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Sad Story From Canada ... The Way Things Are Today


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I guess Facebook and social media do have good things that happen ... this helped the police solve this and bring some peace to the family. ... also a lot of comments at the bottom of the article link.

"Sigler said several people came forward and identified Shade as the suspect after a video camera the police had set up near the gravesite that captured a woman taking the toy was shared on social media, where it received several thousand hits."

"Sigler said several people contacted the Ontario Police Department identifying Shade as the woman in the video after it was posted on Facebook."

Woman Charged in Theft From Child's Grave

Apr. 25, 2014


ONTARIO — Ontario police have charged Frieda Kay Shade, 54, of Mansfield with stealing items from a baby's gravesite at Mansfield Memorial Park.

Detective Jon Sigler said Shade turned herself in Wednesday night, and that she explained to authorities that she took a stuffed toy animal from the grave of Hayden "Tank" Cole Sheridan because a dog was running loose in the area and she didn't want it to destroy the toy.

Sigler and Shade's attorney, Charles Robinson, said Shade will plead not guilty to one count of theft, a first-degree misdemeanor. Her court date is May 8 in Ontario.

Sigler said several people came forward and identified Shade as the suspect after a video camera the police had set up near the gravesite that captured a woman taking the toy was shared on social media, where it received several thousand hits.

"The video is there, we're not denying that. But video evidence does not show what a person is thinking. There are mitigating circumstances," Robinson said, without going into detail.

"We all have sympathy for a child who has expired. We know how hard that is, and we sympathize with that."

According to Mansfield Municipal Court records, Shade has made several appearances in court for criminal and civil charges including passing bad checks, unauthorized use of property and evictions. Shade has two open cases in Richland County Common Pleas Court Ohio in reference to state taxes.

"I have no idea yet how I feel about (the arrest). I'm kind of in shock and have had no chance to think about it," said Scott Sheridan, father of Hayden, who died in 2007.

Sheridan and his wife believe the grave has been targeted by thieves over the years; stolen items have included flowers, wreaths and toy tanks. That in turn led the Ontario Police Department to set up a surveillance camera, a kind typically used by hunters, near the gravesite in July 2012.

"They've definitely experienced enough theft over the years to make them feel that way," Sigler said of the Sheridans. "In 2012, they noticed some solar lights were gone when all the graves around had theirs."

Sigler said several people contacted the Ontario Police Department identifying Shade as the woman in the video after it was posted on Facebook.

"I don't know if we would have gotten this case solved without that. The scenario is bizarre. It's really weird," he said. But Sigler also credited the value of surveillance video to his department.

"We recognized its utility long ago and use it whenever possible. It has motion detection, night vision. It really serves a purpose," he said.

Jaclyn Sheridan said her family went to Hayden's grave on Easter and saw the stuffed toy duck was gone.

"We should be able to decorate his resting spot and leave things on his grave during the time we're allowed," she said.

Jaclyn said the video footage has shown people showing their respect at his grave, too. She said she decorates for holidays at his grave. Her son was 14 months old when he died.

Scott Sheridan said the family will continue leaving items on his son's grave.

"Oh, yeah," he said. "That way we feel we're including him even though he's passed away. We feel this is the one spot where we can do that."

Edited by monroe
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I somewhat agree with you that things left in various places ... including cemeteries could be considered fair game. People steal from churches, run through cemeteries knocking over tombstones ... sometimes breaking them into pieces and lately metal vases are being stolen from veteran graves just to sell the metal.

Since this has been an ongoing thing for these parents, I was feeling bad for them ... they still like to visit and bring something to their son's grave and someone else walks off with it.

I didn't post the story to start any serious discussions or arguments ... just thought it was sad in today's world. The woman may well walk away with a small fine or nothing ... like you said, if people leave items laying around, is it really a crime to pick it up and walk off with it. If someone goes onto someone's property and steals a child's bike or toy, then yes, I would think that would be a crime ... but a cemetery, I don't know.

It just doesn't seem like an ordinary person would do something like that ... I still walk around someone's grave out of respect instead of right over it ... but how would that person have any idea where I walk ... it's all just respect, as I see it.


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With all due respect, how would you feel if *YOU* had a dear, dear loved one die -- to be buried in a grave which you often frequented and placed gifts on -- intending for them to stay there as "treasures" for your departed loved one -- and some *jerk* came along and *stole* all of them?

Please answer, because I'm very interested in what you will have to say..

I'll make no additional response to your reply.

I'm just curious as to what you'll say.



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Interesting for I personally dont agree what so ever with what this women did to this grave site. (disrespectful on a whole new level) But if I recall right corpses aren't property so wouldnt it be no crime to steal from their sites for it wouldnt be stealing in the first place.

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I would feel angry, but then again I would never place any things on grave

as even people who put mini statues or figures from metal and meld them with obsidian

they get ripped out and stolen to be sold for X price

also its not issue of what would I feel

but what is rule of stolen on non private propery

you guys make too big issue out of this

you nag if something is stolen from grave, which NOBODY guards

yet if you'd do the same 1 block away from your house, you'd be fine with that

well boo hoo get real

1. its not YOUR private property, as you only pay for RENT of grave place

2. its only common courtesy if someone will leave your precious crap there or take it

didn't your guys parents taught "if you leave your toy and get stolen, don't cry ?"

