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problems with IE8-WindowsXP-KB2817183-x86-ENU

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Posted (edited)

Problem occurs guys!

I'm using -X-'s update pack WITH IE8 and his fixes.

Hotfix IE8-WindowsXP-KB2817183-x86-ENU won't slipstream into setup.

I've downloaded PURE/CLEAN Windows XP (VL) setup since my product key is VLK.

Slipstreamed first SP2 than SP3.

Within -X-'s hotfixes and updates, I'm using few more from WinCert forums, OnePiece's addons and few extra fixes from MS.

KB942288 v3




DirectX 9.0c Runtimes Addon;

.Net FX 1.1 + hotfixes addon;

.Net FX 3.5 + hotfixes addon;

VC+VB Runtimes + Legacy Runtimes.

I'll provide you a link if u want for those "extra" addons.

And BTW, IE 8 won't work as it should be....as IE6. Ie6 without a problem goes to MS Update webpage and showes me updates.

IE8 take time to check for updates on MS site.


I have used only your (-X-'s) update pack with old hotfixes and updates for IE6 instead IE8 and WITHOUT mine (additional) addons: .NET, DirectX etc.

Everything is OK.

P.S. I've replaced DotNET 3.5 with 2.0 due to a longer installation of XP (20 minutes more than usual).

Problem is next:

Some of my additional addons are making problem! WHICH ONE???




OnePiece .NET v1.1

OnePiece .NET v2.0


Visual c++ 2005 SP1 v8.0.50727.6229

Visual c++ 2008 SP1 v9.0.30729.7497

Visual c++ 2010 SP1 v10.0.40219.436


Visual c++ 2012 ATL v11.0.51106.1


Microsoft Legacy Runtimes

Legacy Microsoft VB and VC Runtimes completing the VC8+9+10 Addons

Contains: VC1, VB1-4 and VC7 runtimes

Native in XP: VB5-VB6 and VC2-VC6


Bolded links just copy into address bar of your browser!

P.S. I've just checked MS Update Webpage and it reports me this.


It is very interesting that Windows Installer 4.5 IS AN OPTIONAL UPDATE and still not offered by MS.

OK, .NETs are understandeable offered....

What's with the root cert from December???

I thought that December one was "outdated" and the new certificates are in january Release.


Edited by Yzöwl

Posted (edited)

-X- does NOT provide "Optional Updates" and that was SPECIFICALLY STATED in the OTHER "How to Integrate" Topic. You have not been paying attention.

Now, as for that pesky "IE8 Update" - did you FIRST do the "How To Integrate" EXACTLY as I said and NOTHING ELSE to test whether the PROBLEM was the EXTRAS you added in (that I did NOT address in the Other Topic)?

START with the "BASICS" and THEN add AFTERWARDS! DO NOT BOTHER with SP2 - My Topic INCLUDED the SP3, did it not? :yes:

Downloading the "extras" now. Are you integrating them in the correct order? (will check your LastSession.)

P.S. -

Downloaded a VL - really? Are you SURE it's "clean"?

And... DOWNLOADED? REALLY??? :ph34r:

edit -

Found your problem, Slick! You ignored the ORIGINAL instructions about SORT ORDER! Congratulations for not reading the instructions. :whistle::thumbup

Do it ALL OVER again, and do EXACTLY as stated in Other Topic, THEN one-by-one add the "real" Add-On's AFTERWARD. Order IS important! :yes:

I haven't tried the OTHER files DIRECTLY from MS that you tried to "add" but they MAY not be able to Integrate directly. ;)

Edited by submix8c
Posted (edited)

-X- does NOT provide "Optional Updates" and that was SPECIFICALLY STATED in the OTHER "How to Integrate" Topic. You have not been paying attention.

I know that. Just asking myself.

DO NOT BOTHER with SP2 - My Topic INCLUDED the SP3, did it not? :yes:

You can's slip SP3 onto CLEAN XP!

Well at least I didn't try and MS said that you need at least SP1 to slip SP3 onto XP.

Downloading the "extras" now. Are you integrating them in the correct order? (will check your LastSession.)

Are u kidding me???

For a five years I'm listening about ORDER of hotfixes and that the order is not important.

P.S. -

Downloaded a VL - really? Are you SURE it's "clean"?

And... DOWNLOADED? REALLY??? :ph34r:

Well yeah!

My LEGAL VLK works only with VL Windows.

Actually, I have downloaded Windows RTM Retail, OEM and VL.

I've tried all of them and my product code works only with VL version (no yellow "sticker" during setup with 25 digits (x)).

edit -

Found your problem, Slick! You ignored the ORIGINAL instructions about SORT ORDER! Congratulations for not reading the instructions. :whistle::thumbup

Do it ALL OVER again, and do EXACTLY as stated in Other Topic, THEN one-by-one add the "real" Add-On's AFTERWARD. Order IS important! :yes:

I haven't tried the OTHER files DIRECTLY from MS that you tried to "add" but they MAY not be able to Integrate directly. ;)

Yes well..... Mister -X- told me few times before that ORDER is not important....and that I should put ALL OF MY and HIS addons into one slipstream process.

But that was long ago...maybe he wasn't aware of the ORDER....nevermind.

Oh yes!

Just to think of it....I don't even need IE.

I'm using it only for update of Windows so...I'll stay on IE6.

And in "my eyes" WMP 9 is far better than WMP 11. :D

Just tell me once more.....

