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How to resolve .NET Framework 4 Issue with Windows XP SP3?

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We get a message that there is a .NET Framework 4 issue with Windows XP and are unable to complete downloading and installing Windows updates. Assistance, please. We've run the repair function on the computer without correction of this problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks for the reply. We tried it and it didn't work. My wife got to the 3rd level of Microsoft support after hours of the 1st and 2nd levels tried to fix her problem and neither they nor the 3rd level support could fix it. And we are talking hours and hours of her remaining on the phone while they remotely worked on her computer. Last evening, they said they couldn't do it and actually offered to return her $99 bucks, but she refused since they had spent so much time and effort over several days and had multiple techs working on it.

I've learned, as Robert Heinlein wrote, "Another secret for a happy marriage is to allow her to have her own desk and then keep your hands off of it!" to be true with computers. It is not until she asks that I will fix it. And having fixed several similar problems with Windows XP and XP Pro systems, I believe I can do it. But you can bet your boots the data will be backed up onto an external HDD first!!

tlcmd (aka Dick)

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Windows Updates, but the .NET4 was corrupted in some way and even though we tried repariing itand reinstalling it, it didn't work. After the Christmas rush is over, I'll fix it.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...

There is an issue with .NET 4 when used with XP MCE.

It is related to the scheduled Program Guide database downloads.

MS has decided not to fix this issue.




There are some work-arounds, none of which are fully satisfactory.

If you don't use the MC Program Guide, there shouldn't be an issue.

Not using it is probably the simplest solution.

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