Edited by vinifera
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Flasche, I'm not going to respond to your simply-unbelievably-incredible (to me) post that you just made.

In fact, in order not to be upset by any more posts on this thread, I'm not going to follow this topic any more.



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"1. its not YOUR private property, as you only pay for RENT of grave place"

Ummm.. Vini...

If you rent a property and someone comes onto that property and steals goods (be it yours,

or your Kins or your friends or even your dogs...)... is that theft? Of course it is.

If someone comes to a grave plot and steals something, is that theft? Of course it is.

I'm guessing you haven't had much to do with the court system in your country, much

less Canada's. Lucky you.

Edited by buyerninety
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Flasche, I'm not going to respond to your simply-unbelievably-incredible (to me) post that you just made.

In fact, in order not to be upset by any more posts on this thread, I'm not going to follow this topic any more.



Sorry if that offended you Larry, but I did some research and it is the sad truth. Here is a nice link to a video, that explains why this is, but instead of grave stealing its with taxidermy. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CDUQtwIwBQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DL6S5amkCoyc&ei=zHldU9StH-zmsASH34DwAw&usg=AFQjCNGYt1NZaP7J-V1h5dMaNOmZmGrmtw&sig2=cwLhCsOkfsMv0LbzRgJfzA Sadly there is also the case where Virgilio Cintron was wheeled to a cashing store dead by his two friends, so they can deposit his check. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/23/nyregion/23corpse.html His friends were let go from custody since they did not kill him, and because of the corpse has no/is not propery, they wernt stealling. Its the sad truth, and I dont agree with it as I stated here

I personally dont agree what so ever with what this women did to this grave site. (disrespectful on a whole new level)

Not many people have the tolerance to handle this type of insanity so I can completely understand your actions. Its just another sad thing about our world (not your actions, but the grave stealing) :(

Edited by Flasche
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why should I care about Canada

and renting does NOT make something yours

can't believe grown up person can't understand this...

and for the 3rd time, and hopefully last time, if-you-leave-something-on-non_your-property-don't-expect-it-to-be-secured

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I'm so glad, Flasche, that I stopped by to see the latest posts on this thread, because......

I got a chance to see your amazingly emotionally-sensitive, intelligent, investigative, analytical post at


This puts your post at


in an entirely different light for me

a post that I responded to -- with an incomplete understanding -- at


I went back and re-read your profile (I had read it a couple of times before)

and I'm simply amazed that you have such maturity for a 16-year old.

Please continue to be a "Seeker of Truth" as you grow older,

and, with your abilities, you will become a world leader, in whatever area you choose,

if you want to be, of course.


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I'm so glad, Flasche, that I stopped by to see the latest posts on this thread, because......

I got a chance to see your amazingly emotionally-sensitive, intelligent, investigative, analytical post at


This puts your post at


in an entirely different light for me

a post that I responded to -- with an incomplete understanding -- at


I went back and re-read your profile (I had read it a couple of times before)

and I'm simply amazed that you have such maturity for a 16-year old.

Please continue to be a "Seeker of Truth" as you grow older,

and, with your abilities, you will become a world leader, in whatever area you choose,

if you want to be, of course.


Thank you, I will continue to be a seeker of truth. I love knowledge, and am to please all.

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In your post at


you ask a very deep, fundamental question:

why should I care about Canada ?

Well, having read your very intelligent, well-thought-out, compassionate posts on this thread,

I'll try to give you my very, very short answer to your query.

I'm sure my answer won't measure up to the level of intelligence that you have shown in your posts,

but all I'm able to do is attempt to be briefly coherent.

Well, I, for one, care about Canada, and also the country -- (and planet, if you don't happen to be from Earth) -- that you're from, because *everything* is made by the spirit of universal consciousness, and *everything* is a treasure to be revered: the humans, the animals, the plants, the mountains, the oceans, etc., etc., etc.

(And I'm extremely upset, along with many, many others, about the way that "mankind" is destroying the Earth, out of ignorance, insensitivity to fellow humans, greed, and other profit-and-power-driven motives.)


Edited by larryb123456
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renting does NOT make something yours

can't believe grown up person can't understand this...

and for the 3rd time, and hopefully last time, if-you-leave-something-on-non_your-property-don't-expect-it-to-be-secured

Don't talk about grown ups until you get there.

A cemetery is not "things laying around". Even a 5 year should know.

How about someone taking the stones ...or coffins off those unguarded cemeteries? Have a barbecue in the middle of it? Please don't answer.

How about taking crops from an unguarded field? Does it even matter if the field is rented by the farmer or his own? Please don't answer.

What about you renting a house and someone gets in and go with your unguarded TV? Please don't answer.

Do you not see that securing everything has a cost to society that basic education could lower? Do you realize how much extra cost in studies is lost in something as irrelevant as the locks on the doors of every type of car that is built? Please don't answer.

There is a name for the way you're answering. Stay out this thread.

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