1st slipstream I should use only files from -X- package??? And sort them BY BUILD DATE???

And then what?

Put the rest of the addons into 2nd slipstream process???

DX, .NET and other KB's???

And sorting order (I GUESS) is not important for them???

Oh yes, can REMOVE some of the Windows components?

Is it safe to remove MSN, Windows Messenger, Internet Games and similar cr*p from Windows???

And should I remove them BEFORE or AFTER slipping???

Edited by Killjoy
Posted (edited)

OK fine, REMOVE the IE8 files from -X- Updates. IGNORE WMP11. YOU are responsible for the IE6 Updates as -X- has made them "Obsolete".

ADD all -X- Updates and SORT them. THEN add YOUR files.

How in the WORLD can nLite Slip Updates to an Add-On that has NOT YET BEEN SLIPPED?

1 - Include an Add-On

2 - NOW include an Add-On fix so nLite can OVERLAY the ORIGINALS

See? Order is Important...

Footnote #9 -


The SAME goes for the IE8 - it MUST be slipped first BEFORE the IE8 Fixes - THAT is why I gave the Tutorial Instructions, OK? Understand? Verstehen Sie? Got it?

Again, ignore instructions and it's on you, not the Tutor. ;):yes:

EDIT! NO NO NO!!! Do NOT do any of this in SEPARATE RUNS! It must be done ALL AT ONCE! You did NOT read the FAQ, did you? :no:

Front of nLite Subforum - FAQ, Reference, DoNotRemove STICKIES!


BIG GIANT P.S. - MS said you can't INSTALL the Service Pack on a RUNNING system, that does NOT include Slipstreaming!


System requirements

Supported operating systems: Windows XP Home Edition , Windows XP Professional Edition, Windows XP Service Pack 1, Windows XP Service Pack 2



In order to install SP3
See? a RUNNING XP. :yes: Edited by submix8c

You can's slip SP3 onto CLEAN XP!

Well at least I didn't try and MS said that you need at least SP1 to slip SP3 onto XP.

This is a long established misunderstanding. You need to have at least SP1 installed already to install SP3 onto a running, live system. SP3 can be slipstreamed directly onto any version of XP. To repeat, when slipstreaming SP3, NO previous SP is required, or recommended.

P.S. -

Downloaded a VL - really? Are you SURE it's "clean"?

And... DOWNLOADED? REALLY??? :ph34r:

Well yeah!

My LEGAL VLK works only with VL Windows.

Actually, I have downloaded Windows RTM Retail, OEM and VL.

I've tried all of them and my product code works only with VL version (no yellow "sticker" during setup with 25 digits (x)).

While I won't argue that your VLK key works with your downloaded VL ISO, unless you have a TechNet subscription and downloaded the ISO directly from MS, your ISO is considered warez, ie not obtained from an authorized source in a lawful and authorized manner. So please make no more mention of it at all on this forum. Mentioning it further or discussing it will risk you being banned. And as submix8c reminded you. if you did obtain a VL ISO from anywhere other than directly from MS, unless its MD5 hash matches those from TechNet, just because your key works does not mean that your source is clean with no surprises lurking.

Cheers and Regards


OK fine, REMOVE the IE8 files from -X- Updates. IGNORE WMP11. YOU are responsible for the IE6 Updates as -X- has made them "Obsolete".

If u agree, whole XP is almost obsolete, not only IE6.

We all using Firefox or Chrome....maybe Opera.

ADD all -X- Updates and SORT them. THEN add YOUR files.

How in the WORLD can nLite Slip Updates to an Add-On that has NOT YET BEEN SLIPPED?

1 - Include an Add-On

2 - NOW include an Add-On fix so nLite can OVERLAY the ORIGINALS

See? Order is Important...

That make sense.

Verstehen Sie?

Jawohl mein Führer. :D

BIG GIANT P.S. - MS said you can't INSTALL the Service Pack on a RUNNING system, that does NOT include Slipstreaming!

Well I didn't know that! My mistake.

While I won't argue that your VLK key works with your downloaded VL ISO, unless you have a TechNet subscription and downloaded the ISO directly from MS, your ISO is considered warez, ie not obtained from an authorized source in a lawful and authorized manner. So please make no more mention of it at all on this forum. Mentioning it further or discussing it will risk you being banned. And as submix8c reminded you. if you did obtain a VL ISO from anywhere other than directly from MS, unless its MD5 hash matches those from TechNet, just because your key works does not mean that your source is clean with no surprises lurking.

Cheers and Regards


I've downloaded ISO just in puposes of testing not piracy or something. I couldn't do something like that to my company.

I'm loyal as puppy.

Windows from my company is bought with SP2 already on it.

I just want to try CLEAN Windows + SP3 + hotfixes.

Posted (edited)

Reminder #2 - If you are doing this for your COMPANY you are violating the nLite EULA as well. Better read those Stickies, Bubba!

BTW, your arguments are becoming circular - you first wanted IE8 and WMP11. AND you were slipstreaming ALL of the SP's -



I don't think I'll help anymore. You're on your own... :(

Edited by submix8c
Posted (edited)
I've downloaded ISO just in puposes of testing not piracy or something

Doesn't matter, still not legal. Best to no longer mention.

EDIT: +1 what submix8c said about nLite EULA.

[Not to be a killjoy, but ... :) (Sorry, just couldn't resist!) ]

Cheers and Regards

Edited by bphlpt

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