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Shooting yourself in the foot~


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I haven't looked at ms's server for the last 5 hours. but I've a mirror up.

if anyone's interested in alternative location here it is


its my home server so pls don't kill it, be nice to it :rolleyes:

it doesn't support ssl for now, if anyone cannot reach the server, contact me..

Edited by XtremeMaC
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No problem man, I am working on slipping it in to my network share so I can build a new WinPE recovery CD.

Spheris if you are reading this can you suggest to them to incorporate a way to turnoff the windows security alerts. I amcurrently looking for the Reg entry to try it that way.

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Ok I found it in the registry, but when I disabled it it killed the V5 update site my installs failed. So if you want to disable it is in HKLM/SOFTWARE/MICROSOFT/SECURITY CENTER <-- this is the monitoring what it display in the security center.


I changed them all from 0 to 1 but this also killed the installing of windows V5 updates, so my guess is for now just hide it always and see if Microsoft allows us to turn it off in RC2 or the RTM.

Here is a pic of it in the registry:


Edited by likuidkewl
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i would personally like an option to not have it install at all....

like through one of the component lists or something.

I don't see why i should waiste resources on something like that, when I have it all intalled anyways. Pitty SP2 used a bit more resources then SP1.

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i agree with u all about the security center (it looks fancy though :))

most users like us don't like it. and either check wu often or do some stuff else to prevent from security holes and etc..

now I see ms has been working on setting things on default (like firewall) mostly because there are many uneducated ppl (u all know what i mean, computer wise) that don't know what the heck is going on. they don't press any buttons unless someone shows them how to.

so if the wu was turned off they wouldn't even turn it on. same goes for firewall..

but I agree that at least it could be like the way it was in sp1 so enable it by default but give an option to totally disable it without removing totally removing it.

i'd love to report some bugs but i'm not a sp2 beta tester nor I have a guest id or anything.

i've reported some minor stuff in sp2 bugs thread in here msfn. like driver ignore policy not working and etc. (its been very stable otherwise)(i think i'd have helped more if i had latest hardware.. but no :cry: )

1 other thing i doubt this but maybe its not allowed to disable since its on beta? maybe they'll make it removeable in rtm? they maybe wanted to make sure that wu beta updates were installed on every sp2 machine.

i don't know, insider help pls?

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