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Oldest computer os that you own

what the oldest OS you have running on one of your computers?  

110 members have voted

  1. 1. what the oldest OS you have running on one of your computers?

    • Windows XP
    • Windows Millenium
    • Windows NT
    • Windows 98
    • Windows 95
    • Windows 3.1
    • Other version

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Just wondering how many of us are still in the stone age, im still running 2 windows 95 machines!!!

*Make sure your still using the machine also, those old computers in the closet dont count :). neither does virtual pc. this is the main OS.


I keep a dos 3 machine around to play those old games that just don't run any other way, or you can't play because the new system is to fast to even see things move.


My dad STILL has a working, IBM XT clone! MS-DOS 3.30, no windows. He still uses it for writing out letters and some number-crunching (taxes? anyone?) with AS-EASY-AS (shareware). He still has an Epson FX-286e printer (he re-inks his cartridges himself). So I guess he has the oldest PC! He mostly uses his Pentium 4-1Ghz PC (Windows 98!!! ) but still uses the old "frankie" PC for simple stuff. It boots to command prompt in less than 30 seconds!. hehehe :)

A year ago I still had a working 386-DX-40 Mhz MoBo, but since I bought my current PC a 960 Mhz Pentium III PC with 256 MB RAM and 80GB HD, I kinda "donated" it to one of my cousins who's in a vocational school.

Everytime I see my dad working in the old PC, I joke him about donating it to the Smithsonian or to an antique shop. :rolleyes:


Well, I've got a P1 box running 98SE as a winamp player downstairs, but technically the oldest os I use on a (ok, semi-) regular basis is ZX Basic on my faithful old Sinclair Spectrum (48k, of course :rolleyes: ) And for anyone who remembers them, the reason is 3fold - 1) the feel of that keyboard, with its easy to see commands printed on, 2) one of my all time fave games, iD and 3) pure nostalgia. And of course for the fact that when it crashes, a flick of the switch and it resets in about 2 seconds. Beat that, microsoft :)

NT 4 Machines at work, damned US government is so far behind!

You really believe that! I work at an university, and they still have PCs with Windows 3.0 !!!! The previous university I worked with had PCs with DOS 3.0!

And they wonder why students "hack" their PCs all the time. :)

p.d.: Not the whole campus, but some departments are somewhat cheap-minded and they want to "squeeze" the maximum life of their systems. Try to explain "technology development" to those guys!

:D Still using a :afro: 286 laptop for network trouble-shooting calls. Also use dial-up and Apache web browser :rolleyes: for DOS when I can not get on my computer at home. Finally upgraded the DOS from Zenith 2.1 to MSDOS 6.22 and Windows 3.0 for some of the older games that I still own. :)

why do people still use 95

I am suprised at the level of use of this OS . the poll even states a high percentage when i voted

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