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(Solved) DXUPAC issues (.NET framework and CCleaner)


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First the easy one. I'm trying to make the Spanish Addon for CCleaner with DXUPAC addon maker, but it doesn't show Spanish language as an option, did they forget or is CCleaner in Spanish not possible?

Then I searched around but couldn't find a method to make my own .net framework addons with the program. They don't show as available. Is there a way to slipstream net framework (they take more than hour in a OS install), and is there any updated hotfix list?


Edited by Dogway
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.NET Framework: http://www.ryanvm.ne...opic.php?t=8316

Updated hotfix list for what?

For CCleaner, I saw no way to make a Spanish add-on. You are better off using the portable version, http://www.piriform....wnload/portable . Set the language then either use the $OEM$ folders( $OEM$\$Progs\CCleaner) or package it in a WinRAR SFX and run it from GUIRunOnce.

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From -X- link to Ryanvm -

.net x.x SPx full (includes all public GDR updates):
Already integrated in AddOn. Also
optional QFE updates addon for .net 3.5 SP1 full GDR addon only


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CCleaner that will set Spanish as the default language if you integrate into Spanish XP http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/327-addon-ccleaner-v3271900-international/

dotNET framework 4/5 in one with Spanish language pack http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/4549-svcpack-net-framework-45eu-v225-espa%C3%B1ol/

You can find these and more, even a Spanish XP updatepack here

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@submix8c: hello, I don't understand what you mean in your post. The link effectively takes me to the ENU addon. I need either an updated ESN net framework addon, a net framework addon maker or slipstreamer (so I can make my ESN addon). Besides that, I also ask for an updated net framework hotfix list.

@ricktendo: Thanks!! CCleaner looks fine, now I can avoid the annoying popup install dialog. dotnet 4/5 framework, you mean 4.5? in any case it reads: "1.1sp1, 2.0sp2, 3.0sp2, 3.5sp1, 4.0full", so it installs all that, I'm only interested on 2, 3, and 3.5. Now, your integration is done at T13, meaning I'm not saving any time compared to my old way of install at first boot. Is it always true that Addon = Install @ T13?

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Krud! accidentally exited the screen -

There are apparently Language Packs AND ESN Downloads available (depending on Version).

These are the Full Versions you want -







You COULD take a look inside the ENU Add-Ons and change/create accordingly. AFAIK, they don't actually "integrate" per-se but get put into SVCPACK folder during nLite. (Checking that out now)

As for the Hotfixes, just find the corresponding KB# ENU Downloads and change the Language then download. (Again, checking the Add-On now...)

edit - True Add-On - still checking it out...

edit2 - Hmmm, nope, complete repack for direct injection along with an Add/Remove entry. :(

edit3 - Hmmm AGAIN! According to this -


Hi RMF,I used it in my xp spanish cd and its work fine.You can use it.There is no error.thanks


Per your initial question (to keep things connected) -



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submix8c, yes I already have all the packs and hotfixes downloaded.

Check this last post of mine.

I'm just trying to get the thing updated, and along the way asking for a solution to the never ending .net framework installation (takes more time than the OS itself).

Isn't there any way integrate them into the OS and avoid the .net installation all around?

Thanks for taking a look at them, your solutions are way over my head. I always thought thee should be an inf containing all the integrated hotfixes, but never knows where to look, never found.

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Hmmm - jumped the gun - see previous post. (and also Kel's). I haven't used it, so I'm really unsure if it really cares what language you create it (DotNET) in?

And to clarify - the "True Addon" (ENU) is the Initial Package plus Updates, by which all are put into a single CAB. That single CAB ins inserted into ANOTHER CAB along with a specialized "INF" for all of the components inside the FIRST CAB and an nLite INI file for insertion. The FIRST cab also has an (apparently) modified MSI to take into consideration all of the FILES inside it. In addition, it APPEARS that it is may NOT a Direct Injection. :unsure:

From the INF


netfx20_x86.msi, , ,32







netfx20.cab = 100,,,,,,_x,,3,3

netfx20.inf = 100,,,,,,,20,0,0

Appears that these are placed WITHIN the Install (I386) and used accordingly (allowing for install/uninstall), thus NOT Directly Integrated.

So... choose your poison - you may as well create a CMD and put in the RunOnce.

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Yes, currently that's how I'm installing it, via CMD. Guess that if no other way is gonna cut the times off then I'll be keeping this method. I believe I had this same conclusion at one point, deja vu.

Still I'm trying to figure what are the latest updates for .net framework since my last revision.

Thanks for the help submix8c!

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I don't need links, I need information about current needed hotfixes.

I can't tell if my list still stand true up to this day. More than half a year has passed and many hotfixes could be added or superseded.

There is not any updated hotfix list similar to -X-'s for XP and IE8.

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