 until 10586 comes out officially.




I haven't dropped out, but I hardly ever use Windows 10 anymore. May uninstall it eventually -- I just don't trust whatever keylogging cr*p they might have put into the "free" versions they send to Insiders. (I put "free" in quotation marks because it is far from free: I've spent countless hours trying things out and sending them feedback and they can't even bring themselves to offer a "no strings attached" license in exchange.)


That said, it's been months since I've received a new version through regular channels. I'm still on 10240. Is that where the Slow ring is still supposed to be?



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I tried to get an insider build somewhere in the middle of the cycle, and it flat refused to deliver one.  All I got were the cumulative Windows Updates for 10240.  What I learned was that no one - not even on Microsoft's own forums - can tell you why.  Threads abound where people say "try this or that", and some report success while others report failure.  The system truly has exceeded human capacity to sense patterns.


Perhaps one really had to tweak something or re-sign up for the Insider program or something.  In any case, there should be a build 10586 ISO available in a few days - or ideally even a Windows Update for 10240 users - that should make the question moot.


Then we'll have to re-discover all the tweaks again.



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I am still running build 10130 lol. I attempted to update it using the the "store" method, however, it opens for a few seconds and then crashes. Hopefully this weekend I can grab the latest available build and play with it some more.

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Went ahead and used Update and keep files with 586


PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Select DisplayName, PackageName

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName

Search2 is back


They are all back including some new ones. Money, Sway

Not on my Metro but looking at All apps I can see some of them including Cortana. One drive reinstalled

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Here's what I've accomplished so far:


PS C:\TEMP> Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Select Name



PS C:\TEMP> DISM /Online /Get-ProvisionedAppxPackages

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.10586.0

Image Version: 10.0.10586.0

Getting the list of app packages (.appx or .appxbundle) in this image...

The operation completed successfully.


I am still working on getting rid of Cortana.  Again.


Oh, and the addresses to update things like the Windows Defender database all appear to have changed.



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PS C:\TEMP> Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Select Name








Are those 4 packages the only packages you have in your Windows 10 installation?

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Yes, that's the exact output from the command shown.


I can't say it works right yet, but I can log in and do stuff on the desktop.  I haven't yet quieted it down from trying to talk online, primarily I think because of Cortana.  I had her completely removed from the 10240 build.


Edit O&O Shut Up 10 tool showed a LOT of privacy settings had been reverted.



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