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Sercurity-SPP Event 16385 Error Code 0x80041316


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Are you using one of the pre-release versions of Windows 8?

I think I installed with a trial version or RTM version. not sure, then entered the upgrade key. I had to call MS to get it to activate. I also installed MCE.


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// MessageText:
// The task XML contains an unexpected node.

so the scheduled task file in C:\Windows\System32\Tasks seams to be damaged.

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Post the actual event log for this error. You can obfusicate any computer or user names if needed.

Is this the right info?

Log Name:      Application
Source: Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP
Date: 12/3/2012 11:49:32 AM
Event ID: 16385
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: Mark-Z77
Failed to schedule Software Protection service for re-start at 2112-11-09T19:49:32Z. Error Code: 0x80041316.
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
<Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP" Guid="{E23B33B0-C8C9-472C-A5F9-F2BDFEA0F156}" EventSourceName="Software Protection Platform Service" />
<EventID Qualifiers="49152">16385</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2012-12-03T19:49:32.000000000Z" />
<Correlation />
<Execution ProcessID="0" ThreadID="0" />
<Security />

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// MessageText:
// The task XML contains an unexpected node.

so the scheduled task file in C:\Windows\System32\Tasks seams to be damaged.

If this is the problem, how do I fix it, if it's fixable? There are a few files and folders including an adobe file.

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This started happening about the time I registered it through a call to MS. I got an error saying it was already registered and had to call it in.

Is there something I can do. I think I found an article one tie about delete some scheduling file and it was suppose to create a new one and fix this issue, but it still does it constantly every 30 seconds the computer is running. even in sleep mode it wakes up occasionally.

Thanks for any help


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OK, I first upgraded my OCZ Vertex 3 firmware to 2.25 and test and still same issues.

I then upgrade all my SSDs firmware to 2.25 and clone this drive to another and test. Well, Acronis True Image Home 2012 won't work in windows 8 at all, it says wrong OS before install begins.

I then decided to install windows 7 on a secondary drive (after disconnecting all drives) and install ATIH 2012 then shut down and connect my offending SSD and boot up and clone the SSD without issues.

I boot the cloned drive and weird things happens. I go online and firefox seems to lose all plugins, but firefox says they are installed and up to date. also I still get the same error.

I boot back to my original SSD and all if fine. I then boot to my win7 7 ssd and it runs chkdsk on all of my disk and it starts giving me tons of,"Replacing invalid security id with default security id for file ####" over and over tens of thousands of times (at least 5 minutes maybe 10 minutes worth). I then boot to the original drive and it seems fine until I go to the desktop and it errors out on the desktop and only lets me on the metro page with limited apps as most apps want to go to the desktop.

This is becoming extremely bizzare! I've actually got this security before during win8 beta and stopped using it as it was randomly killing my hdd/ssd partitions or wiping them all out completely.

as far as I can tell, it happens when booting with windows 7 only. It seems it thinks the win8 partitions are invalid. But not always. It usually happens on fresh installs or when windows update runs.

Not sure what to do next.


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Just found this thread when trying to fix a very similar problem.

I had three tasks that were complaining that "The task XML contains an unexpected node" when running the Windows 8 Task Scheduler.

One of the tasks was also generating huge numbers of errors in the Windows event logs, which is why I investigated the problem in the first place.

I fixed it by just re-importing the tasks from the Windows installation CD, as has been suggested I see.

I guess the originals must have got corrupted somehow, and it is the fix.

Longtime on MSFN, but my first post in the Windows 8 forum.

I've only just got Windows 8 on my new second machine, and never had Vista or Seven, only XP and 98, so it's been a bit of a steep learning curve!


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Hi Mark!

You do need access to the "install.wim" file on a Windows 8 CD, or another source.

MS seem to have abandoned CAB files in favour of this, which I didn't know not having used anything later than XP!

This compressed file seems to contain the Windows system files.

It can be opened with 7-Zip, at least that's what I used, just Google for it, it's free.

Note that you will need version 9.30 of 7-Zip though, which is an Alpha version, but seems OK.

I couldn't open the .wim file with the current release version, 9.20.

There were a couple of error messages when I opened the file in 7-zip, but it all seemed to still work OK.

Open the Windows 8 Task Scheduler, and identify the faulty tasks from the error messages.

Make a note of their names.

Look in the Windows\System32\tasks folders on your machine and find and delete the files that correspond to the faulty tasks, whichever sub-folder they are in.

Make a note of the names and which folder each one was in, to make sure you put the replacements in the right folder!

Then reboot and go back to Task Scheduler. There should now be no error messages.

Go to Windows\System32\tasks folder in the install.wim file using 7-Zip, and browse for the task files you want to replace.

Use 7-Zip to copy them to your desktop.

Now you need to replace the files with the good ones.

The vital thing to do is that you must put an ".xml" extension on the new files, or Task Scheduler won't import them!

The extracted versions on your desktop won't have any file extensions at all, so you'll need to add them.

Once you've done that, go back to Task Scheduler, and look for the folder(s) in the tasks library where you want the files to go.

When you have the folder open, right click and select "import".

Import the appropriate file from your desktop.

Its parameters window should open, and just click OK.

It should appear in the list, but the entry will look very sparse.

This should come good when you re-boot.

I did mine one at a time for safety, re-booting each time I added one.

Fortunately I only had four to do!

Once you've done that, the entries should be complete again, and no error messages!

I'm off to bed.

Good luck!

Cheers, Dave.


Edited by Dave-H
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